2020 U.S. Senate Races

the two senators have positioned themselves as donald loyalists. They are attached to him, despite what some may think. Yes this is about the senate. American can not have Mitch McConnell hinder things for another 4 years.

Oh yes we can, especially with that communist Harris running Things.
Guys, I am printing ballots for the Georgia run offs. I have run out of names. Please provide some names that I can use to print at least 2,000 more ballots. I've used John Barron, John Miller, Carolin Gallego, and David Dennison. Any help will be appreciated.
Guys, I am printing ballots for the Georgia run offs. I have run out of names. Please provide some names that I can use to print at least 2,000 more ballots. I've used John Barron, John Miller, Carolin Gallego, and David Dennison. Any help will be appreciated.
Pierre Delecto

I got my place in Dade County and rolling out ballots by the truckload, I stopped counting at 200k.

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