2020 U.S. Senate Races

"The government gives [black people] the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law, and then wants us to sing God Bless America. No, no, no," Wright said. "Not ‘God bless America.’ damn America. That's in the Bible, for killing innocent people."

Hmmm, I can't put my finger on it but it seems someone running for some office was instrumental in the things the right Rev was condemning.
Oh, I'm well aware. Even the .mil got on the "green" kick a long time ago with that. Problem is they replaced lead with selenium sulfide in those eco-friendly rounds
Isnt that what Putin uses to flavor the tea for guests he doesnt like
How do you feel about picture ID requirements to vote? How about saying mail voting isn't allowed since we are talking about mail access to ammo and parts not being allowed?

BTW, there are already plenty of restrictions on 2A
A ballot never killed anyone.
I can’t wait for the rush to denounce him and publicly shame him for this . Oh wait wrong party , never mind .
Yeah, Republicans never denounce or publicly shame anyone. Lol. That's all your supreme leader has been doing for the last 4+ years when someone hurts his little feelings.
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Senator-elect, Tommy Tuberville (R - AL), flunks Civics 101:

The Question from a Reporter: "Republicans are going to have to work with Democrats. You see that being possibly a more productive situation?"

Senator-Elect Tommy Tuberville's Answer: "I don't care if you're a Republican or a Democrat. Our government wasn't set up for one group to have all three branches of government. It wasn't set up that way. Our three branches, the House, the Senate and the Executive."

The funny thing is, the reporter didn't correct him. The press pool he was speaking to, just stood quietly and tried not to laugh at him.

Ahem, Tommy...

  1. LEGISLATIVE: Makes laws (includes Congress, compromised of both the House of Representatives and the Senate). *This is your branch, Coach!
  2. EXECUTIVE: Carries out laws (includes the President and the Vice President of the United States, the cabinet, and most federal agencies).
  3. JUDICIAL: Evaluates laws (includes the Supreme Court and other courts)
As hard as it is to believe, he is.

Based on his posting history alone, he's the dumbest attorney who posts here.

That's quite a distinction, considering the amount of competition.

It's just further evidence that we have far too damn many lawyers in this country
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If I was as clueless on a subject as you are with firearms I would avoid it like the plague. Strange that you seem to crave the embarrassment
Don’t feel bad, he also said no one but trump ever lost the popular vote twice and he was clueless on that too. Why are educators so uneducated?
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Only if you believe the government has never been responsible for murdering it's own citizens.

Hell we ( as a nation ) voted for people that allowed our Secret squirrel agencies and our military to conduct open air bio weapons testing on populated cities in this country without our knowledge. The really scary part is it wasn’t stopped until Nixon outlawed it . That’s not been that long ago .
Hell we ( as a nation ) voted for people that allowed our Secret squirrel agencies and our military to conduct open air bio weapons testing on populated cities in this country without our knowledge. The really scary part is it wasn’t stopped until Nixon outlawed it . That’s not been that long ago .
Depending on where you fall on the thought you can look at governors doing too much/too little on Covid for recent examples.
Depending on where you fall on the thought you can look at governors doing too much/too little on Covid for recent examples.

If you put the deaths from Covid on the POTUS then you have to continue down that line of reasoning and count the deaths from suicide, domestic abuse , mental instability from a lack of social interaction, job losses , poverty , lack of nutrition, a regression in our kids learning , etc, etc, etc.. on the Governors that are shutting down their states and the people who voted for them . I once heard a man say that elections have consequences. That should go down as one of the wiser saying in history , when talking about a society that chooses it politicians by a voting process .

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