2020 U.S. Senate Races

The feeleees on this guy are amazing. Can you imagine a lawyer being so mentally weak that he would resort to calling an anonymous guy names and feel the need to prove something to them.

Simply amazing

He's trolling you all. He informed us a while back that the bn stood for "Bachelor of Nursing."
If he's a lawyer, I'm an exotic male dancer.
Warnock: U.S. Senators ‘Gangsters and Thugs’ Who Aimed to ‘Kill Children’

Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock described members of the U.S. Senate as "gangsters and thugs" whose votes for a 2017 tax cut exposed their willingness to "kill children."

The remarks, which have not previously been reported, may provide another opening for Warnock's Republican opponent, Sen. Kelly Loeffler, who has worked to portray him as a "radical liberal." Warnock, a pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, has come under fire for other controversial statements, including his praise for Rev. Jeremiah Wright's "damn America" speech, his condemnation of Israel, which he likened to apartheid South Africa, and his claim that "America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness."

Warnock: U.S. Senators 'Gangsters and Thugs' Who Aimed to 'Kill Children' - Washington Free Beacon
Warnock: U.S. Senators ‘Gangsters and Thugs’ Who Aimed to ‘Kill Children’

Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock described members of the U.S. Senate as "gangsters and thugs" whose votes for a 2017 tax cut exposed their willingness to "kill children."

The remarks, which have not previously been reported, may provide another opening for Warnock's Republican opponent, Sen. Kelly Loeffler, who has worked to portray him as a "radical liberal." Warnock, a pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, has come under fire for other controversial statements, including his praise for Rev. Jeremiah Wright's "damn America" speech, his condemnation of Israel, which he likened to apartheid South Africa, and his claim that "America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness."

Warnock: U.S. Senators 'Gangsters and Thugs' Who Aimed to 'Kill Children' - Washington Free Beacon
And this is the party many here want to have full control of the government
I don't doubt this at all. This obese gap tooth idiot has destroyed politics in GA maybe forever. Once again a dem admits cheating
Serious question, what positions do you prefer Raphael Warnock as a canidate.
Criminal Justice reform, Reproductive Rights, Education, Voting Rights, Health Care, and the Economy. The bolded are the main things for me. I support all of his positions.
Criminal Justice reform, Reproductive Rights, Education, Voting Rights, Health Care, and the Economy. The bolded are the main things for me. I support all of his positions.

You mean you support the status quo on everything listed except the economy? You want a recession?

Dems have held the WH and both houses how many times over the last 30 years and what have they done about any of that except healthcare? That is the one thing the did take on and ****ed it up royally.

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