2020 U.S. Senate Races

Letter from a republican congressman leaving the party

READ: Rep. Paul Mitchell's letter quitting the GOP, fearing 'long-term harm to our democracy' with its support for Trump's actions - CNNPolitics

Dear Chairwoman McDaniel and Leader McCarthy:
The weeks since the 2020 General Election have been traumatic for many in our nation, both voters and those of us who took an oath to serve this nation.
As you well know, my voting record in Congress over the past two terms has been in line with President Trump and the administration's policies more than 95 percent of the time. Further, I voted for President Trump in the 2020 General Election despite some reservations about four more years under his leadership.

You should read the whole thing.................

Cool, another seat the Rs will pick up in the 2022 mid terms.
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The party will be so split by that point, you will lose seats.
Please let it continue to be Trumpers vs anti-Trumpers.

90-95% of Republicans approval rating of Trump. Gonna be the thorn that you gave Trump, so no kumbaya.
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It’s more wishful to think people will be beholden to a defeated President in 2 years. Midterms aren’t kind to first term Presidents.
Usually there is a wave with the presidential election. The cycle is off.
You mean you support the status quo on everything listed except the economy? You want a recession?

Dems have held the WH and both houses how many times over the last 30 years and what have they done about any of that except healthcare? That is the one thing the did take on and ****ed it up royally.

Gatorcommunistinga isnt too bright

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