2020 U.S. Senate Races

Warnock: U.S. Senators ‘Gangsters and Thugs’ Who Aimed to ‘Kill Children’

Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock described members of the U.S. Senate as "gangsters and thugs" whose votes for a 2017 tax cut exposed their willingness to "kill children."

The remarks, which have not previously been reported, may provide another opening for Warnock's Republican opponent, Sen. Kelly Loeffler, who has worked to portray him as a "radical liberal." Warnock, a pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, has come under fire for other controversial statements, including his praise for Rev. Jeremiah Wright's "damn America" speech, his condemnation of Israel, which he likened to apartheid South Africa, and his claim that "America needs to repent for its worship of whiteness."

Warnock: U.S. Senators 'Gangsters and Thugs' Who Aimed to 'Kill Children' - Washington Free Beacon

This so called "pastor" has lied about the Bible and Christ, so he's not going to have an issue lying about politics.
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That cycle is pretty reliable. The party opposite the sitting President has gained House seats just 4 times in the last 140 years.
I was saying the dems didn't have the 2020 gains that would be expected with such a landslide presidential win.
I was saying the dems didn't have the 2020 gains that would be expected with such a landslide presidential win.
I get that, and you’re absolutely right that Biden didn’t have coattails, but the sitting President dynamic and reapportionment are going to still make it difficult in the House for Democrats.
He doesn't have to lie, the radical voters love his radical agenda
You sound like Kelly Loeffler. Who taught you all the buzz word Radical? I mean wanting someone to have access to healthcare is so radical other industrialized nations do it for free.
You sound like Kelly Loeffler. Who taught you all the buzz word Radical? I mean wanting someone to have access to healthcare is so radical other industrialized nations do it for free.
Everyone has healthcare. I am not ok with paying for lazy people's health insurance
There are a lot of working people that don't have health insurance for a number of reasons. Can't afford it....pre-existing conditions.
It's about choices. They can't be denied and if they truly can't afford them it's subsidized or even provided without charge
Most don't mind paying $250 for cell phone bills and $200 for cable but want other people to pay for their health insurance. I'm out on that
I agree with you on that, but I would rather people have ACCESS to healthcare as opposed going to the Emergency room to get treated, and the costs being passed on to the public.
If they’re fat, diabetic smokers, the taxpayers shouldn’t be on the hook for their healthcare.
You know everyone that is diabetic is not fat or a smoker. Smoking is a choice, drinking is a choice, being born with a physical ailment is not. It is better to have preventative care as opposed to care after the fact.
Do you have this same opposition to politicians receiving lifetime healthcare?
There are a lot of working people that don't have health insurance for a number of reasons. Can't afford it....pre-existing conditions.

Pre-exsisting conditions is not the case since ACA did away with insurance companies being able to exclude them. AND the vast majority of people without HI is due to personal choices.
You know everyone that is diabetic is not fat or a smoker. Smoking is a choice, drinking is a choice, being born with a physical ailment is not. It is better to have preventative care as opposed to care after the fact.
Do you have this same opposition to politicians receiving lifetime healthcare?
Anyone with type 2 is likely not in the best of health

Personally I oppose politician being a viable career choice. Remove that and many of our issues go away
There are a lot of working people that don't have health insurance for a number of reasons. Can't afford it....pre-existing conditions.
Government red tape, government programs that have taught them not to apply themselves, government choosing winners and losers amongst insurance carriers.

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