2020 U.S. Senate Races

These elections will be disappointing if there's not recounts and another month of litigating over who won.

I really want to see more VN posters telling us how well-respected Sidney Powell is in the legal community and how she would never risk her reputation by making outlandish claims she can't back up.
I’m calling Perdue by .6% which puts the other race in a dead heat.
I feel like you would have a good read on it. I thought early voting favored democrats so it would be a bad sign for them if republicans have already overtaken them in the count, but betting markets seem pro democrat.
I feel like you would have a good read on it. I thought early voting favored democrats so it would be a bad sign for them if republicans have already overtaken them in the count, but betting markets seem pro democrat.
Yea betting markets aren't projecting what smart people think is going to happen. Just where people are currently putting their money. Trump was up big on these sites this time election night .
I feel like you would have a good read on it. I thought early voting favored democrats so it would be a bad sign for them if republicans have already overtaken them in the count, but betting markets seem pro democrat.
The thing is, Perdue beat Ossoff by 1.8% last time. That’s just a lot of ground to make up in a runoff election unless the turnout is wildly up or down.
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I feel like you would have a good read on it. I thought early voting favored democrats so it would be a bad sign for them if republicans have already overtaken them in the count, but betting markets seem pro democrat.
They know about the steal.
I really want to see more VN posters telling us how well-respected Sidney Powell is in the legal community and how she would never risk her reputation by making outlandish claims she can't back up.
I was one who gave her the benefit of the doubt and stated it. And she never delivered a damn thing. I wouldn’t change it either, she HAD a pretty decent resume but she went full on bat **** crazy from an evidencary standpoint and never delivered.

Yes I do believe shenanigans occurred. The statistics just don’t make sense. But it takes more than belief to change anything.
I feel like you would have a good read on it. I thought early voting favored democrats so it would be a bad sign for them if republicans have already overtaken them in the count, but betting markets seem pro democrat.
Betting markets I'm reading are saying remaining votes coming from Dem heavy areas...not sure myself
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Battered women. Ha. Making a clear point that voting drops of 143,000 to 0 don’t happen, ever, is acting like battered women.

Great comparison by the way
You all are acting worse then the vadge hats from 4 years ago. Let me know when Trumps legal team produces anything a court finds interesting. Or are you going to go the route of others and claim the judges are just scared of antifa?
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