2020 U.S. Senate Races

You all are acting worse then the vadge hats from 4 years ago. Let me know when Trumps legal team produces anything a court finds interesting. Or are you going to go the route of others and claim the judges are just scared of antifa?

Who is scared of antifa. Bury your head in the sand and just pretend that 143,000 to 0 dropping is normal.
I was one who gave her the benefit of the doubt and stated it. And she never delivered a damn thing. I wouldn’t change it either, she HAD a pretty decent resume but she went full on bat **** crazy from and evidencary standpoint and never delivered.

Yes I do believe shenanigans occurred. The statistics just don’t make sense. But it takes more than belief to change anything.

I had never heard of heard of her before all this started. I read up on her a little. She was involved in some litigation involving Enron, at some point she lost a case and went on crusade against US attorneys. I think she may have partly made her own reputation with some of those allegations.

From what i can tell her biggest claim to fame is being involved in the prosecution of a guy who allegedly hired Woody Harrelson's dad to assassinate a federal judge.
Now the question is who will be the Dems straw man for the next 2 years? They have to have someone to blame for their unhappiness in life
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I had never heard of heard of her before all this started. I read up on her a little. She was involved in some litigation involving Enron, at some point she lost a case and went on crusade against US attorneys. I think she may have partly made her own reputation with some of those allegations.

From what i can tell her biggest claim to fame is being involved in the prosecution of a guy who allegedly hired Woody Harrelson's dad to assassinate a federal judge.
She had a solid resume. Look at her SCOTUS case list resume. She isn’t Turley or Dershowitz but she isn’t an average ambulance chaser.

But she’s off the reservation at this point she made outlandish claims and never delivered.
The liberals taking over the educational system and the media is the root cause.

Both of my young leftist nieces that live in the Atlanta area are a testament to this plus the fact they were raised by worthless leftist scum. They both voted for Slo Jo based solely on their social media friends and influencers.

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