2020 U.S. Senate Races

She had a solid resume. Look at her SCOTUS case list resume. She isn’t Turley or Dershowitz but she isn’t an average ambulance chaser.

But she’s off the reservation at this point she made outlandish claims and never delivered.

Just tried to do a little more research. It's hard to find what she's done at SCOTUS at this point because of all the Google traffic about her recently. Her website resume looks impressive and mostly references her work in the Court of Appeals. Her unverified claims and what are apparently obvious but costly procedural screw ups in this stuff make you wonder what went wrong. I originally thought she was gunning for a TV job, but I don't think that's it at this point.
Trump could have dedicated the past 2 months to driving out the vote in GA. Given the general election results, it wouldn't have taken too much to win one, and maybe both seats.

But no. Trump spent two months chasing imaginary fraud and allowing his surrogates to supress the GOP turnout (and, apparently, motivate the Dem turnout). I would hope that this would be the moment when the Trump fanboys would finally realize that Trump never cared about conservativism or the run-of-the mill Republican voter. But they won't. They'll continue to buy into his bull**** no matter what it costs them in the long run. And he'll run again in four years, and maybe he'll even win the nom, but he'll lose the general by an even bigger margin. And even if the GOP can get its act together and keep him from winning the primary, he'll do so much damage to the nominee that Biden will be able to stay shut up like a hermit and coast to a victory.

This man has kneecapped the GOP for the next decade. But it should be no surprise. He is not a conservative and never was. Registering as a Republican in 2011 after a lifetime as Democrat doesn't suddenly make him William F. Buckley. This is a man who endorsed Hillary in '08 and, despite being a yearlong "registered Republican", publicly refused to endorse Romney in '12. He's never been anything more than a grifter.

I sure hope his believers enjoy all the snake oil they bought.
Dems got two years to ram as much stuff through as possible. They shouldn't play this kumbaya stuff. Mitch is a snake. Eliminate the filibuster and get things done for America.
They’re not going to have enough votes to ram anything through.
Just tried to do a little more research. It's hard to find what she's done at SCOTUS at this point because of all the Google traffic about her recently. Her website resume looks impressive and mostly references her work in the Court of Appeals. Her unverified claims and what are apparently obvious but costly procedural screw ups in this stuff make you wonder what went wrong. I originally thought she was gunning for a TV job, but I don't think that's it at this point.
I can’t hazzard a guess on what she was trying to accomplish. I could have her confused with someone else but I thought she argued quite a few SCOTUS cases. Regardless she was a fed prosector and got some ENRON rep too.
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Trump could have dedicated the past 2 months to driving out the vote in GA. Given the general election results, it wouldn't have taken too much to win one, and maybe both seats.

But no. Trump spent two months chasing imaginary fraud and allowing his surrogates to supress the GOP turnout (and, apparently, motivate the Dem turnout). I would hope that this would be the moment when the Trump fanboys would finally realize that Trump never cared about conservativism or the run-of-the mill Republican voter. But they won't. They'll continue to buy into his bull**** no matter what it costs them in the long run. And he'll run again in four years, and maybe he'll even win the nom, but he'll lose the general by an even bigger margin. And even if the GOP can get its act together and keep him from winning the primary, he'll do so much damage to the nominee that Biden will be able to stay shut up like a hermit and coast to a victory.

This man has kneecapped the GOP for the next decade. But it should be no surprise. He is not a conservative and never was. Registering as a Republican in 2011 after a lifetime as Democrat doesn't suddenly make him William F. Buckley. This is a man who endorsed Hillary in '08 and, despite being a yearlong "registered Republican", publicly refused to endorse Romney in '12. He's never been anything more than a grifter.

I sure hope his believers enjoy all the snake oil they bought.
It really is amazing how they allowed him to grift them. Shocking actually.

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