2020 U.S. Senate Races

JMO, but it's Bloody Kansas all over again. I believe the state allowed people to vote that never should have been allowed to vote. I believe there were people who moved to Georgia for the sole intent to vote, and I don't care which party you belong to, that is wrong IMO, and yes, a form of fraud. People will scream "laws" and "residency" and blah, blah, blah, but there was some active encouragement going on to get people to move to the state for said purpose. I'm not sure how anyone can support that kind of thinking and claim to believe in a true representative republic.

Maybe some day we'll put aside the corrupt entities known as political parties, but I highly doubt it. Too many gleefully participate in the back and forth political rhetoric. Our Founding Fathers would be sick at what this country has become.
Banana republic
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Chairman Bernie Sanders

of the

Senate Budget Committee


Also, Lindsey Graham

of the

Senate Judicial Committee...


Deal with it.

Trumpsters, you brought this upon yourselves. You bought hook, line and sinker into a narcissistic, racist, xenophobic, dishonest, anti-free-trade, budget deficit-expanding, misogynistic, Russian-owned dumbass of epic proportions... and this is the end result.
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Not going to happen. They'll continue to "find" votes for Ossoff and mysteriously, he'll be up by like 30K tomorrow morning.
I'm amazed that they stopped counting again, but you wake up and they find all these magic democrat votes, when nobody is counting mind you. Then, the left laughs about the fussing, but they'd already be burning stuff if it were the other way around.
Everyone knows.
I’m really disappointed at the garbage going on with the GOP and the EC but honestly it’s just a reaction to the garbage going on with the DNC and the rigging of votes.

keep your head down. It won’t be long till the shooting starts.
The blue wave of skinny jeans and mega Karen's talk big, but I don't think they want a fight. They know it wouldn't end well.
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Chairman Bernie Sanders

of the

Senate Budget Committee


Also, Lindsey Graham

of the

Senate Judicial Committee...


Deal with it.

Trumpsters, you brought this upon yourselves. You bought hook, line and sinker into a narcissistic, racist, xenophobic, dishonest, anti-free-trade, budget deficit-expanding, misogynistic, Russian-owned dumbass of epic proportions... and this is the end result.


Chairman Bernie Sanders

of the

Senate Budget Committee


Also, Lindsey Graham

of the

Senate Judicial Committee...


Deal with it.

Trumpsters, you brought this upon yourselves. You bought hook, line and sinker into a narcissistic, racist, xenophobic, dishonest, anti-free-trade, budget deficit-expanding, misogynistic, Russian-owned dumbass of epic proportions... and this is the end result.
They should have listened to Lindsey Graham

Chairman Bernie Sanders

of the

Senate Budget Committee


Also, Lindsey Graham

of the

Senate Judicial Committee...


Deal with it.

Trumpsters, you brought this upon yourselves. You bought hook, line and sinker into a narcissistic, racist, xenophobic, dishonest, anti-free-trade, budget deficit-expanding, misogynistic, Russian-owned dumbass of epic proportions... and this is the end result.
No you radical lunatics brought this on this country. You worship a corrupt dementia patient and his commie slut. Just remember everything that happens from here forward is on you worthless communists you can’t blame Trump anymore.
It’s baffling to me how these stupid ass people move from a Blue State to get away from their elected officials , and yet they bring the same politics with them despite knowing that the local governments they left are frauds and failures. Makes perfect sense.
That’s the very definition of insanity.
Doing the same thing somewhere else expecting a different result
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It’s baffling to me how these stupid ass people move from a Blue State to get away from their elected officials , and yet they bring the same politics with them despite knowing that the local governments they left are frauds and failures. Makes perfect sense.
And they didn’t even start at electing dems who pretend to be moderates they went from R to straight communists. Very odd
No you radical lunatics brought this on this country. You worship a corrupt dementia patient and his commie slut. Just remember everything that happens from here forward is on you worthless communists you can’t blame Trump anymore.
No no
Let’s see how happy they are in a year or two
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Talk about something that makes absolutely zero sense....

In the 3rd race on the runoff ballot, the Republican GA Public Service Commissioner just got more votes than either GOP Senate candidate or Jon Ossoff.

None of this makes sense.
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