2020 U.S. Senate Races

No they aren't. Adults don't steal other people's money and waste it on nonsense. Adults don't limit the freedoms of others simply because they disagree. Adults take care of themselves and don't blame everyone else for their shortcomings

One party control is a nightmare. Especially true when they are led by idiots
In this case not so much. Newt Gingrich started with the no compromise agenda. Mitch took that to an entirely different level. He refused to even bring bills to the floor for a vote. If there were another Conservative that would be leader, I would be all for it. Mitch is responsible for a lot of needless suffering.
Call her by her proper title which is VP who will act as President of the Senate when needed but in no way will she run the show.
Who do you think will run the day-to-day business of the Senate absent a majority leader?
The media did a wonderful job of portraying Trump as all of these things for simpletons. I'm very curious as to the reaction when the GOP is able to find a candidate who actually does embody these properties/positions yet isn't mean to reporters and obnoxious on Twitter.

I, for one, am excited.
I'm not, they know they can cheat anytime they want and get away with it
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In this case not so much. Newt Gingrich started with the no compromise agenda. Mitch took that to an entirely different level. He refused to even bring bills to the floor for a vote. If there were another Conservative that would be leader, I would be all for it. Mitch is responsible for a lot of needless suffering.
Yes it will be a nightmare even under your team. The assault on rights will cause more suffering than anyone you blame Mitch for. How did he make you suffer?
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Notice none of the Libs on here are talking about what policies might be passed with a Dem Senate only that Trump and Mitch lost...like I've always said they have no ideology or any clue what they want beyond defeating Trump and McConnell

And it's amusing you say that since the GOP currently has no real platform except deference to the supreme leader. The Democrats have plenty of plans. Some which will pass and many of which will fail. But this thread is to discuss the senate races.
Yes, but, let’s see how the moderates who are currently in denial feel about it. They keep saying we got what we deserved with Trump. Let’s see when we’re economy is in the toilet with record unemployment if they still feel like they’re getting what they deserve with Biden.

They could care less about things like that. Why? Because they're ****ing stupid, that's why. They let themselves be brainwashed by the media, by liberals and by tech giants that the Orange Man was so bad they had no other choice.

This wasn't a referendum on Trump or the GOP. It was a showcase on how to steal an election and how effectively people can be misled by continually pouring negative information on them until they got the outcome they wanted.

This is straight sickening.

And it's amusing you say that since the GOP currently has no real platform except deference to the supreme leader. The Democrats have plenty of plans. Some which will pass and many of which will fail. But this thread is to discuss the senate races.
Thanks to this election fewer will fail than should. Yes I blame Trump for a big part but the dems are going to go full stupid instead of acting like adults. The adults they claimed to be when going after a childish Trump. It's going to hurt this country and its citizens
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In this case not so much. Newt Gingrich started with the no compromise agenda. Mitch took that to an entirely different level. He refused to even bring bills to the floor for a vote. If there were another Conservative that would be leader, I would be all for it. Mitch is responsible for a lot of needless suffering.

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And it's amusing you say that since the GOP currently has no real platform except deference to the supreme leader. The Democrats have plenty of plans. Some which will pass and many of which will fail. But this thread is to discuss the senate races.
Thanks for proving my point
They could care less about things like that. Why? Because they're ****ing stupid, that's why. They let themselves be brainwashed by the media, by liberals and by tech giants that the Orange Man was so bad they had no other choice.

This wasn't a referendum on Trump or the GOP. It was a showcase on how to steal an election and how effectively people can be misled by continually pouring negative information on them until they got the outcome they wanted.

This is straight sickening.
Yeah, except nothing was stolen. You've just been brainwashed by a moron.
Thanks to this election fewer will fail than should. Yes I blame Trump for a big part but the dems are going to go full stupid instead of acting like adults. The adults they claimed to be when going after a childish Trump. It's going to hurt this country and its citizens
I disagree with the bold. Not that I necessarily disagree with your mindset, but I just don't think they have the votes for that. Especially since Manchin does not support removing the filibuster.
In this case not so much. Newt Gingrich started with the no compromise agenda. Mitch took that to an entirely different level. He refused to even bring bills to the floor for a vote. If there were another Conservative that would be leader, I would be all for it. Mitch is responsible for a lot of needless suffering.

No, you wouldn't.

Don't even act like you would accept Graham or Cruz or Rubio or Blackburn or any other Senator with an (R) behind their name.
I disagree with the bold. Not that I necessarily disagree with your mindset, but I just don't think they have the votes for that. Especially since Manchin does not support removing the filibuster.

He will. He will do what he's told
Blaming this on Trump is lazy and it lets (we will call them dems for this argument) dems off the hook for what they have just voted for
I disagree with the bold. Not that I necessarily disagree with your mindset, but I just don't think they have the votes for that. Especially since Manchin does not support removing the filibuster.
For that to be true if have to believe the gop has the stones to hold up under pressure and not be bought out. I'd also have to believe they wouldn't be personally targeted if they did. Neither of those is believable to me. This will get ugly
They could care less about things like that. Why? Because they're ****ing stupid, that's why. They let themselves be brainwashed by the media, by liberals and by tech giants that the Orange Man was so bad they had no other choice.

This wasn't a referendum on Trump or the GOP. It was a showcase on how to steal an election and how effectively people can be misled by continually pouring negative information on them until they got the outcome they wanted.

This is straight sickening.
lol....It was 100% a referendum on Trump and it was a complete repudiation of Trumpism.
You have the wrong side being brainwashed. This should have been evident in the summer of 2016.

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