2020 U.S. Senate Races

Nope. But her duties as president of the Senate and the running of its day-to-day business of running all Senate business will occupy most of her time. Just ask Mitch what a busy job it was for him.

The VP only gets involved in Senate business when there is a tie. You should slap your government teacher, they failed you.
No you radical lunatics brought this on this country. You worship a corrupt dementia patient and his commie slut. Just remember everything that happens from here forward is on you worthless communists you can’t blame Trump anymore.

Noice. Just cool your jets and take your seat on the back of the bus. The adults are back in charge now.
They will be thrilled because they can pass their radical agenda without any chance to stop it
Yes, but, let’s see how the moderates who are currently in denial feel about it. They keep saying we got what we deserved with Trump. Let’s see when we’re economy is in the toilet with record unemployment if they still feel like they’re getting what they deserve with Biden.
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Yes, but, let’s see how the moderates who are currently in denial feel about it. They keep saying we got what we deserved with Trump. Let’s see when we’re economy is in the toilet with record unemployment if they still feel like they’re getting what they deserve with Biden.

Half of these people would still be happy their team won even if they were in locked up in detention camps.
Noice. Just cool your jets and take your seat on the back of the bus. The adults are back in charge now.
No they aren't. Adults don't steal other people's money and waste it on nonsense. Adults don't limit the freedoms of others simply because they disagree. Adults take care of themselves and don't blame everyone else for their shortcomings

One party control is a nightmare. Especially true when they are led by idiots
Yes, but, let’s see how the moderates who are currently in denial feel about it. They keep saying we got what we deserved with Trump. Let’s see when we’re economy is in the toilet with record unemployment if they still feel like they’re getting what they deserve with Biden.
No matter what happens over the next 4 years they will come back with "but but but Trump"
Trumpsters, you brought this upon yourselves. You bought hook, line and sinker into a narcissistic, racist, xenophobic, dishonest, anti-free-trade, budget deficit-expanding, misogynistic, Russian-owned dumbass of epic proportions... and this is the end result.

The media did a wonderful job of portraying Trump as all of these things for simpletons. I'm very curious as to the reaction when the GOP is able to find a candidate who actually does embody these properties/positions yet isn't mean to reporters and obnoxious on Twitter.

I, for one, am excited.
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Have you picked out your new strawman to blame on your life failures and overall unhappiness?
What’s the platform gonna be now that racism, social justice, gender identity, poverty, health care, etc... should all be solved now that the smartest kids in the room are running $hit? I can’t wait to see what’s gonna be manufactured next....
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What’s the platform gonna be now that racism, social justice, gender identity, poverty, health care, etc... should all be solved now that the smartest kids in the room are running $hit? I can’t wait to see what’s gonna be manufactured next....
Majority Leader, President of the Senate, Leader of the Senate. Call her what you want. She'll be the sheriff and she'll run the show.

Call her by her proper title which is VP who will act as President of the Senate when needed but in no way will she run the show.
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