2024 Elections Will Be Rigged

PolitiFact - Steve Scalise’s flawed argument that states didn’t follow their own election laws

This is another example of how you rehash topics that I have already de-bunked many times. You already know all of this. We have been through this many times.

This is the argument that Rep. Steve Scalise liked to make. This argument draws on a legal doctrine based on a strict interpretation of Article 2 of the Constitution. However, it ignores the fact that courts have rejected challenges based on that argument in dozens of lawsuits by Donald Trump and his allies seeking to invalidate the certified 2020 Presidential Election results.

The argument that states can only change election laws through their state legislature also ignores the fact that some election officials have powers to set rules without legislative changes, especially during emergencies ... such as during a pandemic.

Some states did change election procedures without new legislation, including some states which Donald Trump won, like Texas, for example. Gov. Greg Abbott added extra days of early voting for the general election, citing challenges posed by the pandemic. This is common, and nothing new to 2020.

"It is often the case that there are gaps in election statutes that state and local election officials routinely fill according to their delegated authority. So to say that all decisions about how elections are run must emanate from the legislature is not consistent with explicit delegated authority to state election officials."

-- Rebecca Green, Law Professor at The College of William & Mary

If you 'debunked' a tenth of what you purport, you'd be a formidable character.

The constitution is explicit and there is no pandemic exclusion except with the permission of the legislature. Where the legislature has permitted leeway for officials to do so or approve it in such circumstance, it is allowed, but where they have not, it is not. Your own link echoes this, see bolded text of your post; thanks for debunking yourself or at least not understanding the minor point in my post.

Pennsylvania is such an example in which they violated both the state and federal constitutions.

NOW, back to the point; McFarland is not saying what you're hearing but that DOJ/FBI and intel have meddled in elections to effect an outcome; that is inarguably true. What they've done is illegal and people should be in prison for it. We effectually have ministries and special police subverting the will of the people in elections in ways that external enemies could only dream about. That's the point you avoided to puke up more 'crazy MAGA' goofiness in response, without attention to the gravity of the problem.

I and others have been warning for years that if they can do this to a candidate, nominee, and then elected president, what can they not do to you or I? We now know they've used FISA - FOREIGN Intelligence Surveillance Act - powers to not only illegally obtain warrants against the Trump campaign/admin, but have done so not just to the original 300K reported, but more than three million Americans. That includes large numbers of Dem constituent Marxist BLMers, Antifa during riots of 2020 as well as people who were just in DC for rallies on Jan. 6, all warrantless violations of the constitution.

Told you so.
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The constitution is explicit and there is no pandemic exclusion except with the permission of the legislature.
This is not true, and I have explained why.

Your own link echoes this, see bolded text; thanks for debunking yourself or at least not understanding the minor point in my post.
Because you are a spectacularly unintelligent person, you are misinterpreting what she said.
You are so right. “Illegitimate President” was never a phrase echoed by anyone on the left.

Just 4 years of comfort knowing Trump was elected fair and square. 😉

As to Bush, once the court rulings came down there was no systemic attack on Bush, Dems moved on. And in fact after his leadership on 9/11 you never heard it much at all. To this day, Trump will not admit that Biden is the legitimately elected President. His ego is so fragile he just cannot utter the words.

Trump's victory over HRC was pretty narrow and you didn't see Dem operatives floating fabricated stories of illegal votes or absurd schemes involving voting machines being run out of China or Venezuela. It was accepted and people moved on, accepting we would have chaos as President (and they weren't disappointed).
This is not true, and I have explained why.

Because you are a spectacularly unintelligent person, you are misinterpreting what she said.

No you didn't, but rather posted something that doesn't support your point.

Prof. Rebecca Green: "It is often the case that there are gaps in election statutes that state and local election officials routinely fill according to their delegated authority. So to say that all decisions about how elections are run must emanate from the legislature is not consistent with explicit delegated authority to state election officials."

We aren't talking about legislatures determining process they've authorized to election officials, but about overriding statute-defined dates and times of election periods, signature and ID verification, forms of ballotings, etc.

Who delegates that "explicit delegated authority"? C'mon...you can do it.

Then try responding to the point of my original post, thanks.
It also reinforces the belief that there is not a scenario or a set of conditions from which Donald Trump could ever lose an election, without completely attributing his defeat to fraud and/or his opponent having cheated.

If Donald Trump loses to Ron DeSantis in the Republican Party Primary, it will be the same thing. Trump will claim that the DeSantis Campaign cheated .... just like he accused the Ted Cruz Campaign of cheating, when they won the Iowa Caucuses in February of 2016.

... and yet, look at this forum. They don't get it. They totally accept it as being a fact when Trump whines about rigged elections.
now do Clinton completely fabricating the Russian collusion bs. She was doing the same thing.
Or Democrats pushing the fear of Republicans oppressing voters.

both side set scenarios that preclude defeat unless the other side does something nefarious. They just have different boogey men they bring out.

the only difference with Trump is he wasn't a politician long enough to learn how to make it an "acceptable" fear topic. Its the exact same thing all politicians have done as long as I have been paying attention. Trump is just more honest about his dishonesty. and that's what upsets you guys. you are having to deal with the reality of politicians for the first time because its so open with Trump. You don't like to acknowledge that its an existing problem, somehow Trump makes you deal with the uncomfortable reality that politicians are scumbags. you just prefer scumbags who tell a nice enough lie you can swallow it.
Actually, you guys want to see fraud because you don't want to believe that most Americans are smart enough to realize that the only thing worse than 4 years of Joe Biden would be 4 more years of Trump. You refuse to believe it because in that scenario YOU are the moronic.
You voted for a guy in a basement. Most Americans are not smart enough based on the result.
As to Bush, once the court rulings came down there was no systemic attack on Bush, Dems moved on. And in fact after his leadership on 9/11 you never heard it much at all. To this day, Trump will not admit that Biden is the legitimately elected President. His ego is so fragile he just cannot utter the words.

Trump's victory over HRC was pretty narrow and you didn't see Dem operatives floating fabricated stories of illegal votes or absurd schemes involving voting machines being run out of China or Venezuela. It was accepted and people moved on, accepting we would have chaos as President (and they weren't disappointed).

Question -

DOJ/FBI officials had a hard drive for a year in advance of 2020 elections detailing influence peddling by his undeclared foreign agent son, showed Trump meeting these accomplices multiple times and both he and the family benefitting from these business dealings....

That Trump's son appears to have lied to ATF on the background check system to acquire a handgun and possibly had sex with minors, in addition to violating drug laws...

Intel officials seeded it as a Russian disinformation campaign via a concocted public letter originated within the Trump campaign...

DOJ/FBI knew the laptop to be authentic and not only stood by why intel pushed the idea, but participated by in it by using the FBI to quash the story and propagate the Russian disinfo narrative and having weekly briefings with media outlets to compel the narrative....

Using DOJ/FBI personnel employed within tech media to run interference against the laptop story and keep tabs on compliance with the disninfo propaganda...

...would you consider Trump a legitimate president, even aside from a minimum of 6% of Dem voters who told pollsters they would not have voted for Biden if they'd known - ?
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Who was still a far better candidate than the one you guys nominated.
If that doesn't give you pause, there's not much hope for you.
How so? Biden a documented racist, not sure that’s far better. Trump didn’t become a “racist” until the left stop receiving his donations. Pause is acknowledging, you voted for a protected guy in a basement.
How so? Biden a documented racist, no sure that’s far better. Trump didn’t become a “racist” until the left stop receiving his donations. Pause is acknowledging, you voted for a protected guy in a basement.
Trump is positioned much further down the racist end of the continuum than is Biden......it's well documented.
Trump is positioned much further down the racist end of the continuum than is Biden......it's well documented.
Again how so? You keep stating that,please provide an example. I’ll give you an example….Biden’s spoke at Robert Byrds funeral. Speaking at someone’s funeral shows you are personally close to that individual. You know share same values.
Again how so? You keep stating that,please provide an example. I’ll give you an example….Biden’s spoke at Robert Byrds funeral. Speaking at someone’s funeral shows you are personally close to that individual. You know share same values.
That's about as far from proof as possible. But Byrd is a great case study in the changing of party politics from 1940-2010.
As to Bush, once the court rulings came down there was no systemic attack on Bush, Dems moved on. And in fact after his leadership on 9/11 you never heard it much at all. To this day, Trump will not admit that Biden is the legitimately elected President. His ego is so fragile he just cannot utter the words.

Trump's victory over HRC was pretty narrow and you didn't see Dem operatives floating fabricated stories of illegal votes or absurd schemes involving voting machines being run out of China or Venezuela. It was accepted and people moved on, accepting we would have chaos as President (and they weren't disappointed).
Here's a Long List of Prominent Democrats Refusing to Accept Election Results
That's about as far from proof as possible. But Byrd is a great case study in the changing of party politics from 1940-2010.
Hey word salad, give an example. If you provide one, then state that as opposed to meaningless sentences of spin to validate Biden’s racism.
If a democrat is elected. There will be some complaining, FN negative media coverage, candidates making claims of fraud, etc.

If a republican is elected, Far left progressive groups will take their anger and rage to the streets. Destroying anything / anyone in their path.

Fun times.
We aren't talking about legislatures determining process they've authorized to election officials, but about overriding statute-defined dates and times of election periods, signature and ID verification, forms of ballotings, etc.
Certain officials do have the explicit authority to make changes to dates and times of election periods and forms of balloting ... You are just wrong, but can't admit it ... and want to argue.

Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas changed the length of the early voting period, which he had every right to do - without additional legislation.
Who was still a far better candidate than the one you guys nominated.
If that doesn't give you pause, there's not much hope for you.

You misspelled he had a D beside his name. Quit pretending candidate quality has anything to do with 99.9% of voter’s including yourself. Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, W, Clinton, and several other failed candidates wouldn’t have sniffed the ballot for President much less win 50 years ago. That is just the reality of our nation. Partisan political party allegiances are more important than candidate quality and it keeps getting worse. The fact that you continue to pretend it isn’t the case is comical. You and virtually every other person in this nation couldn’t care less about candidate quality and ideas. It’s just a convenient excuse when people like Fetterman, Biden, Cortez, McConnell, Romney, and Obama are elected. “You should have nominated better candidates”. The fact is if Thomas Jefferson or Kennedy rose from the grave and had an R beside their name you would stand in line and vote for Fetterman or Biden the lecture the right about “candidate quality”
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