2024 Elections Will Be Rigged

Excerpted only this because the four points you made are inarguable.
The bold text is the implicit message; that Trump is so egregious, so dangerous that anything contributing to his demise is permissable to 'save the nation' and that applies to every person who voted for him. The bolsheviks are dumb enough to buy it, but for Biden admin/elected Dems it's war strategy.

Never mind they can never make themselves utter the word 'republic' to which I reply "die democracy, die!", then explain why it's a terrible government model rejected in our founding.
Frankly, I wonder if we've crossed the Rubicon and burned the ferry rope behind us.

Another great post.

I think we've gotten so corrupt as a country because the bureaucracy has gotten so big and ambiguous that only a major event or transformational leader can reset us back toward a constitutional republic but not without much strife due to the lemmings who have been indoctrinated over the decades.
Another great post.

I think we've gotten so corrupt as a country because the bureaucracy has gotten so big and ambiguous that only a major event or transformational leader can reset us back toward a constitutional republic but not without much strife due to the lemmings who have been indoctrinated over the decades.

This is what I don't get about the continuing advocacy of Trump as 'the only guy who can clean out the swamp/DC sewer'; I think he's already proved he can't. He made some terrible personnel choices through the early and middle of his term, and by the time he did insert people like Grenell and Ratcliffe, it was too late. Barr sat on the laptop for a year and stood by while CIA and his charges at FBI worked to elect Biden, and without oversight let Mueller continue the farce knowing it was.

If anything, the bureaucratic state is more deeply entrenched than when Trump took office. Without a willing congress, I think it's beyond a president but could be wrong.
In some macabre way I hope the elections are rigged. Otherwise the Republic is really screwed.
And as I have said now countless times before, the REAL issue here is not whether the Russian effort changed any votes.

The real issue is WHY? Why did they try to weigh in to help Trump? What advantages did they see to him over Clinton and why did they have that perception. 🤔

The same reason they weighed in prior to that to help Sanders and Stein against Clinton. Instead of "WHY?" posts multiplying like rats, why not take the 10 seconds I did to post this - Why does Vladimir Putin hate Hillary Clinton? - ?
What Trump most prominently proclaimed was the 'rigging' - counterfeit votes - is not what McFarland is saying, which is that DOJ/FBI and intel actively worked to put Clinton, then Biden into office, and also interferred with the midterms. And that's aside from the illegal voting practices put into place by election boards, governors and such that were not acts of the states legislatures.

McFarland's are true statements. We knew this before the Durham report. Polls of Dem voters report anywhere from 6% - mid-teen percentages of them would not have voted for Biden had the laptop and business dealings stories not been quashed as 'Russian disinfo'. Even 6% not voting for Biden AND not voting for Trump, puts Trump back into the WH in 2020.

The Biden presidencey is a product of American Stasi-like machinations, including controlling and compelling the input of public information via news and tech media, and voters making decisions concocted by those disinformation campaigns. You won't find it lazy when the shoe is on the other foot and the illegitimate president is Republican.
Except Dems control the outlets so I don’t see that shoe ever being on the other foot.
There was some weird stuff in Fulton county. Like the false claim that a “pipe bursts” delaying results.

Trump got 27.1% of Fulton vote in 2016 and 26.2% in 2020. In Dekalb County, he got ~16% both years. In the two largest Dem enclaves 2020 results approximated 2016 results...

Trump's 6% statewide margin decrease from 2016 largely came from the other 157 counties, over 80% are run by Republicans....
There were obviously gaps in the statutes, the primary one being how to handle an election during a global pandemic.
These gaps may now be filled in by some legislatures, but they were certainly there in 2020.

Manufactured BS - dems never letting a "crisis" go to waste. Are dems such weaklings that they can't mask up and go do what others do? 2020 was another case of dems using a "crisis" to get around rules that finally limited their abuses, and you'll now keep trying to claim the exceptions are valid and established precedent. If you can't prove who you are at your polling place, then rig the rules so that you don't need to show up at all - then anybody can vote (allegedly submit a "completed" ballot anyway) and we have absolutely no control over the process.

BTW in your comments about election commissions having the right to set rules, you are basically saying that control of Constitutionally sanctioned acts may be governed by non elected officials in spite of how the country is governed. Specifics on how things are done may be decided at low level, BUT they are not to be in conflict with what legislation dictates, and if legislators don't close the loopholes it should always default to the previous rule if they can't resolve it in a timely manner.
Trump got 27.1% of Fulton vote in 2016 and 26.2% in 2020. In Dekalb County, he got ~16% both years. In the two largest Dem enclaves 2020 results approximated 2016 results...

Trump's 6% statewide margin decrease from 2016 largely came from the other 157 counties, over 80% are run by Republicans....

I’m not saying he actually won Georgia by any means. But the pipe burst thing was weird
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This is what I don't get about the continuing advocacy of Trump as 'the only guy who can clean out the swamp/DC sewer'; I think he's already proved he can't. He made some terrible personnel choices through the early and middle of his term, and by the time he did insert people like Grenell and Ratcliffe, it was too late. Barr sat on the laptop for a year and stood by while CIA and his charges at FBI worked to elect Biden, and without oversight let Mueller continue the farce knowing it was.

If anything, the bureaucratic state is more deeply entrenched than when Trump took office. Without a willing congress, I think it's beyond a president but could be wrong.

It's been said that the power held by three letter agencies is in the hands of the Deputy Directors rather than the politically appointed Directors. In other words the Swamp does exist, and control of the Swamp resides within the Swamp. I'd agree that Trump surrounded himself with abysmally poor choices - likely because many "leaders" pick followers not strong doers or thinkers - sycophants rather than competents. If Trump's appointees were even halfway competent, they'd still in most cases have been eaten alive by the swamp. We've all pretty much learned since childhood that an established organization can destroy someone appointed to run the organization.
I’m not saying he actually won Georgia by any means. But the pipe burst thing was weird

When you can't get rid of people looking over your shoulder by any other means, you have to get creative. A leaky toilet got the watchers sent home, and then the dem loyalists could get to work.
There were obviously gaps in the statutes, the primary one being how to handle an election during a global pandemic.
These gaps may now be filled in by some legislatures, but they were certainly there in 2020.
That wasn't an actual hole. The Revolution was fought and the first couple elections were done during Small Pox outbreaks. The Spanish Flu didn't stop any elections. both of those were far more deadly than Covid. there have been plenty of pandemics that hit during election season, maybe not Covid big or like the two I mentioned, but still pandemics.

if there was a will to have a normal election, there was a way. there was just no will for a normal election, so they made up bs excuses.

disease was never a reason to change things before. Covid was a political disease, why else are they wanting amnesty from their obviously bad decisions? Seems like the right thing would be them falling on their swords and accepting that they made bad choices and pass laws to make sure it doesn't happen again. But what you are arguing for is to make sure those bad choices keep happening.
There were obviously gaps in the statutes, the primary one being how to handle an election during a global pandemic.
These gaps may now be filled in by some legislatures, but they were certainly there in 2020.

Be more specific. What specifically needed to be done that was not specified in the laws, due to the pandemic?
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They are at it again, too. Court date set for Trump in the middle of campaign season, and GA blowing in the wind ready to pile on. If that's not interference, you'd be hard pressed to find something that is. Character assassination at it's finest. Imagine the squealing if somebody/anybody started seriously looking into the Biden Crime Family now.

And after 5 years of investigation removing certain investigators... Oh wait they just did that last week
This is what I don't get about the continuing advocacy of Trump as 'the only guy who can clean out the swamp/DC sewer'; I think he's already proved he can't. He made some terrible personnel choices through the early and middle of his term, and by the time he did insert people like Grenell and Ratcliffe, it was too late. Barr sat on the laptop for a year and stood by while CIA and his charges at FBI worked to elect Biden, and without oversight let Mueller continue the farce knowing it was.

If anything, the bureaucratic state is more deeply entrenched than when Trump took office. Without a willing congress, I think it's beyond a president but could be wrong.

I may be wrong but the democrats knew exactly what they were doing going after General Flynn first thing
It's been said that the power held by three letter agencies is in the hands of the Deputy Directors rather than the politically appointed Directors. In other words the Swamp does exist, and control of the Swamp resides within the Swamp. I'd agree that Trump surrounded himself with abysmally poor choices - likely because many "leaders" pick followers not strong doers or thinkers - sycophants rather than competents. If Trump's appointees were even halfway competent, they'd still in most cases have been eaten alive by the swamp. We've all pretty much learned since childhood that an established organization can destroy someone appointed to run the organization.

Except if you are Elon. You clean house and take no prisoners.
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No; this is the 2nd argument in a row you've posted a link debunking yourself while claiming to be a master debunker, but I'm the one who can't read, right? Again, your link:

Prof. Rebecca Green: "It is often the case that there are gaps in election statutes that state and local election officials routinely fill according to their delegated authority. So to say that all decisions about how elections are run must emanate from the legislature is not consistent with explicit delegated authority to state election officials."

Your link is saying the same thing I have; legislatures do not attend to every minutiae of election process but when the legislature sets election dates, times and duration, forms of ID required, form of balloting, etc, those are not gaps in election law, but actual election law.

I keep asking from where does anyone not of the legislature derive their authority to change law if not the legislature who delegated them, and you can't answer.

Insread this goofiness "you are following a strict interpretation of Article 2" - not it's not strict, it's simply reading. There's literally no other interpretation, or out clause. You harpoon yourself with your own links because you torture logic unecessarily.

If a governor, SoS, election board or precint officials can simply change law without consent of the legislature, then you have lawlessness. How do you get to your age and not understand separation of powers, hierarchy, and the delegation and limits of authority? Aside from keeping a republic in one piece, it's literally necessary to run a household or even hold a job.
You don't understand what you are reading. The Law professor clearly states that election laws can be changed without new legislation. That is the very clear point made throughout the entire article. You are simply too stubborn to admit when you are wrong ... which you usually are.
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