2024 Elections Will Be Rigged

Biden's not legit? Why not. (This should be good!)

It's been said--with the utmost accuracy--that the Russians /helped/ get him elected. Big Fat Fact.
Ballot harvesting, drop boxes and mail out voting

Only by you radical leftists
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I am thrilled Trump did not win. That has not changed, nor will it.
Those loved ones lost were collateral damage, but at least Trump did not win. Vote for a guy in basement, job loss, loss of loved ones all to retain power. At least you’re honest about party over all else. I’m glad you’re right, so know we know who to blame.
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I think many of your cohorts feel that way. And that’s sad. I don’t believe many of you liked Biden. You just hated Trump so you thought because of blind hate, that Biden would be better. He hasn’t been. Not even close. People like you are a big problem on this country. Voting for the lesser of two evils is the dumbest way to vote.
they were told to hate Trump…same news outlet (CNN) is now saying Trump is exonerated.
81M got played by being told what to think.
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What Trump most prominently proclaimed was the 'rigging' - counterfeit votes - is not what McFarland is saying, which is that DOJ/FBI and intel actively worked to put Clinton, then Biden into office, and also interferred with the midterms. And that's aside from the illegal voting practices put into place by election boards, governors and such that were not acts of the states legislatures.

McFarland's are true statements. We knew this before the Durham report. Polls of Dem voters report anywhere from 6% - mid-teen percentages of them would not have voted for Biden had the laptop and business dealings stories not been quashed as 'Russian disinfo'. Even 6% not voting for Biden AND not voting for Trump, puts Trump back into the WH in 2020.

The Biden presidencey is a product of American Stasi-like machinations, including controlling and compelling the input of public information via news and tech media, and voters making decisions concocted by those disinformation campaigns. You won't find it lazy when the shoe is on the other foot and the illegitimate president is Republican.

We know the US intelligence agencies have been interfering in elections abroad for a very long time. That is generally understood by many. They do it to promote a "more pro-democractic" system or that the US bureaucracy view as favorable.

Now it is not a leap to believe that this behavior has come home to roost domestically. So a few things:

1. The phony Russian dossier. All concocted by the deep state and pushed by the media.

2. The Hunter Biden laptop where the 50+ intelligence agents lied about its authenticity.

3. The repeated attempts at impeachment of a POTUS to damage him based on lies including the Russian dossier.

4. The unconstitutional changes of some states election laws leading up to the 2020 election.

The are many other examples to lead us to the conclusion that there has been a concerted attack on our election system.

I believe one of the more damning little talked about items is this repeated rhetoric by the democrats, former intelligence agents, the media, Joe Biden himself is this quote "democracy is at stake" which provides them the moral superiority to cheat to "save democracy". I think this is very relevant that they thinks give them the authority. If all of this is ever uncovered that will be their answer for why they did it. It's insidious.
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You don't understand what you are reading.

That means that certain delegated officials have the authority to change election laws, without additional legislation. If Christmas were slower ... you would still be behind it.

No; this is the 2nd argument in a row you've posted a link debunking yourself while claiming to be a master debunker, but I'm the one who can't read, right? Again, your link:

Prof. Rebecca Green: "It is often the case that there are gaps in election statutes that state and local election officials routinely fill according to their delegated authority. So to say that all decisions about how elections are run must emanate from the legislature is not consistent with explicit delegated authority to state election officials."

Your link is saying the same thing I have; legislatures do not attend to every minutiae of election process but when the legislature sets election dates, times and duration, forms of ID required, form of balloting, etc, those are not gaps in election law, but actual election law.

I keep asking from where does anyone not of the legislature derive their authority to change law if not the legislature who delegated them, and you can't answer.

Insread this goofiness "you are following a strict interpretation of Article 2" - not it's not strict, it's simply reading. There's literally no other interpretation, or out clause. You harpoon yourself with your own links because you torture logic unecessarily.

If a governor, SoS, election board or precint officials can simply change law without consent of the legislature, then you have lawlessness. How do you get to your age and not understand separation of powers, hierarchy, and the delegation and limits of authority? Aside from keeping a republic in one piece, it's literally necessary to run a household or even hold a job.
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who has advocated for giving 16 year olds the vote? Never heard it. Sounds like a BS assertion.

As for the Supreme Court, unfortunately conservatives have corrupted it. Obama was blatantly cheated out of a Supreme Court pick, and the court is now full of conservative partisans with ethical problems, three of whom lied during their confirmation hearings--blatantly--on Roe v. Wade, which is going to bite the GOP next election.

Nancy Pelosi openly supported it along with 125 house democrats who voted for it. But yeah, clearly this is just some “Bs” that I made up.

Majority of House Democrats vote in favor of lowering voting age to 16

None of them lied during their confirmation hearings. Nor was Obama “cheated”. The senate is in no way obligated to vote for any candidate nor in any specific time line. In the majority of cases when the senate and president were of different parties, a justice has not been confirmed in the last year. What happened to Obama has happened to numerous other presidents.
No; this is the 2nd argument in a row you've posted a link debunking yourself while claiming to be a master debunker, but I'm the one who can't read, right? Again, your link:

Prof. Rebecca Green: "It is often the case that there are gaps in election statutes that state and local election officials routinely fill according to their delegated authority. So to say that all decisions about how elections are run must emanate from the legislature is not consistent with explicit delegated authority to state election officials."

Your link is saying the same thing I have; legislatures do not attend to every minutiae of election process but when the legislature sets election dates, times and duration, forms of ID required, form of balloting, etc, those are not gaps in election law, but actual election law.

I keep asking from where does anyone not of the legislature derive their authority to change law if not the legislature who delegated them, and you can't answer.

Insread this goofiness "you are following a strict interpretation of Article 2" - not it's not strict, it's simply reading. There's literally no other interpretation, or out clause. You harpoon yourself with your own links because you torture logic unecessarily.

If a governor, SoS, election board or precint officials can simply change law without consent of the legislature, then you have lawlessness. How do you get to your age and not understand separation of powers, hierarchy, and the delegation and limits of authority? Aside from keeping a republic in one piece, it's literally necessary to run a household or even hold a job.
There were obviously gaps in the statutes, the primary one being how to handle an election during a global pandemic.
These gaps may now be filled in by some legislatures, but they were certainly there in 2020.
who has advocated for giving 16 year olds the vote? Never heard it. Sounds like a BS assertion.

As for the Supreme Court, unfortunately conservatives have corrupted it. Obama was blatantly cheated out of a Supreme Court pick, and the court is now full of conservative partisans with ethical problems, three of whom lied during their confirmation hearings--blatantly--on Roe v. Wade, which is going to bite the GOP next election.

Here’s a second source showing similar provisions that were defeated during another session of congress and received 126 democrats vote

H.R. 1 Voting rights and congressional reform bill passes House


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There were obviously gaps in the statutes, the primary one being how to handle an election during a global pandemic.
These gaps may now be filled in by some legislatures, but they were certainly there in 2020.
It’s more than just that. Tennessee statutes, for example, contain all kinds of catch-all provisions that delegate authority to local election commissions and state executive agencies for regulating various aspects of elections that aren’t covered by statutes. (See e.g. 2021 Tennessee Code :: Title 2 - Elections :: Chapter 3 - Place and Time of Elections :: Part 3 - Convenience Voting :: § 2-3-302. Establishment of Convenient Voting Centers)
There were obviously gaps in the statutes, the primary one being how to handle an election during a global pandemic.
These gaps may now be filled in by some legislatures, but they were certainly there in 2020.

If some officials think extraordinary circumstances exist not accommodated by authority delegated to them by existing law, they can appeal to the legislature for remedy. They may not ignore or fabricate law.
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If some officials think extraordinary circumstances exist not accommodated by authority delegated to them by existing law, they can appeal to the legislature for remedy. They may not ignore or fabricate law.
Sure they can, and must, and did. Luckily, global pandemics aren't very common.
Sure they can, and must, and did. Luckily, global pandemics aren't very common.

There seems to be an assumption the framers didn't foresee extraordinary circumstances, therefore officials - unelected or elected - can simply override or ignore law and act in supra-legal fashion. The constitution was crafted for tough circumstances, such as trying to cobble together a country and hold it after a brutal dividing conflict and while other global powers such as England and France were still vying for a toe-hold on N.American territory. The pandemic pales in comparison.

So, no, unless acting upon authority delegated them by the legislature, officials cannot constitutionally act in contravention of election code. That some did, doesn't make it constitutionally legal, which is the standard of rule of law.
There seems to be an assumption the framers didn't foresee extraordinary circumstances, therefore officials - unelected or elected - can simply override or ignore law and act in supra-legal fashion. The constitution was crafted for tough circumstances, such as trying to cobble together a country and hold it after a brutal dividing conflict and while other global powers such as England and France were still vying for a toe-hold on N.American territory. The pandemic pales in comparison.

So, no, unless acting upon authority delegated them by the legislature, officials cannot constitutionally act in contravention of election code. That some did, doesn't make it constitutionally legal, which is the standard of rule of law.
I simply do not agree with your perspective.
The courts tend to get the last word, whether you like it or not.

All the conservatives/Republicans really want to do suppress the Democratic vote, by any means necessary. That's been the strategy of the losing GOP for years. Under the guise of wanting a more secure election system, the GOP is really trying to find ways by which it can throw out Democratic votes and cheat itself.

Yes, and I explained by example why that often erodes constitutional protections.
But thanks for the latest installment of 'Monkey Chatter'.
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There seems to be an assumption the framers didn't foresee extraordinary circumstances, therefore officials - unelected or elected - can simply override or ignore law and act in supra-legal fashion. The constitution was crafted for tough circumstances, such as trying to cobble together a country and hold it after a brutal dividing conflict and while other global powers such as England and France were still vying for a toe-hold on N.American territory. The pandemic pales in comparison.

So, no, unless acting upon authority delegated them by the legislature, officials cannot constitutionally act in contravention of election code. That some did, doesn't make it constitutionally legal, which is the standard of rule of law.

If Trump would have won he would be singing a completely different tune, he's an ends justifies the means person and as long as his team wins he doesn't care how they did it.
I thought you were considering candidates based off of their qualifications? No serious person could even remotely argue that Joe Biden was more qualified than a sitting President who was previously successful as a businessman. Other than grifting off the government for 50 years, he has accomplished nothing

But maga bad, maga racist, etc...

. He doesn't want qualifications.
We know the US intelligence agencies have been interfering in elections abroad for a very long time. That is generally understood by many. They do it to promote a "more pro-democractic" system or that the US bureaucracy view as favorable.

I believe one of the more damning little talked about items is this repeated rhetoric by the democrats, former intelligence agents, the media, Joe Biden himself is this quote "democracy is at stake" which provides them the moral superiority to cheat to "save democracy". I think this is very relevant that they thinks give them the authority. If all of this is ever uncovered that will be their answer for why they did it. It's insidious.

Excerpted only this because the four points you made are inarguable.
The bold text is the implicit message; that Trump is so egregious, so dangerous that anything contributing to his demise is permissable to 'save the nation' and that applies to every person who voted for him. The bolsheviks are dumb enough to buy it, but for Biden admin/elected Dems it's war strategy.

Never mind they can never make themselves utter the word 'republic' to which I reply "die democracy, die!", then explain why it's a terrible government model rejected in our founding.
Frankly, I wonder if we've crossed the Rubicon and burned the ferry rope behind us.
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