2024 Elections Will Be Rigged

Good grief man, surely you can process this.....I never supported Biden, I 100% voted against Trump. I (and millions of others) made it crystal clear that I would vote for a rock before I would vote for Trump. Same is true for 2024.....I can only hope that repubs (the non-Trumpers with a clue) put up a better candidate.

I thought you were considering candidates based off of their qualifications? No serious person could even remotely argue that Joe Biden was more qualified than a sitting President who was previously successful as a businessman. Other than grifting off the government for 50 years, he has accomplished nothing
No surprise to anyone...

Former Deputy Nat'l Security Adviser: FBI, CIA & DOJ Will Rig 2024 Election | ZeroHedge

"Go back to 2020. This time, the CIA got involved in the election with those 51 former intel agents who said the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. . So they've gotten away with it for two elections. They will surely try and get away with it in 2024, right?
Because there are no consequences...

"There is now hard evidence that there was election interference by the U.S. intelligence agencies and the Department of Justice. Those individuals must be terrified that a Republican president comes in with a Republican Attorney General, investigates them, and charges them with all of the crimes they have committed over the last eight years. Take it to the bank.

They will absolutely interfere in 2024...

These people are selling us out. Not only to foreign leaders, but they are interfering in our elections.
They are tearing up the Constitution... This is just a gut punch to the American people."

Like moths to a flame…you really know how to bring out all the Volnation liberal loonies into a single thread.
Good grief man, surely you can process this.....I never supported Biden, I 100% voted against Trump. I (and millions of others) made it crystal clear that I would vote for a rock before I would vote for Trump. Same is true for 2024.....I can only hope that repubs (the non-Trumpers with a clue) put up a better candidate.

ironic. sheep on.
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Argue? - no, I"m asking a spectacularly intelligent person to point out the certain officials exclusion in that part of the constitution which provisions sole, "explicit authority" to state legislatures.

There's a reason Abbott was sued by TX legislators...
I have already explained that you are following a strict interpretation of Article 2, which was rejected by our courts in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

There are designated officials who have the authority to change election laws in certain states. Texas, a state which Trump won, is one of those states. Gov. Greg Abbott is one of those officials, who did not need new legislation in order to make changes to election laws. He extended the duration of the early voting period, due to the pandemic ... and he had the designated authority to do so.
I also don’t recognize or call biden president. I guess he’s legal but certainly not legitimate

Last part is a joke, you people spent 4 years telling us the Russians got him elected

Biden's not legit? Why not. (This should be good!)

It's been said--with the utmost accuracy--that the Russians /helped/ get him elected. Big Fat Fact.
What these idiot communists here are too stupid to realize, Putin wanted chaos and they played into his hands.

You know nothing about foreign affairs or the war in Ukraine....Putin thought he could take control of Ukraine with minimal effort. Stupid assumption--completely blew up in his face--and his regime is now in trouble.
Interesting that you consider Biden viable. I really doubt the man could get a drivers license.

And yet he's in the White House. Imagine that....And there's a very good chance he'll win again....He said he wants to run again just to piss off the rednecks...
I have already explained that you are following a strict interpretation of Article 2, which was rejected by our courts in the aftermath of the 2020 election.

There are designated officials who have the authority to change election laws in certain states. Texas, a state which Trump won, is one of those states. Gov. Greg Abbott is one of those officials, who did not need new legislation in order to make changes to election laws. He extended the duration of the early voting period, due to the pandemic ... and he had the designated authority to do so.

I don't care what courts opine if they are not based upon the constitution. According to your logic, it's okay to inter Japanese and dispossess them, own black people as property, and jail war protesters as the court's horrific decision allowed in U.S. vs Schenck. Their proper directive is to interpret the constitutional validity of law, not make new ones or allow parties to subvert it.

Therefore, the courts can't legitimately hold a damned thing up as lawful which cannot withstand constitutional scrutiny.

YOUR link - Prof. Rebecca Green: "It is often the case that there are gaps in election statutes that state and local election officials routinely fill according to their delegated authority. So to say that all decisions about how elections are run must emanate from the legislature is not consistent with explicit delegated authority to state election officials."

The question, again, is who explicitly delegates authority to state election offiicials if not the legislature, eh? And where does the constitution make exceptions to that power vested solely in state legislatures???
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It’s easier on the mind to believe that fraud exists instead of believing that the American people would be so ignorant as to elect Joe Biden as POTUS. I understand how depressing it is to believe the latter, but here we are in reality and the fact is that there are people that are actually that moronic among us and in greater numbers than seems possible.

Another MAGA mind in his own imaginary MAGA world.....
I don't care what courts opine if they are not based upon the constitution. According to your logic, it's okay to inter Japanese and dispossess them, own black people as property, and jail war protesters as the court's horrific decision allowed in U.S. vs Schenck. Their proper directive is to interpret the validity of law, not make new ones or allow parties to subvert it.

Therefore, the courts can't legitimately hold a damned thing up as lawful which cannot withstand constitutional scrutiny.

YOUR link - Prof. Rebecca Green: "It is often the case that there are gaps in election statutes that state and local election officials routinely fill according to their delegated authority. So to say that all decisions about how elections are run must emanate from the legislature is not consistent with explicit delegated authority to state election officials."

The question, again, is who explicitly delegates authority to state election offiicials if not the legislature, eh? And where does the constitution make exceptions to that power vested solely in state legislatures???

The courts tend to get the last word, whether you like it or not.

All the conservatives/Republicans really want to do suppress the Democratic vote, by any means necessary. That's been the strategy of the losing GOP for years. Under the guise of wanting a more secure election system, the GOP is really trying to find ways by which it can throw out Democratic votes and cheat itself.
16 year olds voting and packing the Supreme Court is progress to you?

Can you just imagine the original leftists who stole the word "progressive" as their label laughing themselves into hysterics at their audacity and hypocrisy?
16 year olds voting and packing the Supreme Court is progress to you?

who has advocated for giving 16 year olds the vote? Never heard it. Sounds like a BS assertion.

As for the Supreme Court, unfortunately conservatives have corrupted it. Obama was blatantly cheated out of a Supreme Court pick, and the court is now full of conservative partisans with ethical problems, three of whom lied during their confirmation hearings--blatantly--on Roe v. Wade, which is going to bite the GOP next election.
What Trump most prominently proclaimed was the 'rigging' - counterfeit votes - is not what McFarland is saying, which is that DOJ/FBI and intel actively worked to put Clinton, then Biden into office, and also interferred with the midterms. And that's aside from the illegal voting practices put into place by election boards, governors and such that were not acts of the states legislatures.

McFarland's are true statements. We knew this before the Durham report. Polls of Dem voters report anywhere from 6% - mid-teen percentages of them would not have voted for Biden had the laptop and business dealings stories not been quashed as 'Russian disinfo'. Even 6% not voting for Biden AND not voting for Trump, puts Trump back into the WH in 2020.

The Biden presidencey is a product of American Stasi-like machinations, including controlling and compelling the input of public information via news and tech media, and voters making decisions concocted by those disinformation campaigns. You won't find it lazy when the shoe is on the other foot and the illegitimate president is Republican.

They are at it again, too. Court date set for Trump in the middle of campaign season, and GA blowing in the wind ready to pile on. If that's not interference, you'd be hard pressed to find something that is. Character assassination at it's finest. Imagine the squealing if somebody/anybody started seriously looking into the Biden Crime Family now.
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who has advocated for giving 16 year olds the vote? Never heard it. Sounds like a BS assertion.

As for the Supreme Court, unfortunately conservatives have corrupted it. Obama was blatantly cheated out of a Supreme Court pick, and the court is now full of conservative partisans with ethical problems, three of whom lied during their confirmation hearings--blatantly--on Roe v. Wade, which is going to bite the GOP next election.

Just a small sampling:

Meng Reintroduces Legislation to Lower the Voting Age in America to 16 Years Old
Why should we lower the voting age to 16? - FairVote
Starting early for this election cycle... well, maybe not. The trumpers claimed fraud even when they won.
Judging by the increasing size and intensity of the lunatic fringe on this site, I think we’re seeing the effects of right wing media efforts to prime the pump for the more sophisticated state level certification shenanigans that were set up in a few places after 2020.

The insular alternative reality where MAGA are the perpetual victims of some vast conspiracy has somehow become more mainstream since the election despite QAnon going defunct. It’s got to be bordering on mental illness at this point.
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I don't care what courts opine if they are not based upon the constitution. According to your logic, it's okay to inter Japanese and dispossess them, own black people as property, and jail war protesters as the court's horrific decision allowed in U.S. vs Schenck. Their proper directive is to interpret the constitutional validity of law, not make new ones or allow parties to subvert it.

Therefore, the courts can't legitimately hold a damned thing up as lawful which cannot withstand constitutional scrutiny.

YOUR link - Prof. Rebecca Green: "It is often the case that there are gaps in election statutes that state and local election officials routinely fill according to their delegated authority. So to say that all decisions about how elections are run must emanate from the legislature is not consistent with explicit delegated authority to state election officials."

The question, again, is who explicitly delegates authority to state election offiicials if not the legislature, eh? And where does the constitution make exceptions to that power vested solely in state legislatures???
You don't understand what you are reading.

That means that certain delegated officials have the authority to change election laws, without additional legislation. If Christmas were slower ... you would still be behind it.
Which I willingly did because the rock was so much better than the only other viable alternative.

And look what that rock has brought us. We are in wayyy worse shape than anytime under Trump. Imagine how sad that is Luther. Biden actually is much worse than Trump. How did he manage to do that?
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Does it really matter at this point? I mean look who our potential presidential candidates are. I mean they are all walking piles of garbage. The election is rigged. So what? It’s not like our votes really count anyway.
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I thought you were considering candidates based off of their qualifications? No serious person could even remotely argue that Joe Biden was more qualified than a sitting President who was previously successful as a businessman. Other than grifting off the government for 50 years, he has accomplished nothing
81 million felt he was more qualified.
And look what that rock has brought us. We are in wayyy worse shape than anytime under Trump. Imagine how sad that is Luther. Biden actually is much worse than Trump. How did he manage to do that?
I am thrilled Trump did not win. That has not changed, nor will it.
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I am thrilled Trump did not win. That has not changed, nor will it.

I think many of your cohorts feel that way. And that’s sad. I don’t believe many of you liked Biden. You just hated Trump so you thought because of blind hate, that Biden would be better. He hasn’t been. Not even close. People like you are a big problem on this country. Voting for the lesser of two evils is the dumbest way to vote.
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