Below is
@bamawriter's initial post, and my response.
I think the posts make clear that my discussion here is related to the oddity, also referred to as a "remarkable moment in history." I suppose I could have used "unprecedented." I still don't know WTH Ford has to do with any of this in 2024. It is possible, you realize, that novel, unrelated event can happen some 50 years apart? Sure, Ford was unique. So is Harris. Not being 85 years old, I am more interested in Harris than I am in some president who was in office when I was in diapers.
Perhaps that is the disconnect here. Maybe you have me confused with some other poster(s). My entire post string with you has been based on these two foundational posts, which are simply comments about the uniqueness of the current political situation.
If you can't see that, I don't have anything more for you. But, hey, you be you.