I typically go with the one most in-line with my values.
I cited that I am a Republican and not an independent. I also voted that in the surveys. At the same time, I am willing to listen to the other side but the Republican party aligns most with my values (not perfectly).
For example, I am not big on the border crisis and that is a MAJOR Trump item but I am very much in line with Trump on the USA having bad trade deals with foreign nations and the tariffs. I also HATE the hubris and arrogance of the other side. When people say Earls or rednecks, it offends me (even if people would not qualify me as one). All human beings are valuable to me.
I am pro-life but I can agree on exceptions for problematic situations (life endangered, rape, etc.). I just don't agree with killing a human being when a women had a sexual relationship they were not supposed to have.
I think the Republicans can do more to reach out to minority voters and Trump is starting some of that.
I don't like Trump's divisive comments. I think a Commander-in-Chief should be professional and it comes off very unprofessional.
I could keep going but you really need to make the choice on your end and not just follow me

. I don't know everything.
I think Trump has been going in the right direction over the last several months but I wasn't a fan of some of his actions in 2020. I am willing to admit when Trump (or the Republican party) makes mistake and agree with the liberal posters on here.