I specifically mentioned Harris potentially being the first person elected president without receiving any electoral votes. Even bringing up Ford's rise to president is seems silly, but I feel you already know that. Some 20% of our Presidents ascended into office under principles of succession without being elected to that office. Ford is one of them
I don't think Andrew Johnson ever won electoral votes before becoming President. I don't think Harry Truman did. I don't think Lyndon Johnson did. I doubt Fillmore, Arthur or Coolidge did, either, though I am not sure about them or the others who also ascended to the Presidency upon death of the sitting president. It is not presidential succession that is the issue here, at least not to the rest of us. It is the manner is which VPHarris earned (or didn't earn) the right to be the presumptive Dem nominee that is our issue.
Harris' situation, where she can run for President without winning any electoral votesin a presidential primary is unique and unprecedented in modern electoral history. That statement remains true, regardless of how many times you "Ford, Ford, Ford." I am not sure why this point is difficult to comprehend, but I hope this post helps provide explanation and clarity for you.