Why do I vex my detractors? It won't change anything at all, because they are who and what they are. The most recent bile spewed my way is not reading Kamie's statements (actually, I already had done so), thus, was being unreasonable, scared, and unintelligent. Or something along those lines. The assumption is I'm an automatic Kamie kuddler. My accusers knowingly make this false claim and assumption. Typical MAGA smearing, nothing new. Now, anyone can fact-check me on this by looking up my past statements. Here are a few.
1, The thought of Kamala as President terrifies me.
2. I don't believe Kamala has the background or experience, especially in foreign affairs, to be President.
3. This election year is a mess, I don't know who I'm going to vote for.
4. I may vote for that Kennedy guybe
5. I think Kamala is too much activist centered, focused on demands of activists and others to Presidential.
That's just a few of my statements. The MAGAs and stealth MAGAs are solely focused on doing the Trump dump. What's that? Meaning, painting those who think different in every negative way they can think of. Then, when you return the favor, they want to accuse you of dodging real discussions. And/or playing the victim. When in reality they are the verbal thugs. OK, why am I such a lightning rod, or as they put it, turbo? Well, two reasons, I tend to play with bigots, racists, biased, and other social thugs just for the heil of it. Two, is I dare to call them out, and the more they try to discredit, accuse, attack, ridicule, divert, dismiss, deny, and lie, I tend to return the favor. Return it with humor, mockery, disdain, basically, employ their own tools against them. For them, it's maddening to not be able to shut down someone who is better at playing by their rules than they are. Despite their wolf pack tactics. And I suppose my ignoring their cries of Ollie, Ollie, oxen free.