2024 Presidential Race

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It really doesn't, New Hampshire is not "deep blue."

She has prioritized North Carolina .... but if a campaign stop in a state she is leading in helps you get through the day, and makes you feel better about what the Real Cleat Polling data says?

not sure what exactly counts as "deep" blue but they have gone blue in the last 5 elections, and 7 of the last 8. you have to go back to Reagan to find them being consistently red.

you can find more 10% wins by the blues than you will find victories for the red in that same time span.
Russia is playing you guys like a fiddle.

And your party is a wholly owned subsidiary of China. Just wondering, any more aides, chauffeurs, or girlfriends of dimocrat politicians arrested for being CCP spies this week? 😂😂😂
And has Walz got his next CCP sponsored “educational visit” lined up yet?
not sure what exactly counts as "deep" blue but they have gone blue in the last 5 elections, and 7 of the last 8. you have to go back to Reagan to find them being consistently red.

you can find more 10% wins by the blues than you will find victories for the red in that same time span.
Harris will win New Hampshire.
It really doesn't, New Hampshire is not "deep blue."

She has prioritized North Carolina .... but if a campaign stop in a state she is leading in helps you get through the day, and makes you feel better about what the Real Cleat Polling data says?

And you need to talk with Nate Silver and the Electoral College map.
The Titanic was mostly above water until the last few minutes.
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Will the DOJ actually prosecute these people this time or is this just another show indictment?
The later. The timing is a dead give away.
Just like the Biden Administration FINALLY brings criminal charges against HAMAS leadership almost a year after their attack (and coincidentally I am sure, the same week Hamas murders an American hostage)
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And you need to talk with Nate Silver and the Electoral College map.
The Titanic was mostly above water until the last few minutes.
I follow that closely.

1) Trump has more paths to victory (as of now).
2) Harris needs all 3 swing states among Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin; while Trump only needs one.
3) All 3 of those swing states are trending in Harris' direction. She has a lead, but within the margin of error in all 3.
4) Nate Silver has Georgia, Arizona and North Carolina as leaning red .... but acknowledges they are close and that can quickly change.

Not every poll agrees with Silver that Trump has a lead in Georgia. Most polls have Arizona a virtual toss-up. Silver also has it leaning red.

Silver has also explained how the polls have been trending in Harris' favor, so your Titanic analogy is kind of dumb.
My oh my. Who was/is the Chief Vetter for the communist party?

This course of action doesn't appear to be politically motivated at all. I'm sure that the Republican-controlled House of Representatives would have still taken the time to subpoena Tim Walz, even if he had not been selected as a running-mate for Kamala Harris. LOL!!!!!

2024 Is Beginning to Smell Like 1980​

History is never exactly repetitive. There are no two times, seasons, locations, or peoples that are totally the same. There are, however, certain eternal principles which are constantly repeated by humans—for good or ill—that will usually (though not always) produce similar, or sometimes, exact consequences. If you overdose on drugs, don’t be surprised if you die. If a godless, communist thug comes to power in a country, chances are pretty good lots of people will get killed. These are principles that history has consistently verified.

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