2024 Presidential Race

Here is an autistic girl arrested in Britain for meeely saying that a police officer “looked like a lesbian”.
Really Luther, I fear you are not adequately following news from Europe. People go to jail simply for stating opinions. It is on its way here if Harris wins
And what came of that?

The officer was reprimanded not supported. It proves that that type of speech is protected, not illegal.

Pick your links a little more carefully.
Seems she was arrested for knowingly breeching a buffer zone and refusing to move. She could have had that prayer session outside of the buffer zone. She knew exactly what she was doing....some people actually fell for her show.
Then why did the police just have to give her a big pay out? Once again, you need to keep up with international news. Things happen fast
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And what came of that?

The officer was reprimanded not supported. It proves that that type of speech is protected, not illegal.

Pick your links a little more carefully.
I am sure that cures the lifelong trauma the poor kids suffered. The thing you should be concerned about is a society in which a police officer would even think that was remotely ok.
And last I heard, none of the people arrested over the last month for memes have been released yet.
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Then why did the police just have to give her a big pay out? Once again, you need to keep up with international news. Things happen fast
If police gave her a payout IT IS PROOF THAT THE SPEECH IS PROTECTED.

Do you realize your posts are counter to what you are trying to prove?
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Who wants someone prosecuted for saying "homosexuality is a sin"? Certainly not the vast majority of dems.

Who wants to see people jailed for stating an opinion that too many immigrants are being allowed in?

Alex, who are the British?

Was that a double jeopardy? What do I win?
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I am sure that cures the lifelong trauma the poor kids suffered. The thing you should be concerned about is a society in which a police officer would even think that was remotely ok.
And last I heard, none of the people arrested over the last month for memes have been released yet.
Please, we live in a society where policeman have randomly and repeatedly beaten and killed minorities.

You probably want to dismount the societal high horse.
I harbor no illusions about the nature of Trump and his many flaws. And I agree that it could be called being „played“. But you do not recognize the degree of absolute depravity and evil represented by the democrat party today. Whatever you think of Trump and republicans, they want to make America better. Democrats want to tear it all down and make it into an unrecognizable parody of histories failed centrally planned nations.
But regardless, I now have FOOTBALL on now so I will bow out for the rest of today. Peace all.

@luthervol is a globalist. His fundamental philosophy starts from that perspective. He doesn't initially consider what is best for the US as a core principle. He thinks what is best from the world first. He doesn't understand that the US doesn't not and will not ever control the world. He and all like minded fools can never necessarily be principled because of it. It's the moving needle of progressive utopia.

Globalists do not have the US best interest at heart. They will destroy the US at the ideal of globalism which thrives on countries and it's citizens being controlled, obedient and be a part of the sum with some level of mediocrity.
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It's actually higher than that:

Election analyst Nate Silver gave former President Donald Trump a record-high probability of winning against Vice President Kamala Harris.

The bump came partially as a result of Sunday’s New York Times/Sienna poll, which Silver has as one of the highest-rated pollsters. Silver’s newest rating has Trump with a 63.8% probability, compared to Harris’s 36%. The former president is also favored to win every swing state.

@luthervol is a globalist. His fundamental philosophy starts from that perspective. He doesn't initially consider what is best for the US as a core principle. He thinks what is best from the world first. He doesn't understand that the US doesn't not and will not ever control the world. He and all like minded fools can never necessarily be principled because of it. It's the moving needle of progressive utopia.

Globalists do not have the US best interest at heart. They will destroy the US at the ideal of globalism which thrives on countries and it's citizens being controlled, obedient and be a part of the sum with some level of mediocrity.

If he's not elderly he's completely wacko.

He has been voting and supporting all the nonsense this country has been gone through, his solution more nutjob policies. They're complaining about the thing they themselves created. Luther is the idiocracy of American society which is why I say America is toast.

Someone said he is a teacher of some type, exactly the problem... the worst part of it is he actually thinks he has something to contribute. Just imagine that guy having to do with teaching anything.
@luthervol is a globalist. His fundamental philosophy starts from that perspective. He doesn't initially consider what is best for the US as a core principle. He thinks what is best from the world first. He doesn't understand that the US doesn't not and will not ever control the world. He and all like minded fools can never necessarily be principled because of it. It's the moving needle of progressive utopia.

Globalists do not have the US best interest at heart. They will destroy the US at the ideal of globalism which thrives on countries and it's citizens being controlled, obedient and be a part of the sum with some level of mediocrity.
Such a total load of BS. And I would bet $3 that you actually thought you were making a point.

Trumpests/nationalist/isolationists are the real dummies. They are so far behind the curve that they fail to understand that a country must now, more than ever, function within the global community. But trumpublicans do know how to appeal to people's baser instincts....
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