2024 Presidential Race

I know the 17 year old and know what he posted.

These are closer to bomb threats and not related to your deeply thought out list.
Again, do you want me to peruse every policy recommendation written by the „staunchest of Harris supporters“. It could be quite illuminating
You can if you wish.
I'm guessing there are those who believe that Harris is publicly adopting positions that do not align with her true intent.

I know without doubt that trump is.
Someone calls and says they are going to shoot up a bunch of schools and say which school they are going to start at. School shooting happens at that specific school. People criticize school and police response. Luther bothered that people are playing the result. On a specific threat. Same guy advocating for police intervention on non specific threats. You can't make this shat up.
Someone calls and says they are going to shoot up a bunch of schools and say which school they are going to start at. School shooting happens at that specific school. People criticize school and police response. Luther bothered that people are playing the result. On a specific threat. Same guy advocating for police intervention on non specific threats. You can't make this shat up.
It doesn't appear as if that phone call was actually made. But there was evidently a call from the mom.
But if so, the school's response certainly deserves review and most likely criticism.
If the threat was....."a south-side county school", and not a specific school, would it still be a threat?
How about "a county school"?
How about "a school in NE GA"?
How about "a school in GA"?

How specific does it have to be to rise to the level of a legitimate threat?
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"However, Gabbard said she believes her criticism of the Biden administration may be the reason behind the inclusion on the Quiet Skies terror watchlist.

“Obviously, I’ve been very outspoken about the dangers of the Biden-Harris administration to our democracy and to our freedom and to our national security,” Gabbard said. “This is what happens as a result.”

Gabbard’s learning prompted outrage among Hawaii state lawmakers, which is the state Gabbard represented in Congress. Four state representatives sent a letter to the TSA demanding answers and calling the move “harassment.”

Reports said several agents and two explosive detection canine teams followed Gabbard and her husband in the airport in July.

“My own government, my president, my commander-in-chief is targeting me as a potential domestic terrorist. The closest word that comes to mind is a complete sense of betrayal,” Gabbard said."

Obviously a legitimate threat. Obviously hate speech.
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"I hate gays"
"I hate gays and so does god."
"I hate gays and the world would be better off without them."
"I hate gays and they should all die."
"I hate gays and hope someone kills them all."
"I hate gays and think about killing them"
"I hate gays and might kill one soon."
"I hate gays and plan to kill one today."

Where is the line? Or are all of these protected?
With no further information as to the context in which those statements were made, I believe all of those statements are lawful in NC.
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I feel like this conversation has went way off into the weeds. The jurisprudence around what is considered a threat and what is not is well established and cases involving it have been adjudicated for generations without much controversy. That is NOT the discussion occurring in DC (and throughout the West) today.
We all agree that it is a crime to threaten anyone. What the left wants to do is expand that definition to include disagreement. They want to not merely criminalize a threat to harm a gay person, they want to create a new standard of “hate speech” in which you can be prosecuted for saying “homosexuality is a sin”. In the UK now, people are being jailed for stating an opinion that too many immigrants are being allowed in. The democrats want the same type standard here which would be blatantly unconstitutional
The left also wants to censor speech they deem “misinformation” or “disinformation@ which is a TERRIFYING thought. Remember when people were kicked off social media or fired for simply staining a belief that covid vaccines were ineffective. Well they would love to make that sort of power permanent.
So quit focusing on red herrings and look at the real issue in front of us
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Luther half way down the European slide of punishing citizens for saying “hurtful” things about immigrants that the government doesn't like.
Remember when all Americans, even the democrats used to say “I might not agree with what you say but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it?”
That is the party Luther and many others think they are still voting for. But that party is sadly long gone, to America’s detriment.
I feel like this conversation has went way off into the weeds. The jurisprudence around what is considered a threat and what is not is well established and cases involving it have been adjudicated for generations without much controversy. That is NOT the discussion occurring in DC (and throughout the West) today.
We all agree that it is a crime to threaten anyone. What the left wants to do is expand that definition to include disagreement. They want to not merely criminalize a threat to harm a gay person, they want to create a new standard of “hate speech” in which you can be prosecuted for saying “homosexuality is a sin”. In the UK now, people are being jailed for stating an opinion that too many immigrants are being allowed in. The democrats want the same type standard here which would be blatantly unconstitutional
The left also wants to censor speech they deem “misinformation” or “disinformation@ which is a TERRIFYING thought. Remember when people were kicked off social media or fired for simply staining a belief that covid vaccines were ineffective. Well they would love to make that sort of power permanent.
So quit focusing on red herrings and look at the real issue in front of us
Who wants someone prosecuted for saying "homosexuality is a sin"? Certainly not the vast majority of dems.

Who wants to see people jailed for stating an opinion that too many immigrants are being allowed in?
Remember when all Americans, even the democrats used to say “I might not agree with what you say but I will fight to the death to defend your right to say it?”
That is the party Luther and many others think they are still voting for. But that party is sadly long gone, to America’s detriment.

How about a link to someone being jailed in the UK for saying too many immigrants are being let in.

How about a link showing someone advocating for saying "homosexuality is a sin" be made illegal.

There was a time when all Americans valued factual truth over propaganda and lies. Many on the right still believe their party values truth....but that party is sadly long gone, to America's detriment.
Who wants someone prosecuted for saying "homosexuality is a sin"? Certainly not the vast majority of dems.

Who wants to see people jailed for stating an opinion that too many immigrants are being allowed in?
Just read the news coming out of the UK since Labour’s win last month. It is pretty scary. Britain is even threatening to attempt to jail US citizens for social media posts
And for a while now, they have arrested people just for expressing any disagreement about immigrants or the LBTQAXXXXX community

I would sincerely recommend you start reading more international news. These are exactly the people the left wishes to emulate here.
Luther, here are the British police arresting a woman for SILENT PRAYER outside of an abortion clinic. Not blocakading, not protesting, not even SPEAKING; but arrested for what she was THINKING
Who wants someone prosecuted for saying "homosexuality is a sin"? Certainly not the vast majority of dems.

Who wants to see people jailed for stating an opinion that too many immigrants are being allowed in?
Here is an autistic girl arrested in Britain for meeely saying that a police officer “looked like a lesbian”.
Really Luther, I fear you are not adequately following news from Europe. People go to jail simply for stating opinions. It is on its way here if Harris wins
Luther, here are the British police arresting a woman for SILENT PRAYER outside of an abortion clinic. Not blocakading, not protesting, not even SPEAKING; but arrested for what she was THINKING
Seems she was arrested for knowingly breeching a buffer zone and refusing to move. She could have had that prayer session outside of the buffer zone. She knew exactly what she was doing....some people actually fell for her show.

How about a link to someone being jailed in the UK for saying too many immigrants are being let in.

How about a link showing someone advocating for saying "homosexuality is a sin" be made illegal.

There was a time when all Americans valued factual truth over propaganda and lies. Many on the right still believe their party values truth....but that party is sadly long gone, to America's detriment.
Seems she was arrested for knowingly breeching a buffer zone and refusing to move. She could have had that prayer session outside of the buffer zone. She knew exactly what she was doing....some people actually fell for her show.

Lol. Wtf is a “buffer zone”? That’s weak coach speak.
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