2024 Presidential Race

The law is already well defined when dealing with threatening speech and virtually no on fromeither party has any problem with that so I feel you are throwing out red herrings. The question we are facing in America right now is if the government can restrict non violent speech or opinions under the guise of either „hate speech“ or „disinformation“. And of course, such determinations would be made by the government which clearly is contrary to both the spirit and the letter of the first Amendment.
And only one party is pushing for that right now. And any serious student of history knows what hat kind of governments rely on such tactics (hint; it is NEVER the good guys).
View attachment 674787
"I hate gays"
"I hate gays and so does god."
"I hate gays and the world would be better off without them."
"I hate gays and they should all die."
"I hate gays and hope someone kills them all."
"I hate gays and think about killing them"
"I hate gays and might kill one soon."
"I hate gays and plan to kill one today."

Where is the line? Or are all of these protected?
"I hate gays"
"I hate gays and so does god."
"I hate gays and the world would be better off without them."
"I hate gays and they should all die."
"I hate gays and hope someone kills them all."
"I hate gays and think about killing them"
"I hate gays and might kill one soon."
"I hate gays and plan to kill one today."

Where is the line? Or are all of these protected?
One and two are dreadful but are constitutionally protected (just like democrats saying they hate Christians, Jews, and Trump is protected). Three is borderline and I could see a Court going either way. The rest (in my option at least) are threats and should be treated as such.

BTW, in each of your examples, replace „gays“ with „Jews“ and you will find hundreds of similar posts on Twitter by the Squad affiliated left.
"I hate gays"
"I hate gays and so does god."
"I hate gays and the world would be better off without them."
"I hate gays and they should all die."
"I hate gays and hope someone kills them all."
"I hate gays and think about killing them"
"I hate gays and might kill one soon."
"I hate gays and plan to kill one today."

Where is the line? Or are all of these protected?
All good. You are a POS if you espouse those views. But you are free to do so. And free from government intervention
One and two are dreadful but are constitutionally protected (just like democrats saying they hate Christians, Jews, and Trump is protected). Three is borderline and I could see a Court going either way. The rest (in my option at least) are threats and should be treated as such.

BTW, in each of your examples, replace „gays“ with „Jews“ and you will find hundreds of similar posts on Twitter by the Squad affiliated left.
And any of that squad affiliated left would belong in the basket of deplorables with 30% of trumpers.
Isn’t censorship by its very nature intolerant?
When a government has truth on its side, it has no need to censor its opponents. When a government lies however, it fears truth above all else and will move heaven and earth to silence it.
Before the authoritarian takeover of the DNC, about 95% of Americans all felt the same way.
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And any of that squad affiliated left would belong in the basket of deplorables with 30% of trumpers.
Well we can definitely both agree on that for sure 😀.
Fortunately, that 30% of „trumpers“ has very little impact on actual Trump policy. Remember that Trump was already President rod four years and gays weren’t rounded up, Muslims kept their full freedoms, and political opponents were not jailed.
Well, you're wrong. There were multiple people arrested in GA over the past few days for making far less severe threats.
If I'm wrong I am sure you can link articles of arrests for people saying what you asked. None of what you proffered were specific attacks against specific people or places. Try again .
Well we can definitely both agree on that for sure 😀.
Fortunately, that 30% of „trumpers“ has very little impact on actual Trump policy. Remember that Trump was already President rod four years and gays weren’t rounded up, Muslims kept their full freedoms, and political opponents were not jailed.
Goes back to this discussion.
A good rule of thumb for me is that the side who promotes hatred and intolerance are seldom the good guys.

Do you even LISTEN to your own party?
If I'm wrong I am sure you can link articles of arrests for people saying what you asked.

I know the 17 year old and know what he posted.

I don't assume trumpers will, otherwise they wouldn't be trumpers to begin with.
Project 2025 was written by the staunchest of trumpers.
Again, do you want me to peruse every policy recommendation written by the „staunchest of Harris supporters“. It could be quite illuminating
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I know the 17 year old and know what he posted.

Lol. Everyone has already said making threats to cause physical harm are illegal.
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I know the 17 year old and know what he posted.

I know the 17 year old and know what he posted.

“threats directed at three schools within the county”.

In each of those specific targets were mentioned meaning schools or people

Its like you choose to be obtuse sometimes
"I hate gays"
"I hate gays and so does god."
"I hate gays and the world would be better off without them."
"I hate gays and they should all die."
"I hate gays and hope someone kills them all."
"I hate gays and think about killing them"
"I hate gays and might kill one soon."
"I hate gays and plan to kill one today."

Where is the line? Or are all of these protected?
All good. With the last three, if the threats are carried out hate speech charges will be added to the crime committed.
The question every democrat should ask themselves is „are you comfortable giving an expanded government power to the Biden or Harris administration considering the possibility that Trump would also be able to wield it in his turn?“
Dems are all in for restricting „disinformation“ when they are the ones making the calls. They would become apoplectic if they were faced with a situation in which a Trump administration wielded the hammer (and rightfully so)

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