2024 Presidential Race

Unfortunately or fortunately life was better depending on how you personally look at it. I’m comfortable now..I was real comfortable under Trump.
Biden won because they were sold on his unification lie, and 20% regret it


Ted has a point, but it is Ted Cruz. Any crap thrown against the wall by both parties to see what sticks. Pathetic bunch on both sides.

The so called RINOs are organized and will affect this election in vote. It may be enough to wait, oh no, elect Harris.

The best thing that could happen after this election is a 3rd party is formed.
Biden won because they were sold on his unification lie, and 20% regret it

Seemed like a good idea at the time. Buyers remorse when common sense kicked in.
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Yes, kids/people in parks with a random guy (dirty old man) wanting to see one fly a kite. Stranger danger.
You certainly are malleable. You are that guy from the Fantastic Four!

NM. You don't get it. You take it to the "sick" level of ignorance.

They are definitely not the same question. Had Trump been there, no pictures, no one would have cared. Or maybe if it was him quietly consoling the family, or even just quietly talking to them with a couple candid shots. Taking a posed shots over the grave is going to raise questions. now there could be 100% valid answers to those questions, but to act like there shouldn't be questions is just partisan hackery.

Trump is a show man, always has been, always will be. he wouldn't have been there if he couldn't have made it about himself.
Sooooo, now you are basically attacking the families who lost their children. Bold strategy there. Hope the dimocrats stick with it
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Our permanent residence will likely always be in Tennessee. That being said, we're thinking seriously about buying a small place in the Crans Montana area of Switzerland.
We love Portugal, but Switzerland would be a great place as well. Especially that area we travel once every 2 years to 3 years to Bellagio, Italy and surrounding areas including Switzerland plus the Amalfi Coast. I am not sure about the red tape or restrictions of Crans Montana, Switzerland but have snow skied in that area on several occasions.
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Biden won because they were sold on his unification lie, and 20% regret it

Seriously unification from a basement. I could have saved him the trouble. You can't unify crap from a basement and you can't unify a country if half believe one thing and the other half believes the opposite.
You certainly are malleable. You are that guy from the Fantastic Four!

NM. You don't get it. You take it to the "sick" level of ignorance.

I’ll allow you last word as you’ve gone from kites in parks to rambling. As a reminder it was just last week you referred to a poster a “boy”. If we want to discuss ignorance. You were reminded it’s 2024.
We love Portugal, but Switzerland would be a great place as well. Especially that area we travel once every 2 years to 3 years to Bellagio, Italy and surrounding areas including Switzerland plus the Amalfi Coast. I am not sure about the red tape or restrictions of Crans Montana, Switzerland but have snow skied in that area on several occasions.
I love Switzerland. But I don’t think I could afford to live there. I would probably have to settle for Western Austria or Southern Bavaria.
As a Vol fan; I could definitely recommend this small town just outside Innsbruck.
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how did that work out for him. All candidates can state what they are going to do. It's the voter that determines if it is a feasible outcome. Current candidates are doing the same thing as we speak. They can't get crap accomplished without 1) rewriting the Constitution or 2) Total Control of Congress or 3) enough of both parties to push it through and in some cases a 2/3 majority to overcome a VETO. Failure keeps half the country divided and in Chaos.
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Look in the mirror and multiply what you see by millions.
Odd. I didn't vote for any candidate that has been on the ballot during the last three primaries.

But it's not like you've ever really had any depth of understanding.
That's odd. Because isn't that how candidates get selected for the general? With the obvious current exception.

It’s hard to believe that it’s possible but (as you claim) you voted for Bernie in 2016 and he was a worse candidate than Hillary. So yeah, you are part of the problem.

Tulsi Gabbard: ‘A Vote for Kamala Harris Is a Vote for Dick Cheney’​


Former Hawaii congresswoman and 2020 presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard said, “A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Dick Cheney,” at a Colorado event with conservative journalist Tucker Carlson last week.

“Dick Cheney has just made the choice very clear. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Dick Cheney, the architect of everything that has gone wrong in the Middle East for the last few decades,” she said to the crowd at the Broadmoor World Arena:

It’s hard to believe that it’s possible but (as you claim) you voted for Bernie in 2016 and he was a worse candidate than Hillary. So yeah, you are part of the problem.
Are you part of the solution, part of the problem, or simply nothing?

I know how I have you ranked.
They are definitely not the same question. Had Trump been there, no pictures, no one would have cared. Or maybe if it was him quietly consoling the family, or even just quietly talking to them with a couple candid shots. Taking a posed shots over the grave is going to raise questions. now there could be 100% valid answers to those questions, but to act like there shouldn't be questions is just partisan hackery.

Trump is a show man, always has been, always will be. he wouldn't have been there if he couldn't have made it about himself.
But you don’t give a crap Biden did a political ad using Arlington and at the end it asked for donations
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