2024 Presidential Race

Anyone keeping up with senate and house races? Do we know which party is projected to control each?

I’ve not seen much info on either
I have no clue about the House, it's probably considered a toss-up at the moment. As for the Senate, with Montana likely to flip from D to R, Republicans will most likely retake control.
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It’s funny how “non-viable” is prominent in every single video and article about this and people just pretend it’s not there.

Top reply lol

I'm not going to research this, but my recollection is that Governor Notham's comments addressed then-pending Virginia legislation which would have allowed abortion survivors to be killed, and he had no problem with that legislation.

Hell to the yes! I am salary and I think this is fantastic.
Wait til butchplz sees that Haiti has higher average IQ than Peru...

Well aware of that fact. Don't really want the average Peruvian from the mountains/jungle here either. Generally people that proudly consider bugs and/or dirt a key part of their diet probably won't do much for our society.

But boy, cowardly ass you that wouldn't bother tagging me and the old busted druggie that liked your post really got me good by dragging my wife into it!
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Well aware of that fact. Don't really want the average Peruvian from the mountains/jungle here either. Generally people that proudly consider bugs and/or dirt a key part of their diet probably won't do much for our society.

But boy, cowardly ass you that wouldn't bother tagging me and the old busted druggie that liked your post really got me good!

I could have relied directly to your racist post but I figured the mods would have poofed it....

Guess I was wrong
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I could have relied directly to your racist post but I figured the mods would have poofed it....

Guess I was wrong
Great news- you posted the list of IQs, not me. If it's racist to share something that you, too, apparently tacitly consider a fact, then where does logic lead us? Dragging someone's wife's nationality into it is just the icing on your giant shitsicle.

I'd be careful throwing the "racist" word around while actually being a dyed-in-the-wool example. And pretty lackluster in the brain department too, to boot.
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Great news- you posted the list of IQs, not me. If it's racist to share something that you, too, apparently tacitly consider a fact, then where does logic lead us? Dragging someone's wife's nationality into it is just the icing on your giant shitsicle.

I'd be careful throwing the "racist" word around while actually being a dyed-in-the-wool example.

Clearly your original post was racist.

With that being said, it was a dbag move from me dragging your spouse into this. That was a step way too far. I apologize for that and I know better.
Clearly your original post was racist.

With that being said, it was a dbag move from me dragging your spouse into this. That was a step way too far.
"Haitian" is not a race, dingbat.

Unreasonably call someone racist, make an ******* actual hateful remark, keep shifting blame. Clearly you're the one with the room temperature IQ.
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"Haitian" is not a race, dingbat.

Unreasonably call someone racist, make an ******* actual racist remark, keep shifting blame. Clearly you're the one with the room temperature IQ.

Im not shifting blame. You made a racist comment and you call other people racist for calling you out on it....
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Im not shifting blame. You made a racist comment and you call other people racist for calling you out on it....
And again, you shared the "racist" IQ chart, and are inexplicably confusing nationality and culture with race.

Enough wrestling with the pig, I've got enough mud on the bottom of my shoes.
Great news- you posted the list of IQs, not me. If it's racist to share something that you, too, apparently tacitly consider a fact, then where does logic lead us? Dragging someone's wife's nationality into it is just the icing on your giant shitsicle.

I'd be careful throwing the "racist" word around while actually being a dyed-in-the-wool example. And pretty lackluster in the brain department too, to boot.
They hate facts. Facts are the antithesis to their existence. Once their feelings take over they're out and shouting racism from the highest mountains. It's pathetic and I love it.
And again, you shared the "racist" IQ chart, and are inexplicably confusing nationality and culture with race.

Enough wrestling with the pig, I've got enough mud on the bottom of my shoes.

Clearly the mods deemed your post racist since they poofed it....
They hate facts. Facts are the antithesis to their existence. Once their feelings take over they're out and shouting racism from the highest mountains. It's pathetic and I love it.
Apparently if they deem you "racist" because you dare to believe we shouldn't be importing low-functioning people that eat pets and slaughter animals on the streets and in parks, they get to go after whoever they want in your family. So sensitive.
Apparently if they deem you "racist" because you dare to believe we shouldn't be importing low-functioning people that eat pets and slaughter animals on the streets and in parks, they get to go after whoever they want in your family. So sensitive.
If you “dare to believe” all of that with zero evidence, sure does say a lot about you

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