2024 Presidential Race

Neither side wants to fix this - I simply don't understand why so many are so deeply entrenched in believing that immigration started in 2020.
Nobody believes immigration started in 2020.

During his 2020 campaign, Biden criticized Trump's immigration policies and was quoted about not being able to legislate democracy through EO. Immediately after taking office, Biden made multiple immigration EO's that negated Trump's EO's.

Biden doesn't get to rip the bandaid off and blame Trump 3 years later because the wound hasn't closed.
If you read the end you wouldn't have posted your ridiculous response. I do appreciate it though. It's easier, though less fun, when you show everyone your lack of sense instead of me educating you. So thank you for that this time.
he says incredible 💩 like that to encourage his students to go look for answers themselves…. I’m not saying Trump used the dogs and cats comments this way, but it’s worked out as if he did
This is implying it's a positive and that's stupid. He can just talk about Springfield's actual issues if he wants to, he doesn't need to spread an insane stereotype about a minority group to do that and it's not some happy accident that he did. Sorry you needed this explained to you
No argument there either, but still not the point.

Immigration numbers declined at the end of trumps term, but that is more as a result of the pandemic, not his policy or enforcement.

Neither side wants to fix this - I simply don't understand why so many are so deeply entrenched in believing that immigration started in 2020.
I don't think they do act like it started in 2020, I have been seeing posts on it since I joined in 2013 and i am sure it didn't start then either. for most its been an issue for a while. Trump was the first president to PRETEND to do something about it.

and then the next guy used multiple EO's to remove most of what little had been done. then pretended like it never was an issue, and then acted like immigration started in mid to late '23.

That bill was a set up. A vote against 87% of the funding for foreign wars is now twisted into a vote against border security. Why did they need to be entwined? Copy/paste the border part into a separate, stand-alone bill and vote on it. This is a perfect example why our current system is such a failure
Correct. It should've been 2021. They waited until 20 million was already in the country illegally before bringing it to the floor in 2024. They waited until this year because it's an election year and would give their base, that doesn't think, the fuel to post "Trump said not to vote for it."

This is just a few examples of the pork in the bill.

so hiring more border agents is not a fix. 1500. Deploying and using technology is not a fix.
Trump needed a win and did not want the Dems to succeed so he could just campaign. If he wants to fix it then fix it. Use the European way of border control. It seems to work, but it would step on some Constitutional but would fulfill them as well. Some immigrants are going to come into this country and be allowed but not like we have now.
yall are dancing around the meat of what was in there and bringing up secondary items as if they were the only problem.

it doesn't matter how many border guards, or what technology you have if everyone is going to be let in regardless.

There was a "cap" set on the border, it was only AFTER this "cap" was hit that the border was shut down. and that "cap" only counted INTERACTIONS between the border guards and an illegal. so an illegal who avoided the BP wasn't counted. and the only interactions that counted towards the "cap" were those from bordering nations...aka Mexico or Canada. Someone from Guatemala wouldn't count, someone from China wouldn't count. and none of them would have been stopped unless they hit the "cap" on Mexicans that day, and then they would stop the non-bordering immigrants.

now about the "cap" and why I put it in quotations. It was a cap that raised every year. but not based on some metric or with some justification, it just went up. secondly the president could ignore the cap a set number of times a year. thirdly, that number of ignores also went up every year. that's hardly a cap.

you have a flooding issue in your house with standing water in the basement and its rising. the kitchen faucet is broken, one of the toilets is overflowing, the neighbors water main is broken and flooding your yard and house, its raining, and the stream nearby is overflowing and also contributing water. and there is also someone from across town shipping their water in a tanker truck to your house and also contributing to the water issues. the plumber/waterproofing guy you hire only show up after 3 weeks of this ongoing issue. Plumber said the only problem is the neighbors water line, and install a valve that allows the neighbor selectively flood your yard and house to be able to use their own water. the water proofer also puts out a few sandbags around the house. not in a way to stop any of the floods, or in a continuous manner to stop the flooding in one area. oh yeah in the mean time, they won't do any of that work unless you pay for the work they did for someone across town and its about 5x what your work is.

and you guys think that was a fix. as I said, regardless of Trump it should have been stopped, and it wouldn't have fixed anything. it was political window dressing by the Dems.
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I thought he was trying to play in the middle, he probably knew it would be used against him especially if large amounts of people died. Just my take. I would say most of the people that voted for Trump didn't believe all that nonsense. Nobody here (where I live) did.

This is the most bewildering point.

Trump kills a bi-partisan bill for border security and then runs on the platform of him being the only person who can do something about it.

And his supporters buy it. Pretty astonishing.

If nothing else, the guy can put on a master class in selling snow to Eskimo.

He'd rather America continue to have an unmitigated immigrant problem than give the current admin a win. Without the immigrant issue, he's got no platform and nothing to run on.

This is the most bewildering point.

Trump kills a bi-partisan bill for border security and then runs on the platform of him being the only person who can do something about it.

And his supporters buy it. Pretty astonishing.

If nothing else, the guy can put on a master class in selling snow to Eskimo.

He'd rather America continue to have an unmitigated immigrant problem than give the current admin a win. Without the immigrant issue, he's got no platform and nothing to run on.
What is in the bill?
I don't think they do act like it started in 2020, I have been seeing posts on it since I joined in 2013 and i am sure it didn't start then either. for most its been an issue for a while. Trump was the first president to PRETEND to do something about it.

and then the next guy used multiple EO's to remove most of what little had been done. then pretended like it never was an issue, and then acted like immigration started in mid to late '23.
What's sad is going to an official Gov website to see statistics that are either not being mentioned or are way under estimated. You'd have a better chance of seeing Bigfoot out in the woods.

Border crossings were pretty consistent for the most part until 2019 when Trump was battling for the border wall money after the House won the midterms in 2018.
Remember them complaining of how expensive 8B for a border wall was? Now in 2024 the 120B+ for housing, healthcare, groceries, cash, etc. are fine to them.
And when I say "them," it's Democrats and Republicans. None of this funding would pass without the rhinos voting yes. These bills need to be voted on one by one. Not a bunch of pork/bills packed into one vote. Congress takes 4 months or more off a year. They have the time to vote one by one on bills.

Trump threatened the tarrifs on Mexico and they decided to help at that point in 2019. Since Biden has been in, the numbers have jumped tremendously. They aren't just being brought in for jobs. When you bring/fly them in and drop them off in the most red county of a red state there's clearly an agenda.

A lot of illegals are dying trying to cross the rivers or deserts and you never hear anyone mention that. Supposedly in the last 3 1/2 years, there's over 300,000 children missing. Where are they? Who is taking them and what are they doing with them?

Remember AOC at the border crying because over 500 kids were missing the 4 years of Trump? Why hasn't she went to the border now over this staggering number of children missing?

It's all sickening from you to bottom.

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What is in the bill?

It doesn't matter generally because if they don't enforce the law it doesn't matter. They could increase funding of just a tiny fraction of the DOD bill and get all these people out of here if they wished under existing law, but then they even did tricks with that. What Rage for the Machine is promoting has 0% of working because that exactly what has been going on for 30-35 years. What's the point of laws and bills if everyone just ignores them and or goes along with illegal activity?

You guys have a good rest of the day, I have stuff to finish up...some beers later and I might even put a cat on the grill for the weekend.
Remember way back when - like a week or two ago - when the goobers were up in arms about price controls being communism. Now, when their Lord and Savior proposes the same ... not a peep.

it was one Republican.
and the border aspect was click bait AT BEST. far far far more pork than focus on the border.
and what little was there for the border did almost literally nothing to fix border security.
@lawgator1 refuses, to this day, to comment on the kill switch written into that “border bill”
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@lawgator1 refuses, to this day, to comment on the kill switch written into that “border bill”

What kill switch?

And why, if it was a kill switch, did the Republicans who worked on the bill allow it to be in there?

And why was it going to pass with a kill switch in it, until that masterful reader of legislation, Donald Trump, happened to catch it and call everyone just in the nick of time to save them from making that mistake?

Do you think this is a good look? I'm not sure why a MAGA guy would willingly shine a light on this.

Also, he's not wrong about the credit card companies. Between that, tariffs and cutting insurance premiums in half - I'm of the opinion that Donny is running out of ideas and is now just saying anything he thinks might get a positive response.
Remember way back when - like a week or two ago - when the goobers were up in arms about price controls being communism. Now, when their Lord and Savior proposes the same ... not a peep.

Lol you serious? Comparing price controls of CC to empty food shelves is even a far stretch for you.

Maybe you should make a new thread about it.
What kill switch?

And why, if it was a kill switch, did the Republicans who worked on the bill allow it to be in there?

And why was it going to pass with a kill switch in it, until that masterful reader of legislation, Donald Trump, happened to catch it and call everyone just in the nick of time to save them from making that mistake?
Lmaoooooo - I’ve asked you about this at least a dozen times. You always refused to comment on it, or even acknowledge it.

Now you wanna talk about it???

The Bill vested in the Executive the power to suspend the entire thing if it was “In the National Interest”.

Not Republican(s) - One, one Republican. And I don’t know, you’d have to ask him.
Remember way back when - like a week or two ago - when the goobers were up in arms about price controls being communism. Now, when their Lord and Savior proposes the same ... not a peep.

an interest rate cap is not the same as a price cap. still wrong. but completely different issue. CC interest rates are completely avoidable. and you are capping the profit on a service, not a good.

Still not for it, but not nearly as communistic on luthers spectrum as full blown price controls.
Lmaoooooo - I’ve asked you about this at least a dozen times. You always refused to comment on it, or even acknowledge it.

Now you wanna talk about it???

The Bill vested in the Executive the power to suspend the entire thing if it was “In the National Interest”.

Not Republican(s) - One, one Republican. And I don’t know, you’d have to ask him.

How is that a kill switch? Your characterization makes no sense.

It would be better to have the plan in place, even with such a provision, than no plan at all.

Even GOP Senators have said Trump called them to kill it because he did not want Biden to have any victory on the topic ahead of the election.

These extremely lame excuses you and your brethren have tried to come up with after the fact to justify it, when it was pure politics by Trump, continue to ring hollow.
Do you think this is a good look? I'm not sure why a MAGA guy would willingly shine a light on this.

Also, he's not wrong about the credit card companies. Between that, tariffs and cutting insurance premiums in half - I'm of the opinion that Donny is running out of ideas and is now just saying anything he thinks might get a positive response.
Makes Cuban look like an idiot. Trump good oh Trump bad
Lol you serious? Comparing price controls of CC to empty food shelves is even a far stretch for you.

Maybe you should make a new thread about it.

an interest rate cap is not the same as a price cap. still wrong. but completely different issue. CC interest rates are completely avoidable. and you are capping the profit on a service, not a good.

Still not for it, but not nearly as communistic on luthers spectrum as full blown price controls.
Credit is priced. The proposal is to cap that price. This is a price control.

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