2024 Presidential Race

How is it penalizing one source? When your government here puts demands on industry in this country, i.e regulations, epa, taxes, etc. Is it not our own government picking winners and losers?
Yes it is by definition

They are penalized for producing goods in one factory while rewarded for using another. The govt is manipulating their production
Exactly, why couldn't he find a legitimate example? You did. Bro, the point isn't that there is no such thing as $4 eggs. The point is he is a liar and part of the mockery is that he should be able to find examples of inflation, so why be so lazy, incompetent, and lie?

FWIW, I can get $4.89 eggs and $3.29 eggs at my Kroger, so sharing $4.89 would be deceitful for me. Wonder if you got cheaper eggs in your town?

View attachment 680341

Both are .27 cents per egg.

I don't believe Vance was lying, if his kids eat as many eggs as he claims his family is probably buying 18 count cartons. You're making mountains out of mole hills.
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Yes it is by definition

They are penalized for producing goods in one factory while rewarded for using another. The govt is manipulating their production
Penalizing one. The tariffs are to protect U.S. industries while also incentivizing other countries to change their practices. The second one is the one you are not considering or ignoring. Consumers may indeed pay more for a product in the short term but in the long run equal practices should come into play.
Penalizing one. The tariffs are to protect U.S. industries while also incentivizing other countries to change their practices. The second one is the one you are not considering or ignoring. Consumers may indeed pay more for a product in the short term but in the long run equal practices should come into play.
A tariff creates both a penalty and an incentive. Its purpose is to manipulate behavior by the fed govt. That's not free market

Consumers will definitely pay more and there is no guarantee the prices will ever drop.
And every other equipment manufacturer can produce overseas snd not be subject to 200%. How is that fair?

You Rs will do whatever mental gymnastics to adhere to your MAGA god at the expense of your core beliefs...
If the alternative to tariffs was a true free market then maybe you are correct. But when other nations take advantage of US political stupidity and don’t hold up their end of trade agreements, we do not actually have free trade. This forces our international competitors to either play fair or else to bow out of the game.
The US corporate economy is ruled by large multinationals that are in bed with both political parties to the detriment of American workers. Trump/Vance are the only leaders really trying to change that. Which is why a Republican (of all people) is actually going to capture the Union vote
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A tariff creates both a penalty and an incentive. Its purpose is to manipulate behavior by the fed govt. That's not free market

Consumers will definitely pay more and there is no guarantee the prices will ever drop.
There is no “free market” right now anyway.
All tax policy is designed to manipulate market behavior: but if you would be willing to replace our Byzantine tax laws with a simple flat percentage tax of businesses and individuals to do away with such manipulation; I am 100 💯 on board then.
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So the government is not manipulating their production in this country when they place regulations that other countries don't have to abide by?
Pretty sure I just answered that they are. However I see a punitive cost levied against all foreign imports simply because they're cheaper to be different than something like OSHA
Both are .27 cents per egg.

I don't believe Vance was lying, if his kids eat as many eggs as he claims his family is probably buying 18 count cartons. You're making mountains out of mole hills.

Then say that. You go the extra mile to give just one side the benefit of the doubt*. It's a lie. He told you it's OK to lie. He's lying now. It's not a mountain to call it out. Most people come here to call out lies. Some people defend them. I'm the first group.

*Remember when you argued Trump said "there are" vs. "they are" so you could defend his bigotry on a technicality. Turns out he's an outright bigot, talking about deporting 20k legal immigrants to the wrong country over fake news.

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