2024 Presidential Race

I agree that 200% is a punitive tariff but I believe he was saying that it would apply to any company moving jobs out of the country.

Some products should be limited to domestic production, meds, most military tech and hardware for example.

Im against selective, retaliatory, and punitive ideas that increase the size and power of govt and reduce economic incentive to produce.

I thought most Rs are against this as well but I was mistaken...(not referring to you)
Punitive tarrifs. Govt shouldnt be in business of determining where products are made. Let market decide that.
So what kind of economy will America become? Let's take it to the extreme and say all manufacturing goes to the lowest bidder. Where are Americans going to earn their money to buy those goods? Learn to code?
If these people have to start at ground zero every 8 years, it would curtail it somewhat, imo. When this country was founded, to go to Washington was to serve. It wasn't meant to be a lifetime career and a means to become super wealthy. Congress is pretty much organized crime at this point. It should be a crime to accept money from any outside entity.

They wouldn't be starting from ground zero, the moneymen would have them selected, prepped and ready to be installed on day 1 of their term.
So what kind of economy will America become? Let's take it to the extreme and say all manufacturing goes to the lowest bidder. Where are Americans going to earn their money to buy those goods? Learn to code?

Maybe one day we'll learn to lower the cost of doing business here in the states.
Im against selective, retaliatory, and punitive ideas that increase the size and power of govt and reduce economic incentive to produce.

I thought most Rs are against this as well but I was mistaken...(not referring to you)
I'd rather see the jobs remain here, but I guess you are good with it as long as it's cheap.
What a surprise, just days after saying it's OK to lie to get the media's attention, Vance gets caught in a bold-faced lie. It's complete incompetence. Is he a double agent? He can't find proof of inflation that he does't have to lie about? So embarrasssing

Arguing that the price of eggs just double as opposed to double and half is dumb...it's a weak argument....the reason he a trump exaggerate things is to get them in the news...problem is idiots focus on a minor detail as opposed to the bigger picture...Americans are better of cuz we are just paying double 2019 prices opposed to 2.5x more...solid arguments
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Maybe one day we'll learn to lower the cost of doing business here in the states.
It's going to take a depression or a big war because you have to lower the expectation of a certain quality of life. The .gov is attempting to do that by taking everybody's hard earned money thru taxes, but a good world war would get 'er done much faster.
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Arguing that the price of eggs just double as opposed to double and half is dumb...it's a weak argument....the reason he a trump exaggerate things is to get them in the news...problem is idiots focus on a minor detail as opposed to the bigger picture...Americans are better of cuz we are just paying double 2019 prices opposed to 2.5x more...solid arguments

Well it's Huff so....
You would rather increase the power of govt via selective, punitive, and retaliatory tactics

I would rather cut the hell out of govt spending which lowers cost and lower impact of govt.
While we are in fantasy land, I want the earth to open up in Tuscaloosa on Saturday and swallow the entire city.
I'm all for reducing the size of government. I would dismantle completely the DOEd if I were in charge. I have said this before. The .gov doesn't need to be in the business of running magnetometers at airports. Oversight only to make sure they are following the rules. The .gov should be an oversight body for the vast majority of the things they are running and employing people. Costs would plummet if it were private sector.

But we are back to the hole in Tuscaloosa.
What a surprise, just days after saying it's OK to lie to get the media's attention, Vance gets caught in a bold-faced lie. It's complete incompetence. Is he a double agent? He can't find proof of inflation that he does't have to lie about? So embarrasssing

Not the flex you think it is. From your own story.

Ohhh nooooos, Vance lied about .80 cents. 😂

So you believe the govt should decide for the American people what goods are available and at what cost? Interesting
Nope. not what I am saying. By tariffs on Chinese made iPhones it is up to Tim Cook where to make them. If he wants to continue to charge you more and more and you are stupid enough to pay it, then good for you. If his bottom line is impacted, he will move to greener pastures.

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