2024 Presidential Race

Careful, your TDS is showing.

The existential threat to our way of life is China, not Donald Trump
Between Mao‘s purges and famines and Xi‘s Covid „accident“, the Chinese government has probably killed between 200 and 300 MILLION people in the past century. Compared to the CCP, the literal Nazis were rank amateurs
The latest Harris and Waltz pitch coming in through text message like a cheesy Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes:

YOU could win an all-expenses-paid trip to join Kamala and Tim on the campaign trail -- and you’ll get to snap a photo with the future President and Vice President! 📸

All you have to do is chip in $40 before midnight to get your name in the running:
The latest Harris and Waltz pitch coming in through text message like a cheesy Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes:

YOU could win an all-expenses-paid trip to join Kamala and Tim on the campaign trail -- and you’ll get to snap a photo with the future President and Vice President! 📸

All you have to do is chip in $40 before midnight to get your name in the running:
The latest Harris and Waltz pitch coming in through text message like a cheesy Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes:

YOU could win an all-expenses-paid trip to join Kamala and Tim on the campaign trail -- and you’ll get to snap a photo with the future President and Vice President! 📸

All you have to do is chip in $40 before midnight to get your name in the running:
If course it isn't as dignified as selling Bibles
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I think that first POTUS could have done a better job in kicking out those that were already here illegally. Two parts, keeping them out and kicking them out if they sneak through. First part was done well, second, not so much.

You can build the biggest fence you want to keep people from sneaking in the book door if you keep the front door unlocked and the fridge stocked full of beer, they aint leaving....

Current admin not very good at either part. At least Obama deported them....
Maybe he could have done a better job. But his 'incompetency' isn't in the same galaxy as the current VP and potential president. She flung the ****ing door wide open and like Bluto said "Sure.... come on in".

And isn't one of Trump's 'promises' to deport all these invaders? And isn't the left having conniption fits about it?

And a 300 yard mine field would be so much better than a fence.
Unions helped destroy US manufacturing and now Dems bitch and bemoan tariffs. Destroy everything they touch.
The first part of this is interesting and I want to discuss it, but I am not sure where to start. I guess I'll start with this: I am currently a dues paying non member of ALPA. That means that I am forced to pay dues for 'contract maintenance', but they can't assess me for any of their political nonsense (and I am painting with a broad brush) and that I can't vote in elections (boo ****ing hoo). I won't get into the weeds as to the whys and whats on that, but suffice it to say that my point is that they are a political body - like ALL unions. So, the 'leadership' are going to do whatever it takes to get the most votes and remain in power. That is the ugly part of unions, and I won't delve further into that unless you just want to.

The 'good' part of unions is that they have increased the quality of life for a lot of Americans in terms of pay and benefits. (I'll give you credit in that you said they 'helped') But I ask you: Is that QOL increase they negotiated a bad thing? The interesting thing about those that like to blame unions for the woes of industry is that they ALWAYS fail to recognize that management is also a party to their contracts. If management signs those contracts, they know there is a way to afford it. If that path is to cut jobs and downsize until the cost/revenue lines cross, then they know well before signing day that that is what they will do. After that, it is ALL on management. Of course the exception to that is the black swan event like 9/11, Fauci flu, etc.

Let me give you another example: Most large corporation CEOs are liberal democrats. Why? If they know that a Kamala Harris administration will affect them as business executives or more importantly private individuals that are in the top 1%, how does that make sense? It is because they ALREADY KNOW the workarounds to her tax the rich ********. They ALREADY KNOW that it is not them that will be paying more, but it will be YOU. They will take their money elsewhere. (I suggest reading the Nomad Capitalist for a better explanation of this concept) Ireland has a 12.5% corporate tax rate. If the Cackling Communist is successful in her quest to raise corporate taxation like she wants to do, the ghost of Ross Perot will once again be heard and - like it did before - it WILL happen - they will leave for places where the money is not stolen to the degree it would be here. Trump wants to cut the corporate rate to 15%. Why would DE move manufacturing to Mexico if they know that their tax rates will go UP in doing so - never mind the threat of tariffs? Individuals are emotional about all this. Business is not. Follow the future money.
Maybe he could have done a better job. But his 'incompetency' isn't in the same galaxy as the current VP and potential president. She flung the ****ing door wide open and like Bluto said "Sure.... come on in".

And isn't one of Trump's 'promises' to deport all these invaders? And isn't the left having conniption fits about it?

And a 300 yard mine field would be so much better than a fence.

He said same thing in 2016 about deporting those already here and he deported at a much lower rate than Obama. (This shows how hypocritical the left is and how they have no leg to stand on with this argument)
He said same thing in 2016 about deporting those already here and he deported at a much lower rate than Obama. (This shows how hypocritical the left is and how they have no leg to stand on with this argument)
Sure. The promise of mass deportation is red meat for the base. (as if they need any).
The first part of this is interesting and I want to discuss it, but I am not sure where to start. I guess I'll start with this: I am currently a dues paying non member of ALPA. That means that I am forced to pay dues for 'contract maintenance', but they can't assess me for any of their political nonsense (and I am painting with a broad brush) and that I can't vote in elections (boo ****ing hoo). I won't get into the weeds as to the whys and whats on that, but suffice it to say that my point is that they are a political body - like ALL unions. So, the 'leadership' are going to do whatever it takes to get the most votes and remain in power. That is the ugly part of unions, and I won't delve further into that unless you just want to.

The 'good' part of unions is that they have increased the quality of life for a lot of Americans in terms of pay and benefits. (I'll give you credit in that you said they 'helped') But I ask you: Is that QOL increase they negotiated a bad thing? The interesting thing about those that like to blame unions for the woes of industry is that they ALWAYS fail to recognize that management is also a party to their contracts. If management signs those contracts, they know there is a way to afford it. If that path is to cut jobs and downsize until the cost/revenue lines cross, then they know well before signing day that that is what they will do. After that, it is ALL on management. Of course the exception to that is the black swan event like 9/11, Fauci flu, etc.

Let me give you another example: Most large corporation CEOs are liberal democrats. Why? If they know that a Kamala Harris administration will affect them as business executives or more importantly private individuals that are in the top 1%, how does that make sense? It is because they ALREADY KNOW the workarounds to her tax the rich ********. They ALREADY KNOW that it is not them that will be paying more, but it will be YOU. They will take their money elsewhere. (I suggest reading the Nomad Capitalist for a better explanation of this concept) Ireland has a 12.5% corporate tax rate. If the Cackling Communist is successful in her quest to raise corporate taxation like she wants to do, the ghost of Ross Perot will once again be heard and - like it did before - it WILL happen - they will leave for places where the money is not stolen to the degree it would be here. Trump wants to cut the corporate rate to 15%. Why would DE move manufacturing to Mexico if they know that their tax rates will go UP in doing so - never mind the threat of tariffs? Individuals are emotional about all this. Business is not. Follow the future money.

I had an old man tell me "any company still using union labor deserves them".

Unions had their place and did a lot of good for their employees but for the most part have outlived their usefulness.
I had an old man tell me "any company still using union labor deserves them".

Unions had their place and did a lot of good for their employees but for the most part have outlived their usefulness.
Maybe. The FAs at DAL aren't unionized, and whenever they start talks about unionizing, the company throws a little money and a bunch of window dressing at them and it usually quashes any serious talk. It's actually quite interesting to watch. I can tell you that they ride the coattails of the pilots' union and they have received a LOT of the things WE negotiated. They have also had some of the things removed that the company was unable to do to us due to our contract. I think it is a little disingenuous to say that they have outlived their usefulness because without them, managements would take advantage of their employees. Not all managements, but I will say - most would.
Maybe. The FAs at DAL aren't unionized, and whenever they start talks about unionizing, the company throws a little money and a bunch of window dressing at them and it usually quashes any serious talk. It's actually quite interesting to watch. I can tell you that they ride the coattails of the pilots' union and they have received a LOT of the things WE negotiated. They have also had some of the things removed that the company was unable to do to us due to our contract. I think it is a little disingenuous to say that they have outlived their usefulness because without them, managements would take advantage of their employees. Not all managements, but I will say - most would.

I disagree that most would, I think few would.

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