2024 Presidential Race

Sure. The promise of mass deportation is red meat for the base. (as if they need any).
You do realize that many European countries beloved by the left have recently begun their own deportation efforts right? I think Britain, Germany, and Sweden are all sending some migrants home. I think Sweden is actually paying them to leave 😳
He said same thing in 2016 about deporting those already here and he deported at a much lower rate than Obama. (This shows how hypocritical the left is and how they have no leg to stand on with this argument)
Do the Trump numbers include the 2.8M removals using Title 42? If not they should as it is the most efficient process in stemming the flow of illegal immigrants into the country - doing it at the border.

Report: Oregon Scrubs 1,200+ from Voter Rolls for Failing to Show Proof of U.S. Citizenship​


A multitude of people have reportedly been scrubbed from Oregon’s voter rolls because they did not provide proof of U.S. citizenship when they registered to vote.

On Monday, the state’s elections officials said they erased more than 1,200 people from the rolls due to the issue, the Associated Press (AP) reported on Tuesday.

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I have no problem with it. Don't put products together in some other country and tell me I'm getting an American made product.

These companies, CEO's, etc. are a no show when the government wants to raise minimum wage sky high or taxes. Then they pull up shop and head to Mexico.

Lets not forget about this either. 👇

Pretty strange accent for an American CEO in this recording below. DEI is better-branded racism. When they say diversity,
they really mean less white people.

Maybe they will change their name to Jaun Deere.

If DE moves to Mexico, does that mean they will be hiring more white people? DEI and all....
Nope. not what I am saying. By tariffs on Chinese made iPhones it is up to Tim Cook where to make them. If he wants to continue to charge you more and more and you are stupid enough to pay it, then good for you. If his bottom line is impacted, he will move to greener pastures.
...and this is what the China tariffs did. They forced a lot of companies to move their manufacturing out of China to Vietnam, other Asian countries, or Mexico to avoid the tariffs.
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APPL wouldn't be paying the tariffs. Neither would Deere.
Wrong. AAPL and Deere, as the companies importing the products into the US market, would be paying the tariffs. Then, it is their choice whether to increase their prices on the products to fully cover the costs of the tariffs.
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Wrong. AAPL and Deere, as the companies importing the products into the US market, would be paying the tariffs. Then, it is their choice whether to increase their prices on the products to fully cover the costs of the tariffs.
That is a very naive take. I can gu-ar-an-tee you that they are not going to eat that.

Let's look at another example. You own a house and rent it out. You get credit for doing so, but who who is really paying your property tax?

It's somewhat a semantic argument, but....
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More on the FBI involvement on J6….

Looks like they might be starting to hedge their bets in case the Cackling Commie loses in a couple of months. Time to start throwing people under the bus.
When your platform is at best based upon false promises, lies to incite, and discrediting the other side to stir the masses, then you don't qualify to be President. Exact approach both candidates are using...
That is a very naive take. I can gu-ar-an-tee you that they are not going to eat that.

Let's look at another example. You own a house and rent it out. You get credit for doing so, but who who is really paying your property tax?

It's somewhat a semantic argument, but....
No. That is how tariffs are processed. If China gets hit with a 200% across-the-board tariff, then Apple would pay 200% tariffs when they import their products into the US. If they think they can mark-up their prices enough to cover those costs, then they will. It's all about pricing power. However, no consumers will pay prices high enough to cover a 200% tariff. No company has that type of pricing power. Apple's recourse will be to move manufacturing to India, where they recently began manufacturing. I wonder why.

BTW, this isn't a hypothetical to me. My previous employer moved manufacturing out of China to other countries to avoid the last round of Trump China tariffs. They didn't have the pricing power to pass that % increase on to consumers.
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No. That is how tariffs are processed. If China gets hit with a 200% across-the-board tariff, then Apple would pay 200% tariffs when they import their products into the US. If they think they can mark-up their prices enough to cover those costs, then they will. It's all about pricing power. However, no consumers will pay prices high enough to cover a 200% tariff. No company has that type of pricing power. Apple's recourse will be to move manufacturing to India, where they recently began manufacturing. I wonder why.

BTW, this isn't a hypothetical to me. My previous employer moved manufacturing out of China to other countries to avoid the last round of Trump China tariffs. They didn't have the pricing power to pass that % increase on to consumers.

Like I said, it's a semantic argument.
Thank goodness for mail in ballots or we would have Trump for another 4 years. Who needs a closed border, no war in the Middle East or Europe, lower gas prices and taxes.
Looking at that banner at the bottom of the CNN screen before hitting play on that video, Mark Cuban is really ramping up his rhetoric. Perhaps he should have announced he was running when the door was open for him.

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