2024 Presidential Race

The slack jaw he haws on the left do.

EL might as well said Harris just picked up 10 votes. Tried to fudge it to sound like it was a lot.
I would not take this move lightly. IOW, it going publicly is just more Republicans against Trump. Just another sign of potential things to come. The base of the Republican party shifting from Trump is enough to give the Dems a win.
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I would not take this move lightly. IOW, it going publicly is just more Republicans against Trump. Just another sign of potential things to come. The base of the Republican party shifting from Trump is enough to give the Dems a win.
I wouldn't call a couple of staffers voting for the Socialist a 'shift', but spin it to make yourself feel better.

Have YOU come up with any of her policies you can articulate? I have asked several others and only have crickets.
That is a very naive take. I can gu-ar-an-tee you that they are not going to eat that.

Let's look at another example. You own a house and rent it out. You get credit for doing so, but who who is really paying your property tax?

It's somewhat a semantic argument, but....
That's like these morons screaming "Raise the corporate tax!" Corporations pay zero tax, you morons. You pay those taxes when you buy their products.
If you’re saying it’s really weak to dismiss every criticism of Trump with “careful, your TDS is showing,” then I agree. Hasn’t stopped you or anybody else in the past, though.
Noticing Trump, early in his Presidency, tweeting insults to SNL from 1am to 3am early on a Sunday morning is too hilarious to most because POTUS shouldn't be so hypersensitive and thin skinned. Has nothing to do with the ignorant TDS claim his followers spew all the time. TDS is better defined by the DUMBASSES who defend him
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That's like these morons screaming "Raise the corporate tax!" Corporations pay zero tax, you morons. You pay those taxes when you buy their products.
Funny that some of our most profitable corporations pay their tax break back to their frontline workers as bonuses. That's essentially why their tax breaks perpetuate from one administration to the other. You understand that concept? Do you understand how a huge middle class tax break is better than getting bonuses? I'm specifically talking families and individuals.
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I wouldn't call a couple of staffers voting for the Socialist a 'shift', but spin it to make yourself feel better.

Have YOU come up with any of her policies you can articulate? I have asked several others and only have crickets.
You can disperse with all the adjectives to make a point.
You can call me a Democrat of which I am not to but it really is a weak argument to do so.
You can call others across the US but I am sure they are like thinkers and will not disagree with you.
You can pull polls from whatever news or media service you need to make an argument for your candidate or the other.
With all your wisdom, you can't deny the fact that a substantial base of the Republican has publicly endorsed KH.
That Republican base has money and power and as much as they disagree with KH they hate Trump more. Look at the numbers.
This is not about policies because Trump has turned it into a circus. Clowns don't win.
What you failed to notice that Trump is pulling out of his bag of tricks anything he can to win.
The more he is told he is losing, the more he becomes desperate and the more he makes promises on things he cannot deliver.
Trump has no platform. He talks too much and uses hate and stupid thoughts to rile the crowd.
Women are objects to him.
Sorry but Trump is not a world leader.

Sorry but you called the wrong people or people that will tell you what you want to hear. Feel good about it?
You can disperse with all the adjectives to make a point.
You can call me a Democrat of which I am not to but it really is a weak argument to do so.
You can call others across the US but I am sure they are like thinkers and will not disagree with you.
You can pull polls from whatever news or media service you need to make an argument for your candidate or the other.
With all your wisdom, you can't deny the fact that a substantial base of the Republican has publicly endorsed KH.
That Republican base has money and power and as much as they disagree with KH they hate Trump more. Look at the numbers.
This is not about policies because Trump has turned it into a circus. Clowns don't win.
What you failed to notice that Trump is pulling out of his bag of tricks anything he can to win.
The more he is told he is losing, the more he becomes desperate and the more he makes promises on things he cannot deliver.
Trump has no platform. He talks too much and uses hate and stupid thoughts to rile the crowd.
Women are objects to him.
Sorry but Trump is not a world leader.

Sorry but you called the wrong people or people that will tell you what you want to hear. Feel good about it?
Most in this forum see the world through binary lens. No nuance, no detail. You either are one side or the other. Most also see it as a universal support of all positions everyone takes on their side. I suppose I should do better and not think that is dumb AF. People can't help it. It's the wiring to always travel down a hallway with little elbow room
This is so corrupt. I clicked on a Kamala ad on Facebook to read the comments. Look at the names of all the people "supporting" her:


Now look what happens when you scroll down far enough to get to the actual American sounding names:

You either are one side or the other. Most also see it as a universal support of all positions everyone takes on their side. I suppose I should do better and not think that is dumb AF. People can't help it. It's the wiring to always travel down a hallway with little elbow room
No. It is dumb AF.

I don't always agree with you, but I usually appreciate your posts. You do one hell of a job catching strays from both sides, though.
Most in this forum see the world through binary lens. No nuance, no detail. You either are one side or the other. Most also see it as a universal support of all positions everyone takes on their side. I suppose I should do better and not think that is dumb AF. People can't help it. It's the wiring to always travel down a hallway with little elbow room
There are and always should be areas of gray. Gray is good.

In terms of the November election, I think the time for grayness has passed with the GOP convention and the appointment of Kamala on the ticket. With these options, I can't remember more stark differences with their approach to govern our country. Unfortunately, like it or not, it is pretty much a binary choice.
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