2024 Presidential Race

1. I can't give any reason to vote for Kamala.
2. Trump is Trump. Simple, Blame it on Somebody else, Admit to Nothing, deny everything. He has more flip flops than Mitt.
3. You don't have to like him or love him, but you have to Respect him. Same for KH. Neither have earned it.
4. Since you brought it up, Trump acts like a psychopath. I don't pay very much attention to MSM and really would not make a difference in my opinion even if I did. All you have to do is pay attention to Trump only and listen. I don't need MSM comments all I need to hear is the words spewing from his mouth.

I know you will try to twist this into something that is not but there is a life beyond this election no matter which one wins. Second, I hate it for you and just because if you choose Trump or Harris doesn't mean the opposite is worse. Regardless of who wins we will spend the next 4 years listening to worthless Impeachment trials. Nobody wins. So quit wasting your time trying to convince the other side that your guy or gal is better than the other because they ain't.
I am throwing the BS flag on your statement that you don't pay attention to the MSM. Naw. I'll straight up call you a liar. You wouldn't have this opinion of Trump being a colossal scumbag otherwise. Or maybe you can tell me where you hear 'the words spewing from his mouth' that ain't from the MSM.
The sad thing is that no matter who wins this Presidency, they will likely be very unpopular and they are presiding over a declining civilization that is overrun with regulations, economic issues, a lack of a moral compass, etc.

We are perhaps in our Twilight era. It still may take a few more decades but it is probably coming.
One of them will cut regulations (proven in his first term that he is willing to do so). One will add more (promises to do so).
Comrade Kamala has just destroyed this economy. People can't even afford eggs!!!!

And immediately after this post a 500 point drop. Lol

If you want to fact check this stuff, you need to see what J powell is doing with assets.

Also, most market makers, that actually move the matket, are extreme left entities so they have an agenda. Don't get sucked in to the 🐂💩. Lol
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The sad thing is that no matter who wins this Presidency, they will likely be very unpopular and they are presiding over a declining civilization that is overrun with regulations, economic issues, a lack of a moral compass, etc.

We are perhaps in our Twilight era. It still may take a few more decades but it is probably coming.
Not if the Republicans actually develop a backbone. There is still time to avert disaster. Start by stopping the leftist indoctrination. Eliminate the Department of Education and cut off all federal funding to Universities that do not commit to a free speech and intellectual diversity plan.
Then defund NPR and PBS.
Not if the Republicans actually develop a backbone. There is still time to avert disaster. Start by stopping the leftist indoctrination. Eliminate the Department of Education and cut off all federal funding to Universities that do not commit to a free speech and intellectual diversity plan.
Then defund NPR and PBS.

Politicians are invertebrates. And no, there is not still time to avert a disaster.
And immediately after this post a 500 point drop. Lol

If you want to fact check this stuff, you need to see what J powell is doing with assets.

Also, most market makers, that actually move the matket, are extreme left entities so they have an agenda. Don't get sucked in to the 🐂💩. Lol
Thanks for letting me know I was getting sucked into BS. I'll redirect my attention to the issues that matter, such as "Is Kamala really black?" and "What do we do with the pet-eating Haitians"
What authority does the vice president have in that area? We got the electoral count reform act, but her vote wasn’t needed, if I recall correctly.

What are the legitimate election integrity concerns and what is the basis for federal action?

The last several federal investigations of election integrity didn’t really find any legitimate concerns and the 100+ lawsuits over the last couple of elections have turned up bupkis.

IMO, the first thing on her “cons” list is bad policy. She seems to be making populist campaign promises, like capping various prices, that she probably can’t grant but that exhibit a troubling lack of understanding of the unintended consequences that would be set off by those measures.
Yeah, I admit, I was being a bit of a smartass on the "her authority" issue. My understanding is that her responsibilities as VP is essentially ministerial, and that the she has never had the authority to overturn any elections results. Again, I know, I was being a smartass, and that isn't always the way to win friends and influence people.

As to legitimate election integrity concerns, well, there are many. Just this week we learned the Oregon DMV who mistakenly registered more than 1200 non-citizens to vote. My home state of NC had a self-described "glitch" that allowed non-citizens to register to vote; that was corrected in 2022, so I presume those non-citizens could vote in 2020. Virginia announced they had 19000 dead people on their voter rolls in 2023. Yesterday a post in the election fraud thread presumed to show a simple hack of a voting machine. Etc, etc, etc.

Please don't misunderstand my point. I am not claiming some level of massive voter fraud that made the difference in the 2020 elections. What I am stating is that there are real issues within the processes of our electoral system that cause concern among reasonable people as to the way our elections are carried out and our votes are counted. The fact that only one of our two political parties seems concerned about these issues makes the issue partisan.

I don't claim Harris has any constitutional or statutory authority to change anything. What I do claim is that she is VP, and, by her President's assertions, an active member of the current administration. She is running for president claiming she is the most qualified, in part based on her experience as VP. Her failure to use her pulpit to push for electoral reforms to address legitimate issues is, in my opinion, far more likely to lead to disputes about the integrity of this November's election than anything trump has to say. I can only presume that is intentional on her part.

And yes, the dominant reason not to vote for Harris is bad policy. I am just not persuaded that her actions related to our elections is one of the top reasons to vote for her, but that may have been you, as I was earlier, being a smartass as well. ;)



Edit: @RockyTop85, just fyi, @CobbVol just posted a link to a story about 747,000 voters being purged from NC electoral rolls (see the election fraud thread).

This is what I mean when I talk about perception of election reliability. 700 thousand+! That is 10% of the voters in the state. I have no idea if any of these have ever “voted”, but it is the people’s trust in our processes that I am concerned about.

If people don’t trust democracy, there is no saving it.
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I am throwing the BS flag on your statement that you don't pay attention to the MSM. Naw. I'll straight up call you a liar. You wouldn't have this opinion of Trump being a colossal scumbag otherwise. Or maybe you can tell me where you hear 'the words spewing from his mouth' that ain't from the MSM.
At one time, it was hard to avoid watching the MSM. The last few months not hard to avoid at all. What is really hard to avoid is stupid statements made by both candidates of which you don't need MSM comments. (spun & twisted). Use your brain not someone else's.

Flip off the TV, listening to music is an alternative. Sports as well and walk away during commercials. The fun part of life is watching the chaos going on here. Regardless of what I say it will be praised by some and chastised by others.
Regardless, one should not get caught up in any smoke being blown around by both candidates or their supporters.

Only way to avoid the BS is, this to stick your head up your backside or stick your head in the sand. Some prefer both. Volnation Politics is a spin zone, very tribal, very opinionated, and very entertaining.

Lots of posters cling to blow bys because it supports their candidate and think it is the truth. Lots of opinions based on blow bys and sound bites. It is people like you that contribute to the choice of two unfit candidates for the office of President. You can post anything you want and get a rant or praise and it can be true or false... Nice to observe how people run with stories that are untrue or based on facts that don't support their position.

Edit: Donald Trump watches 30 times more MSM than I do. Maybe you should give this advice to him, IOWs --- It will be ok, just back away from the TV, they don't know you like I do, and don't get your feelings hurt. Whatever you do don't comment on everything you see on TV and try taking the all CAPS off every once in a while. People think you are crazy when you do and say what your are. Are you a Republican? or a RINO. You need their support to get elected.
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The sad thing is that no matter who wins this Presidency, they will likely be very unpopular and they are presiding over a declining civilization that is overrun with regulations, economic issues, a lack of a moral compass, etc.

We are perhaps in our Twilight era. It still may take a few more decades but it is probably coming.
The question is: is it the twilight of the Roman Republic or the Roman Empire?

I just don't see it.

I think Trump has a hard ceiling of 48%. Now, that may be enough, if enough voters are turned off by Harris so don't show up to vote, but I think Trumps "detest-o-meter" rating has to be at 51%.

I guess what makes the difference is the delta from the high-level hate states like California and the battlegrounds like NC, Ga and Pa.

I think the bureaucratic administrative state is so invested in preventing another Trump presidency that we don't see him on the inaugural dais.

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