2024 Presidential Race

Yall getting into slap fights on a message board about these two options for president is really silly.
Neither are worth a vote. Neither will be good for America. Neither will do anything of substance to improve or harm your standard of living. And neither can relate or care about your lives.

Vote Jill Stein, that's what I'm doing again. Since you won't promise me my dream .gov job.
Market knew the bill was coming after the election, so it is less immediate and more problematic for your thought on inflation
Knowing about and then paying the invoices are 2 completely different things. My thoughts on the effects of massive govt spending on inflation are correct. You simply want to give a pass and reelect a man who stole money from you and promised to do it again bigly if he beat Biden.
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Lawyers challenge statues and exploit gray areas for the benefits of their clients. Do you think that is what the lawyers for Trump were doing who for sure thought the election was stolen?
With regard to the litany of lawsuits? Sure.
With regard to the electoral count?
No, not even a little bit:
1. Abiding by the results of elections is not a “gray area.” It’s a fundamental feature of our system of government.
2. Read the memos about the electoral count tactics and read the emails about the fake electors. They knew what they were doing.
3. Many of them have been disbarred and sanctioned. Other lawyers don’t think it was just zealous advocacy. The only people who think this was defensible lawyer conduct are non-lawyers who wanted Trump to win.
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More retired military endorsing Kamala

This while Russia, China, NK, and Iran walk all over us. Who gives a flip about character??

Although, I like the character of a person who WANTS TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN vs one who cannot and does not articulate their stance on anything!!!!

What is wrong with that??????
Knowing about and then paying the invoices are 2 completely different things. My thoughts on the effects of massive govt spending on inflation are correct. You simply want to give a pass and reelect a man who stole money from you and promised to do it again bigly if he beat Biden.
The bolded is weak. The rest of your post in emotion.

The data shows the Trump COVID response was appropriate regarding to inflation. The market was signaled with the results of the election of what was coming in November 2020. The money works through the system and the data chart I provided gives you the result.
The bolded is weak. The rest of your post in emotion.

The data shows the Trump COVID response was appropriate regarding to inflation. The market was signaled with the results of the election of what was coming in November 2020. The money works through the system and the data chart I provided gives you the result.

Nothing about Trumps Covid response was appropriate minus leaving most of the decisions up to the states. Pumping money into the economy while most of the production is shuttered was crazy.
The bolded is weak. The rest of your post in emotion.

The data shows the Trump COVID response was appropriate regarding to inflation. The market was signaled with the results of the election of what was coming in November 2020. The money works through the system and the data chart I provided gives you the result.
What's weak is pretending that inflation is political. Spending Trump gladly signed off on contributed greatly to inflation. The only ones arguing sorrento either dint know what they're looking at or have their eyes closed. He also promised more spending than the dems which shows he also doesn't understand the consequences
What's weak is pretending that inflation is political. Spending Trump gladly signed off on contributed greatly to inflation. The only ones arguing sorrento either dint know what they're looking at or have their eyes closed. He also promised more spending than the dems which shows he also doesn't understand the consequences
Not political. I am using factual data on inflation. The bold were promises leading up to an election.
The sad thing is that no matter who wins this Presidency, they will likely be very unpopular and they are presiding over a declining civilization that is overrun with regulations, economic issues, a lack of a moral compass, etc.

We are perhaps in our Twilight era. It still may take a few more decades but it is probably coming.

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