2024 Presidential Race

You have said this before and it's still not true. Inflation robs you of your money and he had a big hand in it.

You claim he increased tax receipts but was still running trillion dollar deficits. Is it because he had to prop up a very shaky economy with massive govt spending? Spending he claimed he would cut then admitted he didn't really care about budgets.

Even after the massive covid spending he signed off on there were promises of increasing the spend over what even the dems promised. How was that fiscally responsible? How was that going to limit inflation?

Dog or cat, you're still munching down on a turd
Then if that is the choice, I want to decide where I donate my money, and the .gov isn't in the top million places that I choose to send it.
If we’re making a pros and cons list, the fact that she has never attempted to use the vice president’s authority to essentially overturn the election by returning or literally rejecting votes would be at or near the top.

Absolutely, has to be at the top of the list. The 2020 election and Ukraine are the two biggest issues facing the US.
Could actually make a difference

Almost all of those 300k were democrats crossing over to vote in Republican primaries and were already going to vote for whoever the dimocrat nominee was going to be anyway. This doesn’t move the needle on inch.
You better instead worry about all of the antisemetic disgruntled Hamas lovers in Michigan who are abandoning the party over Gaza
If we’re making a pros and cons list, the fact that she has never attempted to use the vice president’s authority to essentially overturn the election by returning or literally rejecting votes would be at or near the top.
Good point.

Would the corresponding “con” be that she has never attempted to use the vice president’s authority to make our elections fairer and more secure by addressing legitimate concerns about current electoral processes?
Pleeeeeease give me a reason to vote for Kamala.

And pleeeeease tell me what Trump's "bag of tricks" is.

And on the world stage, a 'leader' that got where she is by dropping to her knees will not be viewed favorably by male dominated governments. They are afraid of Trump because the MSM has painted him as a psychopath.
1. I can't give any reason to vote for Kamala.
2. Trump is Trump. Simple, Blame it on Somebody else, Admit to Nothing, deny everything. He has more flip flops than Mitt.
3. You don't have to like him or love him, but you have to Respect him. Same for KH. Neither have earned it.
4. Since you brought it up, Trump acts like a psychopath. I don't pay very much attention to MSM and really would not make a difference in my opinion even if I did. All you have to do is pay attention to Trump only and listen. I don't need MSM comments all I need to hear is the words spewing from his mouth.

I know you will try to twist this into something that is not but there is a life beyond this election no matter which one wins. Second, I hate it for you and just because if you choose Trump or Harris doesn't mean the opposite is worse. Regardless of who wins we will spend the next 4 years listening to worthless Impeachment trials. Nobody wins. So quit wasting your time trying to convince the other side that your guy or gal is better than the other because they ain't.
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Good point.

Would the corresponding “con” be that she has never attempted to use the vice president’s authority to make our elections fairer and more secure by addressing legitimate concerns about current electoral processes?
What authority does the vice president have in that area? We got the electoral count reform act, but her vote wasn’t needed, if I recall correctly.

What are the legitimate election integrity concerns and what is the basis for federal action?

The last several federal investigations of election integrity didn’t really find any legitimate concerns and the 100+ lawsuits over the last couple of elections have turned up bupkis.

IMO, the first thing on her “cons” list is bad policy. She seems to be making populist campaign promises, like capping various prices, that she probably can’t grant but that exhibit a troubling lack of understanding of the unintended consequences that would be set off by those measures.
You have said this before and it's still not true. Inflation robs you of your money and he had a big hand in it.

You claim he increased tax receipts but was still running trillion dollar deficits. Is it because he had to prop up a very shaky economy with massive govt spending? Spending he claimed he would cut then admitted he didn't really care about budgets.

Even after the massive covid spending he signed off on there were promises of increasing the spend over what even the dems promised. How was that fiscally responsible? How was that going to limit inflation?

Dog or cat, you're still munching down on a turd
Here are the facts with inflation. There is a distinct demarcation line you can see from the Biden unneeded COVID bill.

If we’re making a pros and cons list, the fact that she has never attempted to use the vice president’s authority to essentially overturn the election by returning or literally rejecting votes would be at or near the top.
Lawyers challenge statues and exploit gray areas for the benefits of their clients. Do you think that is what the lawyers for Trump were doing who for sure thought the election was stolen?
Yall getting into slap fights on a message board about these two options for president is really silly.
Neither are worth a vote. Neither will be good for America. Neither will do anything of substance to improve or harm your standard of living. And neither can relate or care about your lives.

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