2024 Presidential Race

It will devolve into an authoritarian one party rule country with some outlier areas holding out. Either that or we Balkanize.
I could see states becoming isolated. Maybe ignore federal laws. Maybe turn down federal $$ to justify not abiding by federal regulations they see as unconstitutional. Not a civil war, just ungovernable.
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"But my feelings don't care about your facts!" 3/4 of this board.

That's great as long as you don't need gas to get there or a home to store them in. There's lies, damn lies, and statistics. None of what's being pushed by this admin matches reality

Also the basket of goods being used is very outdated. That's been talked about for a long time
That's great as long as you don't need gas to get there or a home to store them in. There's lies, damn lies, and statistics. None of what's being pushed by this admin matches reality

Also the basket of goods being used is very outdated. That's been talked about for a long time
What groceries are missing from the basket of goods
That’s because Republicans have things in life besides politics to build their identities on. When you are a committed dimocrat, politics and power are the only measure of your self worth. Which is why they feel compelled to virtue signaling about EVERYTHING
What groceries are missing from the basket of goods
Look it up. Likely the same ones used by BLS from the horrible food pyramid

I also pointed out major factors conveniently omitted from the calc. Are we still counting the million jobs that had to be removed from the growth or did they also assign a fake salary to them when figuring wage growth?
"But my feelings don't care about your facts!" 3/4 of this board.

I grocery shop about two times a week and I can GURANTEE you that that “statistic” holds no reality for the vast majority of Americans.

What’s the old line about “liars, da*m liars, and statisticians again?

The simple math is that in a good year for my company I get a 4% raise. Meanwhile the price of basic staples at the grocery stores have risen anywhere from 8% to 30% depending on the item. A fifth grader could explain that to you.
"But my feelings don't care about your facts!" 3/4 of this board.

This is also for production/non-mgmt workers who are much more likely to be affected by the items left out like gas and housing. It's cherry picking stats to hide a troubled economy

So far 100% of all known lawyers on VN would fail a basic econ class. No wonder they're all English majors
Please post some more messages from Laura Loomer ... that really underscores my main point :

With their embrace of Donald Trump, the Republican Party is now the party of conspiracy theorist crackpots, election denying liars and Cult of Personality kooks.

Laura Loomer checks every single one of these boxes. She is now a member of Donald Trump's campaign :

Q Anon Believer ............................................................ check
9/11 was an Inside Job ............................................... check
2020 Presidential Election was Rigged ................. check
PizzaGate Believer ......................................................... check
Seth Rich was Murdered by the DNC .................... check
You believed Biden was perfectly fine for 3-1/2 years.... because you were told to.
1. It’s dumb to pretend we shouldn’t vote for Harris because we want to vote against someone. Especially when that someone is a mentally unstable person with a cult following. This isn’t some gotcha, it’s stupid.
2. I’m left of center on then American political spectrum and I want democratic policies and judges.

About as stupid as voting for candidates that can’t tell up from down, lie with every breath, have shown absolutely zero ability to be able lead people or accomplish anything at all, set up snitch lines to tattle on your neighbors for not wearing a mask on their own property, or spending millions of taxpayer dollars to put tampons in men’s bathrooms. About as stupid as that, but not quite.

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