2024 Presidential Race

Consider this post ignored. I’m not comparing any present day politician with Manson. You can’t be reasoned with

It's actually not a bad comparison comparing Manson to career politicians. Both are egotistical psychopaths who live for admiration, lie to develop a following, have their followers finance their lifestyles and have others do their dirty work.
It's actually not a bad comparison comparing Manson to career politicians. Both are egotistical psychopaths who live for admiration, lie to develop a following, have their followers finance their lifestyles and have others do their dirty work.
You’re forgetting the bit about mass murder. Nothing Trump or Harris has done compares to what Manson and his people did to Sharon Tate and others. Nothing
It's actually not a bad comparison comparing Manson to career politicians. Both are egotistical psychopaths who live for admiration, lie to develop a following, have their followers finance their lifestyles and have others do their dirty work.
Every politician is an egotistical psychopath. You have to be nowadays to run.
Consider this post ignored. I’m not comparing any present day politician with Manson. You can’t be reasoned with
Your point was Trump is preferable because he's his own man. My point is that, in and of itself, it is not a good thing (or bad thing). It depends on what you do with it. People who are their "own man" may be impervious to facts and thr revision of their own false beliefs. That is not a good thing.
Your point was Trump is preferable because he's his own man. My point is that, in and of itself, it is not a good thing (or bad thing). It depends on what you do with it. People who are their "own man" may be impervious to facts and thr revision of their own false beliefs. That is not a good thing.
Don’t invoke a mass murderer to make that point if you want to be taken seriously. I know you weren’t alive when Helter Skelter took place but you severely underestimated the blood spilled
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Don’t invoke a mass murderer to make that point if you want to be taken seriously. I know you weren’t alive when Helter Skelter took place but you severely underestimated the blood spilled
This is a valid form of argument. If your point is that being your own man is an unvarnished good and I can show you someone who EVERYONE agrees was "his own man" and who EVERYONE agrees was a POS, then it is clear that someone being their own man is not a good thing, in and of itself.
This is a valid form of argument. If your point is that being your own man is an unvarnished good and I can show you someone who EVERYONE agrees was "his own man" and who EVERYONE agrees was a POS, then it is clear that someone being their own man is not a good thing, in and of itself.

I'd argue that Manson wasn't his "own man". He was more of a leach that depended on women for his livelihood.
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Consider this post ignored. I’m not comparing any present day politician with Manson. You can’t be reasoned with
This shouldn't surprise you from her. The extreme left (democratic party is no more), is calling politicians "Hitler" and their supporters "nazis."

There is no comparison. It's so asinine, you think they would actually notice how ignorant they look saying it.
This is a valid form of argument. If your point is that being your own man is an unvarnished good and I can show you someone who EVERYONE agrees was "his own man" and who EVERYONE agrees was a POS, then it is clear that someone being their own man is not a good thing, in and of itself.
In b4 the forum shows up to accuse you of self-reflection.
Challenge for the Harris voters out there. Please give me your best pitch as to WHY I should vote for Harris. Please be specific with policies. The catch? You are not allowed to use the words “Trump”, “Joy”, or “New Direction”. Pretend that Trump isn’t even running. Sell me on YOUR candidate
1. It’s dumb to pretend we shouldn’t vote for Harris because we want to vote against someone. Especially when that someone is a mentally unstable person with a cult following. This isn’t some gotcha, it’s stupid.
2. I’m left of center on then American political spectrum and I want democratic policies and judges.
1. It’s dumb to pretend we shouldn’t vote for Harris because we want to vote against someone. Especially when that someone is a mentally unstable person with a cult following. This isn’t some gotcha, it’s stupid.
2. I’m left of center on then American political spectrum and I want democratic policies and judges.
I will now be voting for Kamala after reading this persuasive post. Good stuff buddy.
1. It’s dumb to pretend we shouldn’t vote for Harris because we want to vote against someone. Especially when that someone is a mentally unstable person with a cult following. This isn’t some gotcha, it’s stupid.
2. I’m left of center on then American political spectrum and I want democratic policies and judges.
You want Democrat policies and judges. There's a difference in what you wrote and most aren't just left of center

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