2024 Presidential Race

While not a perfect measure, plenty of IRS data supports that the redder the county, the more they give to charity....
I Wonder of that it is partly because people voting democrat assume that since they are paying taxes; they are outsourcing their charity. An “I already gave at the office” mindset?
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I Wonder of that it is partly because people voting democrat assume that since they are paying taxes; they are outsourcing their charity. An “I already gave at the office” mindset?

Id speculate its religious giving as that def skews more red.....

I think with some churches (i.e. Joel Osteen), we can speculate if any of that giving actually reaches the communities they serve
Id speculate its religious giving as that def skews more red.....

I think with some churches (i.e. Joel Osteen), we can speculate if any of that giving actually reaches the communities they serve
Please don’t use the terms “Joel Osteen” and “church” in the same sentence 😳
"You're the President, you're the King...go home"

How stupid is she? Did she not take a civics course? The President is not King. He can't dissolve the SC. And Maher doesn't inform her of this reality
She said that the Supreme court made the president a king with their ruling on presidential acts. I think Biden show try what she says and see if she is right.
Got a link for that claim?
I’m sure whatever he will produce from Salon.com will be skewed regardless.
“Educated” means having a formal degree from an accredited college. 2 year. 4 year etc.

I have plenty of friends that would be considered “uneducated”. These men own plumbing businesses. They are electricians. They have a been educated in terms of their trade, but because they didn’t pay to get indoctrinated for 4 years, they are considered “uneducated”.
I’m sure whatever he will produce from Salon.com will be skewed regardless.
“Educated” means having a formal degree from an accredited college. 2 year. 4 year etc.

I have plenty of friends that would be considered “uneducated”. These men own plumbing businesses. They are electricians. They have a been educated in terms of their trade, but because they didn’t pay to get indoctrinated for 4 years, they are considered “uneducated”.
Some of the stupidest and least effective people I know have PhDs. "Educated" but totally non-functional and definitely not intelligent.
Some of the stupidest and least effective people I know have PhDs. "Educated" but totally non-functional and definitely not intelligent.
I’m currently working on chapter 3 of my research proposal to obtain a PHD. And I fully support your statement. And it’s only getting worse. A majority of the qualitative studies I’ve recently reviewed are incredibly ridiculous. Dissertations titled something like:

White men in power: A narrative inquiry into the whiteness of white Deans in a majority white academic institution.

Our youth have been brainwashed into thinking this sh*t matters.
The majority of Republican voters are poor and uneducated. He is talking about Republican elected officials.

According to exit polling in the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States, 57 percent of surveyed voters making less than 50,000 U.S. dollars reported voting for former Vice President Joe Biden. In the race to become the next president of the United States, 54 percent of voters with an income of 100,000 U.S. dollars or more reported voting for incumbent President Donald Trump.

According to exit polling in the 2020 Presidential Election in the United States, 57 percent of surveyed voters making less than 50,000 U.S. dollars reported voting for former Vice President Joe Biden. In the race to become the next president of the United States, 54 percent of voters with an income of 100,000 U.S. dollars or more reported voting for incumbent President Donald Trump.

Listening to BB speak about uneducated is awesome entertainment. It took me several times to get him to understand a shareholder isn't responsible for company debt. Even after me spending lots of time explaining it, I still don't think he gets it. If BB actually graduated from HS, it would reflect poorly on the school system.
Listening to BB speak about uneducated is awesome entertainment. It took me several times to get him to understand a shareholder isn't responsible for company debt. Even after me spending lots of time explaining it, I still don't he gets it. If BB actually graduated from HS, it would reflect poorly on the school system.
Yeah .... That happened. Sure, Jan! Anything else you wanna make up?
BB actually graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Business. ... which would be worth more than a degree from either LSU or Southern Illinois, Jacka$$.

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