2024 Presidential Race

I’m sorry my guy, I don’t make racial remarks. I leave that for those like yourself who do it without a second thought until you get called on it. Believe you may want to sit it out on advice to me or anyone else here. You’re not him.
It wasn't a racist remark. Don't start making things up as go. Being a liar is no way to trek through life. Move on or STFU
It wasn't a racist remark. Don't start making things up as go. Being a liar is no way to trek through life. Move on or STFU
I haven't ignored anything, boy.
It’s a racist remark
You're absolutely right. My bad. Especially if he is AA.
That last part is awesome. Disregard all the other AA who post here that saw it. But please give me advice. Got you dancing, but you kept coming back for more. Now tell me again, how I’m making up things. What’s that part about being a liar and trek through life?
I’m sure whatever he will produce from Salon.com will be skewed regardless.
“Educated” means having a formal degree from an accredited college. 2 year. 4 year etc.

I have plenty of friends that would be considered “uneducated”. These men own plumbing businesses. They are electricians. They have a been educated in terms of their trade, but because they didn’t pay to get indoctrinated for 4 years, they are considered “uneducated”.
For the last several decades whenever someone refers to others as uneducated as an insult I immediately replace it with unindoctrinated in my head.
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That last part is awesome. Disregard all the other AA who post here that saw it. But please give me advice. Got you dancing, but you kept coming back for more. Now tell me again, how I’m making up things.
I called him that mocking his immaturity. It was wrong and I admitted it. Saying I use racial slurs without a second thought is a lie. So yeah, you made that part up. You do a nice job of changing the subject. You literally called a guy you don't know an alcoholic, and then was a smartass about it as if you got it figured out. Only the dumbest people in the room think they have those things figured out. I'm not asking you to take my advice. You don't need it. You ignorantly believe you already know
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I called him that mocking his immaturity. It was wrong and I admitted it. Saying I use racial slurs without a second thought is a lie. So yeah, you made that part up. You do a nice job of changing the subject. You literally called a guy you don't know an alcoholic, and then was a smartass about it as if you got it figured out. Only the dumbest people in the room think they have those things figured out. I'm not asking you to take my advice. You don't need it. You ignorantly believe you already know
nice spin. You got called out for a racist remark, even admitting it…you apologized. Nothing was made up. It is just not forgotten as those receipts showed. As I said, you’re not that guy to give advice. But please I’ll allow you the final word on this.
There is some truth to that .... but I'm not going to be the one to trash our school on a Tennessee forum.

.... and although it doesn't pertain to me or anyone I know, UTK does have a well-respected College of Veterinary Medicine.
Yes we do have a good vet school... and I believe the engineering college is highly rated as well. Certainly we set the bar in human anthropology as it relates to forensics. But it's interesting that acknowledging the truth is viewed as 'trashing'. Overall UT is not a standout academic institution. It just isn't.

But what makes a standout? Isn't Econ 101 the same at Harvard or UT or at Blount Community college? In most ways, yes it is, but at BCC you aren't sitting the class with the kids of Fortune 500 CEOs. You don't at UT either.

Only a few quarterbacks in the NFL are elite, most are just average but they are still in the NFL.
Yes we do have a good vet school... and I believe the engineering college is highly rated as well. Certainly we set the bar in human anthropology as it relates to forensics. But it's interesting that acknowledging the truth is viewed as 'trashing'. Overall UT is not a standout academic institution. It just isn't.

But what makes a standout? Isn't Econ 101 the same at Harvard or UT or at Blount Community college? In most ways, yes it is, but at BCC you aren't sitting the class with the kids of Fortune 500 CEOs. You don't at UT either.

Only a few quarterbacks in the NFL are elite, most are just average but they are still in the NFL.
Big drop off from QB1 to QB2 in the NFL for majority of the teams. QB3 is the best job in the league.
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Not sure, my wife has hers and my oldest is getting hers in 1.5 years. Neither has a good idea why. It’s just how it’s been. Not like that at ETSU or Tech for example.
Does the paper from UT have a better ROI? Will those credits transfer? Send her to ETSU to get the degree if she/he won't make significantly more by staying in Knoxville. I sure would. You have empirical evidence as to the reality of it all.
Yes we do have a good vet school... and I believe the engineering college is highly rated as well. Certainly we set the bar in human anthropology as it relates to forensics. But it's interesting that acknowledging the truth is viewed as 'trashing'. Overall UT is not a standout academic institution. It just isn't.

But what makes a standout? Isn't Econ 101 the same at Harvard or UT or at Blount Community college? In most ways, yes it is, but at BCC you aren't sitting the class with the kids of Fortune 500 CEOs. You don't at UT either.

Only a few quarterbacks in the NFL are elite, most are just average but they are still in the NFL.
Do you know what determines academic ranking? I'm not sure of all the metrics, but one important one is how much grant money professors are awarded for research at their institutions

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