2024 Presidential Race

I'd like to see Newsom debate the gangster. What a bloodbath that would be. The gangster would be crapping
his diapers.
They nominated a cadaver who was twice rejected for the spot in the past. But it turned out that with a little pandemic hyping, race riot stoking, and mail-in ballot rigging, they were able to pull things off and foist him into the White House, defeating (temporarily) Donald Trump. Unfortunately, the country collapsed into ruin under Biden, and the next election was fast approaching. They knew he shouldn’t run again, but his natural successor was an inept and undeniably unqualified Kamala Harris, Biden’s black woman of color female vice president.

What a crock of ****.
what is wrong with Biden? He pretty much is the Dem platform. Or do you just want a prettier package and refined messanger?

Is Trump "the Republican platform"? Seems like most traditional Republicans either outright disown him or at least in private wish he'd just go away.

We Aren’t Prepared For The Hell Democrats Will Put America Through In 2024​

Sometimes coincidences happen in American politics, but what’s happening right now with the Democratic Party — the repeated loud and public doubting about Joe Biden’s future by prominent party figures — is not a coincidence.

This is coordinated, and as the 2024 election draws nearer, anything is possible.

In an interview with Patrick Bet-David this week, Robert Kennedy Jr. said something about the eventual Democrat presidential nominee I hadn’t considered. “If he were going to drop out,” Kennedy said, referring to Biden, “the time to drop out would be during the convention because then he would control the delegates, because they’re all Biden delegates, and he would then be able to pick his successor.”

The idea being that Biden, with the full Democrat apparatus behind him, would lock up the nomination by formally “running” but then direct all of his secured delegates to fall behind someone else, either because he knows he can’t endure a general election campaign, or because he’s been told he better not try.

Democrats are, of course, in a problem of their own making. They nominated a cadaver who was twice rejected for the spot in the past. But it turned out that with a little pandemic hyping, race riot stoking, and mail-in ballot rigging, they were able to pull things off and foist him into the White House, defeating (temporarily) Donald Trump. Unfortunately, the country collapsed into ruin under Biden, and the next election was fast approaching. They knew he shouldn’t run again, but his natural successor was an inept and undeniably unqualified Kamala Harris, Biden’s black woman of color female vice president.


Trump once again displays that usual natural charm to his audience in Gutfeld's lighthearted monologue.

Joe Biden makes an appearance.

Greg Gutfeld: Trump was his usual funny self​

'Gutfeld!' panelists react to former President Donald Trump's Iowa townhall with FOX News host Sean Hannity.
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Hasn't Biden carried the agenda you voted for?

Biden insisting on running creates more risk that Trump wins in '24 than I am willing to accept. There is no excitement around Biden, at all. He won the first time only because Dems were so motivated to oust Trump. That is still there, but far harder to do it a second time around, especially with the age issue.
Biden insisting on running creates more risk that Trump wins in '24 than I am willing to accept. There is no excitement around Biden, at all. He won the first time only because Dems were so motivated to oust Trump. That is still there, but far harder to do it a second time around, especially with the age issue.

So the question is, does your support hinge on agenda or personality? Clearly Biden has done most of the things he promised to do, which you fully support so what's most important to you agenda or personality?

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