2024 Presidential Race

My $100 in 2020 is now worth $84
Annnnnd it really that simple. I paid $9.06 for a double whopper with cheese yesterday in Clarksville Tennessee when I stopped for lunch while traveling to Illinois for work. No fries, no drink.....just the burger. LOL!!! Bidenomics biatches!!! Hahahaha!!! EL really does have a screw loose.
Yes, that is it--she doesn't want to upset the MAGA clods. We've seen it with most GOP pols--hard to watch, really. Look at poor Pence.

I’m not in the head of these clods like you, but wouldn’t Haley asserting the Civil War was all about slavery be the better route to pander to racists?
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Good luck convincing the Majority of the American people of this. I actually have to buy things and have to try to survive and better myself. You wonder why your boy that you worship is performing so badly, just look at the credit card debt and the lack of disposable income the middle class has right now, and you will have your answer. Biden is a total loser. Let me correct that, the people that actually run things for Biden are total losers...he doesn't even know what world he is in.

The problem for Biden is what are often referred to as Kitchen Table Issues. No matter what statistics Brian Tyler Cohen has picked for his tweet, the average family understands:

- they are poorer than 4 years ago
- they are paying more for groceries
- they are paying more for gas
- they are paying more for housing
- they feel less safe
- most now believe immigration is a big issue

So go on and beat your chest over it, but Brian Taylor Cohen’s tweet is like pissing on their leg and telling them it’s raining. The polling bears out exactly what I laid out above.
Annnnnd it really that simple. I paid $9.06 for a double whopper with cheese yesterday in Clarksville Tennessee when I stopped for lunch while traveling to Illinois for work. No fries, no drink.....just the burger. LOL!!! Bidenomics biatches!!! Hahahaha!!! EL really does have a screw loose.
By the time the election comes around, that $100 will be worth around $81. A 19% decline in purchasing power in 4 years. Very little matters to the deciding 10% over that.
The problem for Biden is what are often referred to as Kitchen Table Issues. No matter what statistics Brian Tyler Cohen has picked for his tweet, the average family understands:

- they are poorer than 4 years ago
- they are paying more for groceries
- they are paying more for gas
- they are paying more for housing
- they feel less safe
- most now believe immigration is a big issue

So go on and beat your chest over it, but Brian Taylor Cohen’s tweet is like pissing on their leg and telling them it’s raining. The polling bears out exactly what I laid out above.
The problem for Biden is what are often referred to as Kitchen Table Issues. No matter what statistics Brian Tyler Cohen has picked for his tweet, the average family understands:

- they are poorer than 4 years ago
- they are paying more for groceries
- they are paying more for gas
- they are paying more for housing
- they feel less safe
- most now believe immigration is a big issue

So go on and beat your chest over it, but Brian Taylor Cohen’s tweet is like pissing on their leg and telling them it’s raining. The polling bears out exactly what I laid out above.
I b*tch about prices too (a lot of NYC restaurants now charge $12-14 for a beer and $22+ for a cocktail). But the fact of the matter is that I'm making more now than I did under Trump and my wage gains exceed inflation. It's just the sticker shock of particular purchases that gets people and they don't put it into context of what has happened to their salaries.
By the time the election comes around, that $100 will be worth around $81. A 19% decline in purchasing power in 4 years. Very little matters to the deciding 10% over that.

Out of curiosity what did Biden do to cause inflation ? It's clearly a product of a massive injection of cash into the economy under Trump during covid, plus chain supply disruption, also due to covid.

I don't blame Trump for that. But neither should Biden be blamed for it.
Out of curiosity what did Biden do to cause inflation ? It's clearly a product of a massive injection of cash into the economy under Trump during covid, plus chain supply disruption, also due to covid.

I don't blame Trump for that. But neither should Biden be blamed for it.
Biden also did a massive influx too. Trump has his share of the blame for sure. The average voter, the 10% who will decide this, won't be that discernable. We both know that. It's why Biden is underwater in polling. Am I better or worse off vs 4 years ago? That's all they will consider
Out of curiosity what did Biden do to cause inflation ? It's clearly a product of a massive injection of cash into the economy under Trump during covid, plus chain supply disruption, also due to covid.

I don't blame Trump for that. But neither should Biden be blamed for it.
what did Biden do to create 14 million jobs?
That right there is always accomplishment 1, and it is deceptive and disingenuous. Pretty much like everything with this admin including the border.
To me, the whole 2024 Presidential can be boiled down to who wins PA. I dont see a way any GOP candidate can win PA and without it, it is nearly impossible.
Why not just say the word "slavery"? Because the base wouldn't like that
Well just using that one word would have only covered part of what the Civil War was about. It really is an interesting study in our history. The best detail about that war that I have read was a three vol. book series by Shelby Foote. He actually started the study in the 1830's to give you a good sense of all the players. There is no doubt that slavery is a stain on our countries' history that has and will continue to haunt everyone. There was a lot of blood on peoples hands from virtually ever area of the country. especially in the South and New England.
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The problem for Biden is what are often referred to as Kitchen Table Issues. No matter what statistics Brian Tyler Cohen has picked for his tweet, the average family understands:

- they are poorer than 4 years ago
- they are paying more for groceries
- they are paying more for gas
- they are paying more for housing
- they feel less safe
- most now believe immigration is a big issue

So go on and beat your chest over it, but Brian Taylor Cohen’s tweet is like pissing on their leg and telling them it’s raining. The polling bears out exactly what I laid out above.

Let's not forget if by some chance the family earners earn more to pay for all those things, they also get to pay more in taxes. Even without income increase, we're paying more sales tax because prices are up.
Out of curiosity what did Biden do to cause inflation ? It's clearly a product of a massive injection of cash into the economy under Trump during covid, plus chain supply disruption, also due to covid.

I don't blame Trump for that. But neither should Biden be blamed for it.

Biden did a deep dive into inflationary policy on his first day with the anti-oil crusade for starters. Energy cost affects everything, and it often hits things you purchase multiple times. If you really want to hurt an economy, you couldn't find a better way than drive up energy costs.
Well just using that one word would have only covered part of what the Civil War was about. It really is an interesting study in our history. The best detail about that war that I have read was a three vol. book series by Shelby Foote. He actually started the study in the 1830's to give you a good sense of all the players. There is no doubt that slavery is a stain on our countries' history that has and will continue to haunt everyone. There was a lot of blood on peoples hands from virtually ever area of the country. especially in the South and New England.

You can't judge the past by today's standards. Slavery was absolutely an accepted practice throughout history, and it was largely that way because automation was not available for large scale farming. Northern states relied on indentured servitude for some time in factories - not that removed from slavery itself. Sorry but slavery is simply a relic of the past for almost every country on the face of the earth; fortunately we do things differently today, but there are still plenty of places that prey on the weak. Even "Native Americans" practiced slavery - probably more as tokens of power (plunder in battle) than of economic need.

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