2024 Presidential Race

Let's not forget if by some chance the family earners earn more to pay for all those things, they also get to pay more in taxes. Even without income increase, we're paying more sales tax because prices are up.

You hit the nail on the head. An increase in salary means you are giving the government additional taxes since taxes are based on gross or adjustable income, not buying power. The bureaucracy knows this. It's their simpletons that don't.
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You can't judge the past by today's standards. Slavery was absolutely an accepted practice throughout history, and it was largely that way because automation was not available for large scale farming. Northern states relied on indentured servitude for some time in factories - not that removed from slavery itself. Sorry but slavery is simply a relic of the past for almost every country on the face of the earth; fortunately we do things differently today, but there are still plenty of places that prey on the weak. Even "Native Americans" practiced slavery - probably more as tokens of power (plunder in battle) than of economic need.

While I don't agree with slavery, the context you laid out is true. It's a stain on this great country, but it's amazing only the US gets demonized for slavery. You'd think America was the only nation that used slaves as labor. I think it is an intentional attack our system of government. This occurs not only from enemies but from within, and in some cases countries we consider friendly.

Also, African tribes bartered using slaves, then slaves often made the trek through Europe before America. As I recall, part of the untold story on slavery were policy that began to prohibit bringing slaves into America decades before the Civil War though it didn't change the policy on the ones already here.

Ultimately, this is the same tactics from the American Marxists to stoke the same flames in the election year. Only fools would keep talking about it as they would like this topic to last for months.
Bidenomics....I got roughly 50 extra a month on disability for COLA....yay.....but my rent went up 45 and I also have to pay an additional 40 for ride back and forth to treatment...so even with the increase in pay..I'm still 30 dollar worse each month due to bidenomics...that's not including continuing cost of grocery and etc.
Out of curiosity what did Biden do to cause inflation ? It's clearly a product of a massive injection of cash into the economy under Trump during covid, plus chain supply disruption, also due to covid.

I don't blame Trump for that. But neither should Biden be blamed for it.
You mean the manufactured virus that allowed Biden to be protected?
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I b*tch about prices too (a lot of NYC restaurants now charge $12-14 for a beer and $22+ for a cocktail). But the fact of the matter is that I'm making more now than I did under Trump and my wage gains exceed inflation. It's just the sticker shock of particular purchases that gets people and they don't put it into context of what has happened to their salaries.
Believe you’re losing more money now with your wage gains being lost to inflation. All that money gained lost to rising COL.
You can't judge the past by today's standards. Slavery was absolutely an accepted practice throughout history, and it was largely that way because automation was not available for large scale farming. Northern states relied on indentured servitude for some time in factories - not that removed from slavery itself. Sorry but slavery is simply a relic of the past for almost every country on the face of the earth; fortunately we do things differently today, but there are still plenty of places that prey on the weak. Even "Native Americans" practiced slavery - probably more as tokens of power (plunder in battle) than of economic need.
You are correct in what you say. We can only learn from the past. One thing to add about the Northern factories is that their textile mills was the user of Southern cotton and with their political advantage put tariffs in place to try and prevent Southern cotton being sold to England.
It's even more of a comment on her electoral audience. Which is astounding to me because it's history and it has to be acknowledged. Ignoring it won't change the facts.
As much as I have a disdain for some of these DEI/"woke" knuckleheads, they do highlight a point about some people wanting to hide uncomfortable/problematic points in US history. That isn't "hating America", it is just telling the truth in many cases.
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She better get used to it.
I had someone tell me that Trump's comments on Christmas ("rot in hell") only feeds into the media narrtive. I responded by saying that it doesn't matter what Trump or ant other candidate says. The media will always find a way topaint you in a corner.

Nuclear Nikki has been the best mouthpiece the Uniparty could ask for and look at what is going on now.
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Annnnnd it really that simple. I paid $9.06 for a double whopper with cheese yesterday in Clarksville Tennessee when I stopped for lunch while traveling to Illinois for work. No fries, no drink.....just the burger. LOL!!! Bidenomics biatches!!! Hahahaha!!! EL really does have a screw loose.
You would have been better off ordering the ribeye...
Bidenomics....I got roughly 50 extra a month on disability for COLA....yay.....but my rent went up 45 and I also have to pay an additional 40 for ride back and forth to treatment...so even with the increase in pay..I'm still 30 dollar worse each month due to bidenomics...that's not including continuing cost of grocery and etc.
Sounds like you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps, Boomer. Stop looking for handouts and take advantage of the freedoms and opportunities this great country offers you.
As much as I have a disdain for some of these DEI/"woke" knuckleheads, they do highlight a point about some people wanting to hide uncomfortable/problematic points in US history. That isn't "hating America", it is just telling the truth in many cases.

I don't think we can read into why Hailey answered the way she did because there were numerous reasons for the civil war, and a person educated about it understands that. We were sold/told that was the reason growing up in schools, but it was one of many reasons over a period of time. Just look at the number of many reasons today this country is headed towards a seismic crossroads. It won't be one event. This was from the same playbook we've seen from these bozos. I don't think Hailey gets either of our votes, but it doesn't take away from the Marxists wanting to milk this issue.
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It's a crock everywhere. Without even having to look it up:

Literally regurgitating the same failed stat...citing jobs returning from Covid as jobs "created" is complete and utter BS.
Same as above for homicides under Covid. Homicides were the highest in decades. Don't even start to flex unless we're pre-covid.

I did want to look up a couple things though.
Inflation-tweet claims "inflation lower than when he took office". Uhhhh...
ScreenHunter_8704 Dec. 29 12.44.jpg
Gas prices under $3 huh?
ScreenHunter_8705 Dec. 29 12.46.jpg

It's just saying it and assume those that want to believe will and those that don't know any better might.

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