2024 Presidential Race

As much as I have a disdain for some of these DEI/"woke" knuckleheads, they do highlight a point about some people wanting to hide uncomfortable/problematic points in US history. That isn't "hating America", it is just telling the truth in many cases.

The problem is they want to hide everything...

You know what German children learn in schools? They learn all about the rise of Hitler and the Holocaust. They study history to avoid repeating it.

Tell me how many American schools learn about the rise of the Confederacy and ALL the reasons why the Civil War happened. It wasn't just about slavery.

The US is currently producing more oil than any other country in the world.

And where is that oil going? It’s not being refined here in the states.
Inflation hasn't gone negative. Those prices are still increasing. Just at a slower rate. You get that right? To be clear, it reads as though you think they should decrease prices, because the rate of costs has slowed. It's still an increase. That makes zero since. One of my restaurants advantages, is that bc our scale, we have taken on pricing lower then inflation by design to capture market share.

I almost made the same point on the inflation. I do think he’s right about company’s using the environment to their full advantage. MCD, for example, has been posting record margins.
Inflation hasn't gone negative. Those prices are still increasing. Just at a slower rate. You get that right? To be clear, it reads as though you think they should decrease prices, because the rate of costs has slowed.
All I know is I can get a big Mac meal for $12 or I can go to Longhorn and get a 1/2lb cheeseburger and a side or salad for 9.99. And that's just one example. Fast food is getting ridiculous. But they know people will keep buying.
All I know is I can get a big Mac meal for $12 or I can go to Longhorn and get a 1/2lb cheeseburger and a side or salad for 9.99. And that's just one example. Fast food is getting ridiculous. But they know people will keep buying.
That's you just not understanding the business of either. I am super familiar with LH and their business practice. That same burger and side costs $16 at night. Without a beverage. Lunch is heavily discounted on typical lunch type items to overcome the veto vote by business people and families. You know your core base is ordering steaks no matter the time of day. You just have to overcome price sensitive Paul from preventing the whole office from coming. And bc of that you get a $10 burger and side at lunch. Which is essentially cost for them. And they bank on the rest of the party.
That's you just not understanding the business of either. I am super familiar with LH and their business practice. That same burger and side costs $16 at night. Without a beverage. Lunch is heavily discounted on typical lunch type items to overcome the veto vote by business people and families. You know your core base is ordering steaks no matter the time of day. You just have to overcome price sensitive Paul from preventing the whole office from coming. And bc of that you get a $10 burger and side at lunch. Which is essentially cost for them. And they bank on the rest of the party.

I have to go with VFH on this
Blaming Biden for fast food prices now lol

Fast food prices are high because of corporate greed under the guise of inflation. They used the pandemic to jack up prices and blamed inflation and supply chain, but you can bet your ass they aren't going to lower those prices now that the supply chain has mostly recovered and inflation is coming down.

Anyway, if you are buying fast food and not using the app if available, you're doing it wrong. That's where the deals are, and BTW they jack the prices on a la cart items because they want people to buy the meal. You probably could have gotten fries and a drink for another $2
Corporate greed? Or is that the price of doing business has greatly increased over the past three years, so in order to maximize profitability businesses have chosen to raise prices?
Joe Biden is a traitor to America and will sell his soul to Satan if he needs to do it.
Creepy Joe Biden & not Trump or MAGAs is the real threat to Democracy.
While I don't agree with slavery, the context you laid out is true. It's a stain on this great country, but it's amazing only the US gets demonized for slavery. You'd think America was the only nation that used slaves as labor. I think it is an intentional attack our system of government. This occurs not only from enemies but from within, and in some cases countries we consider friendly.

Also, African tribes bartered using slaves, then slaves often made the trek through Europe before America. As I recall, part of the untold story on slavery were policy that began to prohibit bringing slaves into America decades before the Civil War though it didn't change the policy on the ones already here.

Ultimately, this is the same tactics from the American Marxists to stoke the same flames in the election year. Only fools would keep talking about it as they would like this topic to last for months.

The left's favorite tactic is basically to demonize the country, the status quo, the other guy, history, or anything else that can be made divisive. Nothing has to be accurate; they simply have to start the lie with just enough of something semi-factual to make it sound good. History is good because you can always find something cringeworthy in it. The thing is that by the time we were a country a lot of things like slavery and serfdom were on the way out, so our history of abusive acts is far briefer than a lot of the rest of the world. You'd actually think no country in Europe or Asia ever committed human abuses, started wars, or conquered and colonized all around the globe. Islam is a peaceful and accepting religion, S Americans never practiced human sacrifice, Africans never participated in slavery; but we, a blip in history by comparison, are unequalled devils.
All you have to do is look at the aftermath and results of the war. We ended up with the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments...

If seceding states had to ratify a Constitutional Amendment to regain statehood then that should nullify the signatures and the "amendment" - it was forced compliance. The ironic part is that the North said the Confederate States could not secede, so why did they have to comply in several ways to "regain statehood"? It seems that the intent behind a Constitutional Amendment is that something has to have significant (and unforced) agreement among the states to pass.
Blaming Biden for fast food prices now lol

Fast food prices are high because of corporate greed under the guise of inflation. They used the pandemic to jack up prices and blamed inflation and supply chain, but you can bet your ass they aren't going to lower those prices now that the supply chain has mostly recovered and inflation is coming down.

Anyway, if you are buying fast food and not using the app if available, you're doing it wrong. That's where the deals are, and BTW they jack the prices on a la cart items because they want people to buy the meal. You probably could have gotten fries and a drink for another $2
Greed's a factor but market forces will mitigate that,
Inflation is far from 'coming down' and likely never will come down. Once it's up it tends to stay there. The rate may vary but an inflated price stays inflated.
Greed's a factor but market forces will mitigate that,
Inflation is far from 'coming down' and likely never will come down. Once it's up it tends to stay there. The rate may vary but an inflated price stays inflated.

Gas prices went way down months ago....
I don't think we can read into why Hailey answered the way she did because there were numerous reasons for the civil war, and a person educated about it understands that. We were sold/told that was the reason growing up in schools, but it was one of many reasons over a period of time. Just look at the number of many reasons today this country is headed towards a seismic crossroads. It won't be one event. This was from the same playbook we've seen from these bozos. I don't think Hailey gets either of our votes, but it doesn't take away from the Marxists wanting to milk this issue.

The further in time people are removed from an historic event, the easier it is to lie about the event and the causes. The lies generally are lies of omission - factual to an extent but far from inclusive of precipitating causes. For some of us, our grandparents were old enough to have learned first hand the events of and leading to the Civil War from their grandparents. Somewhat secondhand knowledge, but it's harder to push revisionism when there are people around who know enough to call BS.

Maine secretary of state blocks Trump from 2024 primary ballot​

Maine's Democratic secretary of state removed former President Donald Trump from the state’s 2024 primary ballot on Thursday.

If they do this where i live, i will take a day or 2 off of work to go protest for the 1st time in my life. It isn't a democracy (really a representative republic but I digress) if we do not have the choice to vote for whomever we please. Did a little research and only 41 states allow write-in votes for POTUS. Others allow it for some offices but not others. If the Dimwits can put up a candidate that can legitimately and legally beat Trump then I will have to be OK with that, despite him being easily a foot taller than the rest of the midgets running in 24 IMO. If they try to steal another election like thieves in the night....we have to do something about it, or this country is dead and buried. We cannot let the same politicians that somehow outspend even the record trillions of dollars they steal every year from taxpayers be the ones who get to choose themselves to run this country. At that point, we live in an Oligarchy not a Democracy.
Blaming Biden for fast food prices now lol

Fast food prices are high because of corporate greed under the guise of inflation. They used the pandemic to jack up prices and blamed inflation and supply chain, but you can bet your ass they aren't going to lower those prices now that the supply chain has mostly recovered and inflation is coming down.

Anyway, if you are buying fast food and not using the app if available, you're doing it wrong. That's where the deals are, and BTW they jack the prices on a la cart items because they want people to buy the meal. You probably could have gotten fries and a drink for another $2

Fast food prices are high because their 2nd largest expense, labor, has increased 30% (or more) in the past 4 years...

Operating margins are lower at fast food restaurants now than 2019....
They’re blaming Biden for unaffordable housing but that boom started in 2020. They also claim Biden is responsible for higher groceries, cars etc…companies are making record profits..are conservatives no longer supportive of capitalism? How’s those tax cuts for the wealthy working out for ya but don’t worry I saw yesterday Trumps about to unveil a new healthcare plan, you know the one he bragged about in 2016?? Maybe he’ll bring back infrastructure week…it’s a greatest hits album that’s missing lock her up, I guess that one came with a little karma attached.

This is one of my favorite things to read. People pretending “record profits” is in some way evil.

When we have inflation every single year, if you’re not making record profits, you’re on your way out of business.
The problem is they want to hide everything...

You know what German children learn in schools? They learn all about the rise of Hitler and the Holocaust. They study history to avoid repeating it.

Tell me how many American schools learn about the rise of the Confederacy and ALL the reasons why the Civil War happened. It wasn't just about slavery.
You wouldn't hear me complaining about truthful history. But again, slavery was the central issue. We can agree that there were other issues along with that, but I would argue that those other issues were likely connected to the institution of slavery. Raising tariffs on imports from Britain and France made it more expensive for Southern farmers to mechanize and move away from slave labor, for example. States rights/10th Amendment was based on a state's right to be slave or free.
While I don't agree with slavery, the context you laid out is true. It's a stain on this great country, but it's amazing only the US gets demonized for slavery. You'd think America was the only nation that used slaves as labor. I think it is an intentional attack our system of government. This occurs not only from enemies but from within, and in some cases countries we consider friendly.
Do you know why America gets as much flak as it does? Because we go around the world moralizing and judging others. If we would mind our own business and clean up our own house, these attacks would be far less.

Also, African tribes bartered using slaves, then slaves often made the trek through Europe before America. As I recall, part of the untold story on slavery were policy that began to prohibit bringing slaves into America decades before the Civil War though it didn't change the policy on the ones already here.

Ultimately, this is the same tactics from the American Marxists to stoke the same flames in the election year. Only fools would keep talking about it as they would like this topic to last for months.

Race hustling tactics...
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You wouldn't hear me complaining about truthful history. But again, slavery was the central issue. We can agree that there were other issues along with that, but I would argue that those other issues were likely connected to the institution of slavery. Raising tariffs on imports from Britain and France made it more expensive for Southern farmers to mechanize and move away from slave labor, for example. States rights/10th Amendment was based on a state's right to be slave or free.

Slavery is a six degrees of Kevin Bacon kind of issue. Eventually every issue can (will) be linked into it.
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MAGA minds uncovered! This is scary stuff and makes clear we have a LOT of totally weird, stupid, deranged people
in America. This is truly scary.


Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows's House Swatted after Trump ballot decision​

The home of Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows was swatted on Friday night while she was away with her family for the holiday weekend, the secretary confirmed via social media on Saturday.

Law enforcement officials are investigating the incident, which reportedly occurred after a man called the Augusta Regional Communication Center to report that he had broken into the state official's house. However, when Maine State Police responded to the home, no one was at the residence.


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