2024 Presidential Race

If they do this where i live, i will take a day or 2 off of work to go protest for the 1st time in my life. It isn't a democracy (really a representative republic but I digress) if we do not have the choice to vote for whomever we please. Did a little research and only 41 states allow write-in votes for POTUS. Others allow it for some offices but not others. If the Dimwits can put up a candidate that can legitimately and legally beat Trump then I will have to be OK with that, despite him being easily a foot taller than the rest of the midgets running in 24 IMO. If they try to steal another election like thieves in the night....we have to do something about it, or this country is dead and buried. We cannot let the same politicians that somehow outspend even the record trillions of dollars they steal every year from taxpayers be the ones who get to choose themselves to run this country. At that point, we live in an Oligarchy not a Democracy.

You know you might be an insurrectionist by attempting to convince some "officer" to not do his/her duty to keep Trump off the ballot? Seems insurrection is a very open term these days. Apparently free speech and "right to petition" can be an insurrection ... if done by some people. Others can actually get into a Senate chamber and rant and stop proceedings but if they are the right demographic it's not a problem. Somehow I think most of us always understood an insurrection was something that required lethal weapons, and generally left bodies behind.
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David Axelrod Warns Barring Trump From 2024 Ballot will 'tear the country apart'​

Barack Obama's former adviser David Axelrod admitted to "very, very strong reservations" about booting Donald Trump from the 2024 ballot.

Axelrod appeared on Erin Burnett OutFront on Friday to react to the news that Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows blocked Trump from the state's ballot because she alleged Trump violated the 14th Amendment through his actions on Jan. 6. According to the political adviser, this could lead to more division in the country.

“I have very, very strong reservations about all of this,” Axelrod said. “I do think it would rip the country apart if he were actually prevented from running because tens of millions of people want to vote for him.”

As I said over a year ago, Trump would be the nominee and it wouldnt really be close. Trump is the leader of the GOP until he either steps down or picks his successor.

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Why not just say the word "slavery"? Because the base wouldn't like that
Slavery is one of those woke words/phrases Republicans just can't say, like "trans," "gay," and "decent human being."
Never understood why people say this.

Never heard any Republicans afraid to talk about slavery (especially since Republicans were responsible for ending slavery). Might hear some saying, "Slavery is so 1800's" when hysterical Chicken Littles talk about"wanting to put people back in chains" and other fear-mongering tactics used to prey upon the misinformed voters who prefer sound bites to policy.
Never understood why people say this.

Never heard any Republicans afraid to talk about slavery (especially since Republicans were responsible for ending slavery). Might hear some saying, "Slavery is so 1800's" when hysterical Chicken Littles talk about"wanting to put people back in chains" and other fear-mongering tactics used to prey upon the misinformed voters who prefer sound bites to policy.
You just missed the whole Nikki Haley thing? Lol
You just missed the whole Nikki Haley thing? Lol
Well, Haley actually did mention slavery by name during that exchange. She justifiably asked the weirdo questioner what more he wanted her to say about slavery.

Now, if only someone would ask Biden why he supported the Hyde Amendment for decades until he was the nominee for POTUS...or why he is "personally opposed to abortion" yet supports it being legal nationwide...or why he used incredibly racist language when endorsing Obama (simultaneously insulting every previous black candidate for national office as not being "bright" or "articulate" or "good-looking" or "clean"...at least, not in Biden's estimation)...or any number of other astounding positions or contradictions submitted by Biden over the years...well, the mainstream press simply won't ever ask those questions.

But yeah, let's focus on why Haley didn't give a one-word answer. I'm sure her critics would have been satisfied with that.
If they do this where i live, i will take a day or 2 off of work to go protest for the 1st time in my life. It isn't a democracy (really a representative republic but I digress) if we do not have the choice to vote for whomever we please. Did a little research and only 41 states allow write-in votes for POTUS. Others allow it for some offices but not others. If the Dimwits can put up a candidate that can legitimately and legally beat Trump then I will have to be OK with that, despite him being easily a foot taller than the rest of the midgets running in 24 IMO. If they try to steal another election like thieves in the night....we have to do something about it, or this country is dead and buried. We cannot let the same politicians that somehow outspend even the record trillions of dollars they steal every year from taxpayers be the ones who get to choose themselves to run this country. At that point, we live in an Oligarchy not a Democracy.

The only person who's tried to steal an election, Earl, is the gangster. That's a provable fact--and for you to think otherwise makes you demonstrable dim.
Well, Haley actually did mention slavery by name during that exchange. She justifiably asked the weirdo questioner what more he wanted her to say about slavery.

Now, if only someone would ask Biden why he supported the Hyde Amendment for decades until he was the nominee for POTUS...or why he is "personally opposed to abortion" yet supports it being legal nationwide...or why he used incredibly racist language when endorsing Obama (simultaneously insulting every previous black candidate for national office as not being "bright" or "articulate" or "good-looking" or "clean"...at least, not in Biden's estimation)...or any number of other astounding positions or contradictions submitted by Biden over the years...well, the mainstream press simply won't ever ask those questions.

But yeah, let's focus on why Haley didn't give a one-word answer. I'm sure her critics would have been satisfied with that.
Not "what more," she asked "what" because it wasn't part of her answer at all. Because, for whatever reason, she consistently hasn't been comfortable mentioning slavery at all as a reason for the Civil War.

Not "what more," she asked "what" because it wasn't part of her answer at all. Because, for whatever reason, she consistently hasn't been comfortable mentioning slavery at all as a reason for the Civil War.

You're right. She did say, "What...?" and not "What more...?"

Still don't get what would be triggering about saying "slavery." I've heard of Holocaust deniars but never "slavery deniars."

Someone please explain the logic behind not associating slavery with the Civil War...because we grew up in the South throughout the Sixties knowing all about that from books, comic books, movies, TV shows, etc. as well as in school. We also learned firsthand about integration.

We also learned about the Trail of Tears, broken treaties, establishment of reservations, etc.

I don't recall our being taught about the forced internment camps for Americans of Japanese ancestry during WWIi, although I did learn about the Nisei troops and the prejudice they faced.
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