2024 Presidential Race

C'mon, Cletus. Surely a man of your superior intellect and condescending, elitist hot takes can figure it out.

You're a joke. You said the remark was taken out of context. I said, 'yea, why don't you give us the context"--and like the fraudulent, low-info
guy you are, you can't do it. You run your mouth and can't back it up. I know full well what the context is--just as everyone with a brain who's observed the gangster for a few years knows what it is--including his former Sec. of Defense and a former GOP Speaker of the House and MANY, many others know what the context is. He doesn't respect our system of government or the rule of law. Period. Funny how he never speaks about our strongest and deepest allies but LOVES to heap praises on dictators. Strange habit for an ex-American president. Trump's an authoritarian wannabe and a lowlife. Period. Hungary's strongman leader Orban is a pariah in Europe---the only EU leader who seems in a lot of ways to be supportive of Putin. The gangster has several times praised Orban. Strange thing.

Here's the thing: When you wish to challenge a post or a tweet of some kind, if you disagree with it, the proper thing to do is elaborate, explain your position--not just throw out some remark and then hide.
No doubt, but why? What has she done compared to people like Newsom or Beshear who have led states.

If people think Biden has been handicapped during this term, they haven't seen anything yet. If Michelle Obama becomes president, Barack Obama is the defacto president again.

It's the shoes.
You're a joke. You said the remark was taken out of context. I said, 'yea, why don't you give us the context"--and like the fraudulent, low-info
guy you are, you can't do it. You run your mouth and can't back it up. I know full well what the context is--just as everyone with a brain who's observed the gangster for a few years knows what it is--including his former Sec. of Defense and a former GOP Speaker of the House and MANY, many others know what the context is. He doesn't respect our system of government or the rule of law. Period. Funny how he never speaks about our strongest and deepest allies but LOVES to heap praises on dictators. Strange habit for an ex-American president. Trump's an authoritarian wannabe and a lowlife. Period. Hungary's strongman leader Orban is a pariah in Europe---the only EU leader who seems in a lot of ways to be supportive of Putin. The gangster has several times praised Orban. Strange thing.

Here's the thing: When you wish to challenge a post or a tweet of some kind, if you disagree with it, the proper thing to do is elaborate, explain your position--not just throw out some remark and then hide.
Since you’re completely lazy and can’t do it on your own, I’m feeling charitable today so I’ll do it for you. It’s comical, or sad, that you think Trump’s “praise” of Xi was a tacit endorsement of him. He was saying exactly what Xi is. Or did you not even watch the video you posted where Trump made those remarks and (paraphrasing) basically said everyone is going see these remarks, go crazy and take them out of context? Exactly what they did, yourself included.

Xi is smart, certainly for more intelligent than the living brain donor you bow down to in the WH. He has managed to rise through the CCP and put himself in a position where he is President for life in China. He is also ruthless as he and the CCP continue to oppress and keep 1.4 billion people in check. He also continues to take advantage f America’s weakness and their distractions with stupid political issues. I’m no Trumper, but the man did take a stand against China, right or wrong, wrt to trade and addressing their influence, their theft of patent rights and technology, etc. while Joe is happy to just let China bend us over as long as Hunter can do deals with China while pedaling Joe’s influence and getting direct deposits to their bank accounts. And I’m the joke? Try to go deeper into the context of something before you post it, didn’t even really evaluate what was being said and then take off on another one of your hysterical tirades. But you won’t do that, because that’s too low info for you and doesn’t fit into your biased narratives.
No doubt, but why? What has she done compared to people like Newsom or Beshear who have led states.

If people think Biden has been handicapped during this term, they haven't seen anything yet. If Michelle Obama becomes president, Barack Obama is the defacto president again.

It's Michelle.

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Since you’re completely lazy and can’t do it on your own, I’m feeling charitable today so I’ll do it for you. It’s comical, or sad, that you think Trump’s “praise” of Xi was a tacit endorsement of him. He was saying exactly what Xi is. Or did you not even watch the video you posted where Trump made those remarks and (paraphrasing) basically said everyone is going see these remarks, go crazy and take them out of context? Exactly what they did, yourself included.

Xi is smart, certainly for more intelligent than the living brain donor you bow down to in the WH. He has managed to rise through the CCP and put himself in a position where he is President for life in China. He is also ruthless as he and the CCP continue to oppress and keep 1.4 billion people in check. He also continues to take advantage f America’s weakness and their distractions with stupid political issues. I’m no Trumper, but the man did take a stand against China, right or wrong, wrt to trade and addressing their influence, their theft of patent rights and technology, etc. while Joe is happy to just let China bend us over as long as Hunter can do deals with China while pedaling Joe’s influence and getting direct deposits to their bank accounts. And I’m the joke? Try to go deeper into the context of something before you post it, didn’t even really evaluate what was being said and then take off on another one of your hysterical tirades. But you won’t do that, because that’s too low info for you and doesn’t fit into your biased narratives.

Nice try. Trump likes dictators--wishes he could be one. He's made this very obvious for years--and if you haven't noticed you're not very perceptive. This is why he's constantly speaking favorably about them and how they rule with an "iron fist," etc. He's praised Putin many times, mentioned Xi favorable many times, done the same with Orban--an EU pariah and Putin ally. China and Russia are quite obviously U.S. adversaries--with Russia a serious enemy. China is a totalitarian country--has been since 1949. What U.S. president or any presidential candidate as ever regularly mentioned how "smart" and "strong" etc. various dictators are? Nobody does it. Why would they? We don't have dictators in America. How come we never hear the gangster say good things about NATO, or about our deep-rooted allies Britain, France, Japan, many others? He has broached the topic of the U.S. getting out of NATO--that is a Putin wet dream. No American president would EVER suggest that, as NATO membership and support is bedrock U.S. foreign policy and has been since WWII. The gangster fancies himself a strongman--envies dictators--that's why he thinks he should be above and immune to American laws. Wrong. He tried to steal the '20 election--a failed authoritarian move. Upshot: There was no misinterpretation of the context in which trump mentioned Xi---none at all--as we've seen this kind of language from him with various dictators many times.
Joe Biden's weaponized DOJ is committing crimes by throwing innocent people in jail.

These marxists are telling us in plain sight what they're up to and what they deem important. They have not once directed resources toward the failures of the summer of love violence and destruction.
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