2024 Presidential Race

I'm glad more folks are coming around, we've had soldiers getting blown up for Raytheon far longer than the Obama/Biden administrations.
I wonder how many Americans of draft age in 1965 could even find Vietnam on a map.?

How can you expect this generation o kids to fight halfway around the world when the offspring of WWII veterans didn't even want to go die in some rice field in SE Asia? It was a struggl to even gaslight back then.... but today?
How many times do American conservatives and MAGA have to be slapped in the face with the obvious reality that
the gangster is not fit to be a dog catcher, much less president, before they realize the same. How many serious, high-level
officials, past and present, many of them Republicans and many of then individuals who know the gangster and worked with him,
have to say that he's a sick, crazy, undemocratic, corrupt charlatan before MAGA gets the message? This is the former prime minister of England. You
think a former British prime minister, and the former U.S. defense secretary under the gangster--and his former chief of staff, and his former vice president, and nearly all of his former cabinet, would denounce a former president if there weren't manifest reasons for doing so? The gangster is an American embarrassment--and so are the idiots and fools who apparently continue to support that man.

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1. You have to commit crimes to be indicated

2. Isn't Trump arguing as we speak that the POTUS has immunity?

Did you seriously just type the sentence “You have to commit crimes to be indicted”?

That’s not only an inaccurate statement, but a monumentally stupid one as well.

Biden struggling in Michigan as Trump grabs strong lead, poll shows​

President Joe Biden's support is on shaky ground in Michigan, and he trails Republican Donald Trump by 8 percentage points in a head-to-head matchup 10 months before the Nov. 5 election, according to a new statewide poll commissioned by The Detroit News and WDIV-TV (Channel 4).

The survey of 600 likely general election voters in the battleground state found only 17% said Biden, the Democratic incumbent, deserved another term leading the country. That number marked a low for a major public officeholder in modern Michigan political history, said Richard Czuba, founder of Lansing-based Glengariff Group, which conducted the poll.

1. You have to commit crimes to be indicated

2. Isn't Trump arguing as we speak that the POTUS has immunity?

You have to laugh at people who actually pay attention to ANYTHING that comes out of the gangster's mouth. It's either transparently self-serving bull$hit or transparent bull$hit aimed at denigrating someone who is holding him accountable for his corruption, lawbreaking and abject unethical behavior.
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There are a hundred and one reason that the gangster is not fit to be a dog catcher, much less a politician or president again.
This is most definitely one of them--and shows in high relief that the gangster as a little boner for the War Criminal named Putin. There is
only person in the world, essentially, who wants more than anything to break up NATO--and that is the bald-headed dictator of Russia. You
clowns ought to wonder why the gangster has a little peepee boner for a dictator and enemy of American and Europe.

Jürgen Nauditt

NATO is completely "dead" and the US will leave the alliance, Trump said.European Commissioner for Internal Market Thierry Breton said that at the economic forum in Davos in 2020, the ex-president of the USA warned Ursula von der Leyen in a private meeting that the USA would not defend and send its troops to the European Union in case of an attack by Russia. He also added that NATO is "dead" forever."It was a big wake-up call, and it could come back," Breton said of Trump.

the tweet is "amateurs" and another EL fail.

“The only candidates on Nevada’s (presidential preference primary) ballot are those who filed with the Nevada’s Secretary of State’s office to run for president in this election,” read a Clark County press release issued Tuesday. “If a candidate did not file with the Nevada SOS’s office to run in this election, then that candidate’s name cannot appear on the ballot.”

While Clark County did not name names, it is clear who Republican voters might be expecting, but not find.

Trump, Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy and a handful of other White House hopefuls did not file to compete in Nevada’s presidential preference primary. Instead, they will face off in a caucus held by the Nevada Republican Party two days after the state-run primary.

The Nevada Republican Party will use only the caucus results to determine who to award delegates to at their national convention.

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