2024 Presidential Race

How many times do American conservatives and MAGA have to be slapped in the face with the obvious reality that
the gangster is not fit to be a dog catcher, much less president, before they realize the same. How many serious, high-level
officials, past and present, many of them Republicans and many of then individuals who know the gangster and worked with him,
have to say that he's a sick, crazy, undemocratic, corrupt charlatan before MAGA gets the message? This is the former prime minister of England. You
think a former British prime minister, and the former U.S. defense secretary under the gangster--and his former chief of staff, and his former vice president, and nearly all of his former cabinet, would denounce a former president if there weren't manifest reasons for doing so? The gangster is an American embarrassment--and so are the idiots and fools who apparently continue to support that man.

Tony Blair??!! Really??

Who is he to be talking?
He’ll never be President

I semi agree with you. He's very Trump-esque in the fact he'll speak his mind. But he's far less confrontational than Trump. Or does it in a different way.

Trump: "You're wrong and you're stupid." without any context. You get angry even though what you said was stupid.

Vivek: "You're wrong and here's why you're wrong." and proceeds to explain his position. In the end, you feel stupid for asking.

To me, he's saying a lot of the same things Trump does but does it in a far different way. The only people that really don't like him are the ones getting called out.
Unfortunately his remark about Haley is dominating some of the news on this, overshadowing his main point, which is that Trump absolutely can never be allowed into power, again.
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Unfortunately his remark about Haley is dominating some of the news on this, overshadowing his main point, which is that Trump absolutely can never be allowed into power, again.
And he will probably write a book and all the gullible and TDS suffering liberals will buy it up just like they did Liz Cheney's book. Cheney and Cristie will also collect speaking fees for talking about their "newfound" beliefs. Neither will move the needle in the upcoming election but they will make a lot of money off liberal Democrats.
The gangster doesn't seem to get that public officials can't take money from foreign individuals and foreign governments. He
wants to brag about it. The man is completely mental--sick. Corruption is so endemic with him that he has no sense of right and wrong. None. Zero. Amoral.

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Selfish *******

The person commenting is wrong. Trump did not say that he hopes the economy crashes. He said that, "When there's a crash...," he hopes it happens before he is re-elected.

A better politician might have said that when there's a crash, he hopes it's during his administration because he'll handle it far better than his predecessor would. But what he did say was just common sense and how 98% of politicians think. They don't want to get the blame for someone else's mess.

Seems fairly obvious that Trump was saying that a crash was inevitable and he'd rather it happen on Biden's watch.
Liz Cheney has been asked if she’s running for president, and her emphatic answer has been “no.” Still, her voting record in Congress, her character make her ideal for restoring a post-Trump Republican Party. She’s shrugged off any detritus from being Dick’s daughter. She has more balls than any Republican man with Presidential aspirations. She could be the first female Commander in Chief.

Let’s face it, a write-in candidate will not win. States’ rules for write-ins make it practically impossible. If a groundswell of write-ins put Liz Cheney in primary contention by gross count (allowed or not), she won’t be drafted in the Republican Convention (will they even have one?). So, why the exercise in futility?

It will set up Liz for 2028, when no incumbent will be on the ballot. It will demonstrate Republicans’ commitment to free and fair elections and our republic. It will sow seeds among independents, whose numbers are swelling each passing day (I’m an independent since enfranchisement. What was uncool has become cool. Soon, people identifying as independent will be greater than card carrying members of either party.).

So, write in Liz? What say you?

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