2024 Presidential Race

We'll hear trumpeting by the angels if Biden is reelected. I think he made a mistake to seek a second term--I wish Obama had talked him out of it---but if reelected the country will be VASTLY better off. The alternative would be truly ruinous. MAGA apparently think that gays, blacks and immigrants will disappear--or all be deported--if the gangster is elected again. The people of the woods are a fearful lot. That, of course, is not going to happen. MAGA are the self-style "patriots" that get their dirty panties in a wad when black football players kneel or blacks protest illegitimate force by police officers (and I respect the police, fyi)---but they're A-OK with a redneck mob attacking the U.S. Capitol--at Trump's behest, after Trump lies--and getting people killed.

What's that smell? Ahhh, yes......the stink of hypocrisy.
Bless your heart.
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LOL ... Been over this just last week. BTW, sounds like she's pushing for more lib DEI crap.
Been over what, the fact you continue to post tweets you don't read/listen to from clickbait accounts? We realize you're a low info voter but don't try to drag the rest of the board down with you

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