2024 Presidential Race

Ha---the usual nonsense from a nonsense poster.
You’re absolutely right. Most normal people try to ruin another man’s life by claiming, erroneously, he was responsible for the deaths of your wife and daughter. Most good people are forced to end their Presidential campaign because they get caught up in a plagiarism scandal. Most good people have spent decades making blatantly racist remarks, not to mention supporting racist policies. Joe Biden, a man of character if I’ve ever seen one.
You’re absolutely right. Most normal people try to ruin another man’s life by claiming, erroneously, he was responsible for the deaths of your wife and daughter. Most good people are forced to end their Presidential campaign because they get caught up in a plagiarism scandal. Most good people have spent decades making blatantly racist remarks, not to mention supporting racist policies. Joe Biden, a man of character if I’ve ever seen one.
You’re absolutely right. Most normal people try to ruin another man’s life by claiming, erroneously, he was responsible for the deaths of your wife and daughter. Most good people are forced to end their Presidential campaign because they get caught in a plagiarism scandal. Most good people have spent decades making blatantly racist remarks, not to mention supporting racist policies. Joe Biden, a man of character if he be her seen one.

That's the best you've got? Seriously? Seriously? Books could be compiled--have been compiled--on the corruption, lawbreaking, malfeasance and general immorality etc etc. of Trump. The list is practically endless. He is a man who is more loyal to our longtime enemy than to the interests of America. He tried to overthrow the U.S. government and is responsible for the deaths of police officers. His corruption and dishonesty is off the charts. Twice impeached. Do I really need to summarize it all--it takes too long.

Against this you want to bring up a Biden plagiarism episode from, what, 30 years ago? He took words from someone else's speech? Oh, my! Why isn't he in prison for such a horrible offense! Please.

Racist comments? When did Biden last make a racist comment--and what was it? I do chuckle at Earls who support Trump precisely because he's a racist/white supremacist--tell me it's not true---and want to claim that Biden's a racist. Truly laughable. The MAGA black-is-white world.

You post is precisey why nobody with a brain takes MAGA seriously---a group that gladly embraces en masse idiocy in the name of politics. As for your second sentence about Biden ruining some dude's life, I have no idea what you're talking about--but I'm sure it's something from very long ago thats been distorted by the comical minds of MAGA.
That's the best you've got? Seriously? Seriously? Books could be compiled--have been compiled--on the corruption, lawbreaking, malfeasance and general immorality etc etc. of Trump. The list is practically endless. He is a man who is more loyal to our longtime enemy than to the interests of America. He tried to overthrow the U.S. government and is responsible for the deaths of police officers. His corruption and dishonesty is off the charts. Twice impeached. Do I really need to summarize it all--it takes too long.

Against this you want to bring up a Biden plagiarism episode from, what, 30 years ago? He took words from someone else's speech? Oh, my! Why isn't he in prison for such a horrible offense! Please.

Racist comments? When did Biden last make a racist comment--and what was it? I do chuckle at Earls who support Trump precisely because he's a racist/white supremacist--tell me it's not true---and want to claim that Biden's a racist. Truly laughable. The MAGA black-is-white world.

You post is precisey why nobody with a brain takes MAGA seriously---a group that gladly embraces en masse idiocy in the name of politics. As for your second sentence about Biden ruining some dude's life, I have no idea what you're talking about--but I'm sure it's something from very long ago thats been distorted by the comical minds of MAGA.
This has nothing to do with Donald Trump. He’s a POS that has zero business being anywhere near the White House. This is about Joe Biden and his long history of also being a POS. Everything that I listed is easily verifiable by using google. But I guess Columbia didn’t educate well enough to know how to use a search engine. Also, your response is exactly why no one here has ever taken you seriously, no matter what username you’ve posted under. Whether it’s Mick, Tastylicks, or turbovol.
Biden is far more coherent than the gangster--a man who waves to a nonexistent crowd, a man who salutes for no reasons and babbles idiotically every day. If Biden were completely incapacitated like Woodrow Wilson--and he's perfectly fine---he and his administration would be 1000 times more professional, more competent, more American than the the gangster and his next gang of corrupt crazies. Fact. A list of the reasons that the gangster is unfit for dogcatcher, much less president, would go to 100 pages---an adjudicated rapist, convicted of tax fraud, twice impeached, deeply corrupt, tried to overthrow the U.S. government and got police officers killed, on and on and on----and against this the Earls hang onto the fact that Biden is old. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 . The Earls are truly funny.
You really are a special kind of stupid
Stupid people don’t graduate from Columbia and live in million dollar houses.

And forgot one. Was a scholarship athlete at UT.

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