2024 Presidential Race

Stupid people don’t graduate from Columbia and live in million dollar houses.

And forgot one. Was a scholarship athlete at UT.
They must not teach common sense in Columbia. Dont believe everything you read on a message board. Especially if if comes from a low life liberal troll.
And you don't think it's cooked if Biden gets another 4?

We'll hear trumpeting by the angels if Biden is reelected. I think he made a mistake to seek a second term--I wish Obama had talked him out of it---but if reelected the country will be VASTLY better off. The alternative would be truly ruinous. MAGA apparently think that gays, blacks and immigrants will disappear--or all be deported--if the gangster is elected again. The people of the woods are a fearful lot. That, of course, is not going to happen. MAGA are the self-style "patriots" that get their dirty panties in a wad when black football players kneel or blacks protest illegitimate force by police officers (and I respect the police, fyi)---but they're A-OK with a redneck mob attacking the U.S. Capitol--at Trump's behest, after Trump lies--and getting people killed.

What's that smell? Ahhh, yes......the stink of hypocrisy.
We'll hear trumpeting by the angels if Biden is reelected. I think he made a mistake to seek a second term--I wish Obama had talked him out of it---but if reelected the country will be VASTLY better off. The alternative would be truly ruinous. MAGA apparently think that gays, blacks and immigrants will disappear--or all be deported--if the gangster is elected again. The people of the woods are a fearful lot. That, of course, is not going to happen. MAGA are the self-style "patriots" that get their dirty panties in a wad when black football players kneel or blacks protest illegitimate force by police officers (and I respect the police, fyi)---but they're A-OK with a redneck mob attacking the U.S. Capitol--at Trump's behest, after Trump lies--and getting people killed.

What's that smell? Ahhh, yes......the stink of hypocrisy.

Unless you stop posting there I don't think anyone will be confused if gays have disappeared and that's ok.
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We'll hear trumpeting by the angels if Biden is reelected. I think he made a mistake to seek a second term--I wish Obama had talked him out of it---but if reelected the country will be VASTLY better off. The alternative would be truly ruinous. MAGA apparently think that gays, blacks and immigrants will disappear--or all be deported--if the gangster is elected again. The people of the woods are a fearful lot. That, of course, is not going to happen. MAGA are the self-style "patriots" that get their dirty panties in a wad when black football players kneel or blacks protest illegitimate force by police officers (and I respect the police, fyi)---but they're A-OK with a redneck mob attacking the U.S. Capitol--at Trump's behest, after Trump lies--and getting people killed.

What's that smell? Ahhh, yes......the stink of hypocrisy.
Who thinks gays blacks and immigrants will disappear? WTF are you talking about? Did Warren tweet that to you?
We'll hear trumpeting by the angels if Biden is reelected. I think he made a mistake to seek a second term--I wish Obama had talked him out of it---but if reelected the country will be VASTLY better off. The alternative would be truly ruinous. MAGA apparently think that gays, blacks and immigrants will disappear--or all be deported--if the gangster is elected again. The people of the woods are a fearful lot. That, of course, is not going to happen. MAGA are the self-style "patriots" that get their dirty panties in a wad when black football players kneel or blacks protest illegitimate force by police officers (and I respect the police, fyi)---but they're A-OK with a redneck mob attacking the U.S. Capitol--at Trump's behest, after Trump lies--and getting people killed.

What's that smell? Ahhh, yes......the stink of hypocrisy.
Can you show us where Trump told anyone to attack the Capitol? Also can you show us where supposed MAGA are acting like gays, blacks and immigrants will disappear? Do you honestly think everyone who supports the MAGA are from the woods? Why do you constantly engage in conjecture to durthwr your low IQ narrative? You give the good liberals on this board a bad name.
Do you think that perhaps the twitter feed of trump war room is biased? Why would you folllow that? It's like waking up and asking to be spoon fed what you already believe. Gross.
LOL .... I'm not "following that". It happens to be on X when I scroll down to see what's on the page of different items available to share. But thxs for your concern though ...
Do you think that perhaps the twitter feed of trump war room is biased? Why would you folllow that? It's like waking up and asking to be spoon fed what you already believe. Gross.
Pretty much on par with Biden’s Wins lol.

Tell me what I wanna hear. I need more cowbell!
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