2024 Presidential Race

This is pretty much as close as you'll get.

"I wish we as Republicans had a nominee I could get behind, because I certainly can't get behind DT."

Sensational headlines are nothing new, but she makes it clear she does not like Trump.

She's left the party before. This wouldn't be the first time
Interviewer: "What is your relationship to god?"

Trump: "Well, I have a bunch of supporters who are as dumb as rocks and terrifyingly gullible, and they are always praying for me. And religion....
religion...it's such a great thing." 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 😭 😭 😭 😭 :cool:

The actual audio must be an absolute sh!tshow.

We already know what was said.
-It’s not a matter of confidential information.
-It’s not a matter of protecting a witness’s testimony.

The only thing the audio would reveal would be how the answers were given.

Train wreck I’m sure. To be going to these lengths to keep it hidden.
OMG.... am I really reading that Biden is saying that he is going to address the "border issue" today? How freaking stupid do his handlers think Americans are?
I thought they already announced he was taking executive action?

You know - the thing he said he couldn’t do?

The whole reason we needed @lawgator1 ’s Foreign Wars Bill passed through Congress…
It’s almost as if America has gotten more xenophobic under Biden. Weird .

America more xenophobic? Absolutely. However, it began with Trump, remember his Kung Flu jab at China (which personally, I think the COVID did start there)? And his embracing of hate groups, and now his fanning the flames of immigrants as vermin? Since Trump hit the scene bigotry, racism, hate, even domestic terrorism increase. That's not to say Bitten is innocent in all this, but the catalyst DJT. Especially the jump in shootings at public gatherings like grocery store, the cinema, malls, and elsewhere. True Republicans as opposed to RepubLiars are politically, personally, MAGA-mob are both horrifies and terrified of the Tangerine Terror.
America more xenophobic? Absolutely. However, it began with Trump, remember his Kung Flu jab at China (which personally, I think the COVID did start there)? And his embracing of hate groups, and now his fanning the flames of immigrants as vermin? Since Trump hit the scene bigotry, racism, hate, even domestic terrorism increase. That's not to say Bitten is innocent in all this, but the catalyst DJT. Especially the jump in shootings at public gatherings like grocery store, the cinema, malls, and elsewhere. True Republicans as opposed to RepubLiars are politically, personally, MAGA-mob are both horrifies and terrified of the Tangerine Terror.
America more xenophobic? Absolutely. However, it began with Trump, remember his Kung Flu jab at China (which personally, I think the COVID did start there)? And his embracing of hate groups, and now his fanning the flames of immigrants as vermin? Since Trump hit the scene bigotry, racism, hate, even domestic terrorism increase. That's not to say Bitten is innocent in all this, but the catalyst DJT. Especially the jump in shootings at public gatherings like grocery store, the cinema, malls, and elsewhere. True Republicans as opposed to RepubLiars are politically, personally, MAGA-mob are both horrifies and terrified of the Tangerine Terror.
Wow. Right over your head .

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